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2023.09.04 ~ 2024.01.05
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 252人已参与






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期末考试截止时间 2024-01-15 18:00






By 汤嘉惠 老师 12-06 1884次浏览

Write down your analysis of characterization of Rainsford and General Zaroff. You can collect textual evidence on his appearance, his identity, his residence, his lifestyle, his creeds, his words, and his deeds to support your analysis.

111 回复

  • 82220433许宇航 12-14

    Rainsford is a unflappable person.He could stay calm even in a difficult situation.He also is a wise man,because he does not flee all the time when Zaroff hunts him and he tries to do somethings to defend himself.He is optimist.Though his four traps do not work very well,he still keep him in a hopeful situation.He is brave who wants to end the Zaroff’s hunting game and fights with Zaroff.

    Zaroff is a man who is cold-blood,arrogant.He thinks he can hold the things control.Whereas things are out control.He is a educated man who reads a lot of books.He likes exciting things but does not respect human lifes.He makes himself pleasure by hunting humanbeings.

  • 82220314李周冰 12-14

    I think Rainsford is an experienced and very flexible hunter who can make corresponding countermeasures based on the surrounding environment and Zaroff's actions. His Malay catchers, Burmese tiger traps, and local Uganda trips, as well as his final victory, are the best proof of these.

    I think Zaroff is a cruel and contradictory person. He treats this hunting game that concerns human life as a game to play, and even if his hunting dog dies in the middle, he has no regrets. His seemingly polite words hide an extremely cruel heart

  • 82220107仇馨冉 12-14

    I think Rainsford is an experienced hunter, he has a very sensitive intuition, very rich experience in the field life, can use the things around the trap.

    General Zaroff was a very charming man, and at the same time, on the surface, he was very polite and very gentlemanly, and he was very knowledgeable and knew many languages. In fact, he was a demon who made a game of taking people's lives.

  • 82220112韩恒 12-14

    Rainsford is intelligent and level-headed hunter, he can win the hunting game, he mastered the placement of many kinds of traps. He aslo is brave, he chanlleged genral a duel though he was escaped.

    General Zaroff is cruel,expericed, over-confidence. He think hunting people just is a game, people's life in his eyes compare to another animals, and he can alwalys find Rainsford's step, so he is expericed hunter.


  • 82220308高新迪 12-14

    I think Rainsford is a very intelligent person. In very dangerous situations, he can defeat the general, which is a very difficult thing, but he did it. And he has a high degree of self-control. Even when he thinks that the general is just playing with him and can kill him at any time, he can still calm himself down and ultimately fight back, which is admirable.
    Zaroff is inherently cold and arrogant, believing that Rainford will never escape his grasp, so why not give him two more chances. He treats life as a game and is very indifferent. The one who loses in his game can be used to feed his hunting dog.

  • 82220219雍晓雪 12-14

    I think Rainsford was a resourceful solider and had professional skills.He could think of proper tricks to help him escape from General Zaroff.He could analyse his situation calmly even though he was nervous and felt at bay.

    I think General Zaroff was a hypocritical,arrogant and condescending person.He was also so indifferent that he regarded persons like Rainsford as animals.He hunted humans for fun cruelly.He thought himself as the winner all the time.But he was an educated person at the same time because of his taste and ability of language,music and books.

  • 82220218杨奕 12-14

    Rainsford was very brave, clear-sight and resourceful. He knew he was at a disvantage to the general, he still accompanied the general to play the hunting game for the survival. Also, he installed many tricks and won the final victory.  He was careful enough to remind himself many times to stay nerve.

    General Zaroff is cruel, indiferent, arrogant, condescending. Before the game, he already thought he would win tha hunting game. So he seemed to supply Rainsford with hunting clothes, food, a knife. And when he was snared, and he acts like he knew all about these hunting tricks. He  showed no sympathy and sorrow to the hound and Ivan that sacrificed for him.


  • 82220404范伊雯 12-15

    I think Rainsford is a an experienced hunter, as he is familiar with escape and counterattack techniques, like fox and tiger pit. when he is in the game, he will be well involved in it, turning a passive situation into an active one.
    I think Zaroff is hypocritical. The way he talks and behaves exhibits a strong contrast between his nobility and his hypocritical and cruel heart..Even though he is wounded by Rainsford, he still has to defend his pride to hide his inner panic.


  • 82220403陈天敏 12-15

    I think Rainsford is an experienced hunter who sets all kinds of unexpected traps, while slyly using the things around him to protect himself. Zarov, on the other hand, is a polite and cultured man, but he is too proud and arrogant to accept other people's advice, which actually hurts him.

  • 82220109戴诗曼 12-17

    Rainford is smart and resourceful, and he had the courage to win the game. He knows how to use what's around him。

    The General, on the surface, is a gentleman and a supremely confident man who believes he can win the game, but fails。

  • 82220222赵光媛 12-17

    General Zaroff :Firstly, I think he is well-educated,he can speak English , Russian , French ,at least he could speak three languages, what's more, he read books to soothe himself which meant he was literate. Secondly,he is intelligent, he knew the trick that Rainsford made him and extricated himself. Thirdly,he is elegant, he spoke very politely, like"But, my dear fellow, and but may I venture to suggest that…". He took a drink of brandy from a silver flask. Fourthly, he lacked of empathy,he was cruel, he took Rainsford as a quarry.

    Rainsford: Firstly, he was intelligent,he knew different kinds of trick to extricate himself from pursuer. Secondly,he was composed,every time he was in danger, he always calmed himself down to come up with ideas. 

  • 82220335张莹莹 12-17

    Rainsford was a calm and intelligent man. When he found himself the target, he did not panic, on the contrary, he was cold and calm, constantly looking for a solution to the problem. He used his rich experience to create many traps and avoid disaster again and again.


    Zarov is a vain and contradictory man. The few times he was able to catch Rainsford, he did not catch him directly, but let him escape and then catch him again, like a wild animal playing with its prey.

  • 82220318乔梓桐 12-17

    I think Rainsford is an experienced hunter and his use of Malay traps and Burmese tiger pits proves it. Secondly, he is smart and observant, good at using things around him to attack and protect. He is also a very brave and decisive person, as can be seen from his choice to jump into the sea.

    Zarov appears to be a well-educated aristocrat with a polite manner. He liked to play with other people's lives and ignored them. After Ivan's death, he was not sad, but worried that he could not find someone to replace him. At the same time, treating people as prey and playing games with their lives at stake is a cold and heartless person.

  • 82220101卞丽芸 12-17

    I think Rainsford is intelligent .He can skillfully use the tools around him to create traps against Zaroff such as playing a fox, making a Malay man-cather, Burmese tiger pit and so on. The skillful usage of these woodcrafts shows that he is intelligent. He has a strong sense of self-esteem and is competitive.

    I think General Zaroff is a gental but cruel person. He saw Rainsford as a hunted animal instead of a living person. For General Zaroff, there is only hunter game. Everyone entered it only can be a hunted. So he is very indifferent and even cruel.

  • 82220103岑彤 12-18

    I think Rainsford is an experienced hunter, because he could use all the lore of fox hunt and dodges of the fox to mislead  General Zaroff. Then he made three traps to battle with Zaroff. First, he made a Malay man-catcher to hurt Zaroff. Second, his Burmese tiger pit had claimed one of Zaroff’s best dogs. Third, he used a native trick he had learned in Uganda, which killed Ivan. Finally, he won the game.

    I think General Zaroff is overconfident, cruel, hypocritical and indifferent. Because he saw hunting humans as a game and enjoyed it. Although he had received good education  and has a good taste, he is arrogant deep in heart.

  • 82220227朱雯轩 12-20

    Rainsford is a hunter with rich hunting experience, his wisdom and courage, although he entered the island alone, without any weapons, without any help, but he is still calm and calm in the face of cruel opponents - General Zaroff, and finally, Ruisford saved the danger to defeat the general, won the game, and won the chance to survive. General Zaloff, who is a seemingly civilized speech and manners, elegant style, well-educated and high status aristocrat, he is very warm to Risford, and considerate service. But in reality, he is an extremely cruel, bloody and dangerous character.

  • 82220228邹佳琪 12-20

      I think Rainsford is an intelligent hunter with great experience. Because he is capable of setting some traps, such as the Malay man-catcher, the Burmese tiger, and what he learned in Uganda, which can help him escape capture.

      General Zaroff is self-centered and arrogant. He thinks that no one can defeat him. Also, he is disregard for human life , he didn't think Ivan's life was as important as his hounds.

  • 82220106程雯卿 12-24

    I think Rainsford is a dynamic and adventurous hunter who is brave, intelligent and has a strong sense of morality.There is military rigour and discipline, as is evident from his standing and demeanor.His identity as a hunter is reflected in his skills and experience.He is a man who travels around the world, which makes him rich in experience and knowledge.His residence is not fixed, which shows that he is a man who likes to take risks and challenges.His creed is the pursuit of truth and justice, which is manifested in his actions and decisions.
    Zaroff is a tall, thin man.He is a man who travels around the world, which makes him rich in experience and knowledge.His residence is not fixed, which shows that he is a man who likes to take risks and challenges.His creed is the pursuit of truthand justice, which is manifested in his actions and decisions.Zaroff is a tall, lanky man with a black beard and deep eyes, Zaroff's appearance gives a sinister and cunning feel, and at the same time, he's conceited that no one will turn him down.Zaroff is a scientist and inventor who has a high passion and pursuit for science and technology. His residence is a high-tech castle, which reflects his dependence and pursuit of technology.His luxurious and complex lifestyle shows that he is a rich and ambitious man.His creed is the supremacy of science and technology, which is reflected in his fanatical pursuit of science and technology.

  • 82220316刘诗雨 12-25

    I think Rainsford is a cautious, experienced hunter who has struggled to remain calm while being pursued by the general and did not give up hope when stuck in the death swamp, using the experience to climb up on his own. The general, on the other hand, is a vicious, cruel, but well-educated man, who cares little for human life, who values his hounds more than men, who drinks brandy, sings opera, and speaks as if he had received a good education.

  • 82220207王逸轩 12-26

    I think Rainsford is a man with intelligence and very strong mind.During the process of being hunted down and killed he stayed calm despite his panic and used his intelligence and knowledge to set many traps and eventually won the game.
    Zaroff is a hypocrite.He seems to be educated, but is in fact a savage primitive.He hunts others for fun and has no respect for their lives.However, I have to admit that he is a bloodthirsty guy, and until the last moment he wanted to fight with rainsford in a life-and-death battle.

  • 82220415乔雨悦 01-05

    Rainsford was a calm, clever and brave man, but he was not kind. He was able to evade Zaroff in extreme conditions, set traps, and eventually kill Zaroff. Zaroff is a cruel and cruel man, he is very arrogant, condescending, and indifferent to human life. He was wounded in the hunt for Rainsford, and he was killed finally.

