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2023.09.04 ~ 2024.01.05
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
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期末考试截止时间 2024-01-15 18:00






By 汤嘉惠 老师 12-06 1882次浏览

Write down your analysis of characterization of Rainsford and General Zaroff. You can collect textual evidence on his appearance, his identity, his residence, his lifestyle, his creeds, his words, and his deeds to support your analysis.

111 回复

  • 822220328徐慈悦 12-10

    Rainsford was resourceful and purposeful. He understood the strength of the general in the first encounter with the general, so he immediately reacted, a passive escape will only cause failure, only the conversion of attack and defense, there is a chance of life. In such a critical situation, he still thought of many effective and simple traps.

    Zarrof was arrogant and hypocritical. When he forced Rainsford to take part in his cruel games, he put on a show of false mercy. He paints the game of torture as a competitive game of equal strength. He's a lunatic. All his gentlemanliness and appreciation of literature and art are his disguises, and his only source of pleasure is torture.

  • 82220428文静静 12-10

    I think Zaroff is a very hypocritical, very arrogant person. He advised Rainsford, in a very arrogant manner, to give him weapons and tell him not to do something. After his shoulder was smashed, he still had a condescending attitude, blind confidence that he would win. Zaroff is also a very cold person. When he sees Ivan dead and Rainsford jumping into the sea, he does not show any sadness, but sings a tune and enjoys his dinner.

    I think Rainsford is a very mentally strong, very experienced hunter. From the beginning of the escape, Rainsford tried to leave some wrong signals to mislead Zaroff. Later, Rainsford took the initiative to hurt Zaroff, dig a trap to kill the hound, and stab the giant Ivan to death with a sharp sword. He told himself again and again to calm down, achieved effective results, and finally won the game.

  • 82220325王姝童 12-10

    Rainsford is an intelligent hunter with extensive hunting experience and the ability to use his surroundings flexibly. He kept himself calm and used traps such as Malay man-catcher and Burmese tiger pit to fight Zaroff. Finally, with his calmness and bravery, he fooled the general into thinking he was dead, and succeeded in killing and replacing Zaroff when Zaroff let down his guard.

    I think Zaroff is a cold-blooded, hypocritical, arrogant and conceited person.To others it was killing, but to him it was just a game. A man's life isn't as important to him as his hound.He made it look like he was inviting Rainsford to the game, but he didn't really give Rainsford the right to say no. Zaroff was polite, but in reality he was hypocritical.He was always condescending and arrogant in his praise of Rainsford, while showing extreme confidence that he was winning the game.

  • 82220432徐文文 12-10

    I think Rainsford is a resourceful hunter,  he makes full use of things around to make traps so that the general has a sense of crisis. He always keeps calm.Although he encountered difficulties ,he does not give up easily.When he is repeatedly frustrated from the passive situation, he chooses to take the initiative. Finally,he win.

    Zeroff is a condescending aristocrat. He is cold-blooded and ruthless. He does not care about other people's lives. But he is a resourceful hunter, and he knows that Rainsford uses the tricks.

  • 82220330徐群岚 12-10

    I think Rainsford is a good hunter. He is smart and experienced.This can be seen from the fact that he made several traps from various places.For example,the Malay man-catcher and the fox circle.

    General Zaroff is a very conflicted man.He takes the hunting game very seriously even to the point of madness.But he's willing to bet. He was willing to give his life to meet someone more capable than himself.

  • 82220416秦芷悦 12-10

      I think the general is a cruel, perverted man.On the one hand, he is a gentleman of high society, on the other hand, he is a bloodthirsty hunter who likes to play "games".His character is paradoxical and false, and he himself enjoys the pleasure that this hypocrisy gives him.In his favorite "game," he disdains human life for pleasure, and his true nature is exposed.

      Rainsford is a very smart and capable man, in this so-called game, he used his wisdom and the general, escape again and again, enough to show his superior ability.His clever use of traps, the hope of victory, changed his role in the game from prey to hunter.

  • 82220414毛乐瑶 12-10

    I think Rainsford is a calm, witty, and brave person. In the game with the general, his hands and face were scratched by branches, and he was in a chasing position in the game. I think he is the general's servant. He lives on trees in the game and uses his intelligence to save his life. He uses all conditions in the forest to survive, After escaping, he chose to return to the general's residence, chose to continue the game, and won the general.

    I think General Zaroff is an arrogant, bloodthirsty, and indifferent person. He treats the pursuit of people as a game and has a playful attitude in the game. At the same time, he leisurely walks in the pursuit, repeatedly giving Rainsford opportunities. He will return to his comfortable residence at night to recover his strength. After the death of his other servant and hunting dog, there is not much emotional fluctuation, and he chooses to continue enjoying life, Not making good use of one's own strengths to eliminate future troubles, resulting in being killed by Rainsford at the end of the game and losing to one's own arrogance.

  • 82220405谷鹏 12-10

    I think Rainsford is an experienced hunter because he was able to use the tricks of the fox to help him escape. He could make a Malay man-catcher and a Burmese tiger pit. Secondly, I think he is brave and calm. When he was discovered by the general, he kept his composure and tried to get rid of him.

    I think General Zaroff is a hypocritical man. When he asked Rainsford to play hunting with him,saying it all depended on what Rainsford thinks, but that was not the case. Secondly, he is condescending, he gave Rainsford a variety of his advice before the game began. Because he did not think he would lose at all, and looked at Rainsford with a superior attitude.

  • 82220413陆瑜宣 12-10

    Rainsford is a hunter with rich hunting experience, he is both smart and brave, although a single person into the island, without any weapons, without any help, but he is still calm and composed to face the cruel opponent General Zaroff, and finally, Rainsford saved the danger and defeated the  General. General Zaroff was an outwardly mild-mannered man, but in fact a conceited man. There is a "bloodlust", there is a desire to overcome and dominate others, he is a psychologically distorted person.

  • 82220212吴梦婉 12-11

    General, a overconfident and self-centered man, like the feeling of controling others lives. He considered himself was the most intelligent and most attractive people. Such as while Rainsford rejected him, he seems hurt. Because he didn't think that anyone would reject him. He is also a crazy man. He asked Rainsford to play a hunting game. It meant one of them would die in this game. That was so cruel.

    Rainsford, a clever and brave man, didn't flinch from facing up to trouble. In this game, we can see that Rainsford had a lot of knowledge of woodcraft, and he also had strength and stamina. Maybe sometimes he felt fearful, but he always told himself "calm down". So he is very intelligent and brave.

  • 苏弘毅 12-11

    Zaroff was originally a general under the tsarist regime. After the overthrow of the tsar, he fled Russia. He was obsessed with hunting. He enjoys the thrill of his prey when it is caught and hunted by him, and he craves bloody killings. Zaroff rescued shipwrecked travelers with the appearance of a courteous and well-spoken gentleman, and then hunted them down with cruelty and coldness. He likes to feel in control of other people's lives. He likes the power of ruling the weak as the strong.
    Rainsford is a well-known American hunter. He is experienced and adept at using his experience in various hunts to reduce his tracks and use the environment to create traps to fight back. He was brave and resourceful, and he did not hesitate to jump into the sea to get rid of the general's pursuit and confuse the general. Then he swimmed back to the General's villa to ambush and kill the General. He was a decisive and rational person. Realizing that the general was brutally hunting the travelers, he fought back decisively.

  • 82220309顾韵琴 12-11

    Although Zaroff's speech and behavior were extremely polite on the surface, his heart was extremely barbaric and bloody. There was a striking contradiction between Zaroff's speech and his inner thoughts: polite in speech, but savage in thought; Elegant, but cruel. This appearance shows meticulousness, caring, polite, gentle, can not hide Zaroff's evil barbaric, cruel and bloody nature.
    Rainsford is a passionate, honest and optimistic young man, in the face of a variety of thrilling dangers, he always holds a strong desire to survive, to maintain full confidence and calm. Although he was in a disadvantageous position, he turned the disadvantageous position into an advantage with his calm, resourceful and heroic, and finally saved the danger, turned the crisis around, won the victory and got the right to survive.

  • 82220401曹新怡 12-11

    I think Rainsford is a very competitive hunter, he can use the right things around him to avoid Zaroff's trap.

    Zaroff  is a cruel man who delights in hunting down hunters, chasing them to an island, provoking Rainsford by saying that he will win, and is also cold and heartless, and everyone's life is less important than his hound.

  • 82220436张星宇 12-11

    Rainsford was a calm man.He used the techniques of the fox, the horse catcher and the Burmese tiger pits to design the general.Even if he was found out by the general every time, he still did not give up, and finally won the game against the general.

    General Zalov was a false, arrogant and cold-blooded man.He could have killed Rainsford, but he played Rainsford.After the death of his servant and hound, he did not have much emotion.

  • 82220306崔讯 12-11

    Zaroff said in a questioning tone but with the undeniable answer proves that he is a hypocritical person. He told Rainsford a lot before hunting and asked Ivan to prepare equipment for Rainsford proves that he was an arrogant person. He expressed regret about the death of his hunting dog, but did not regret the deaths of others, proving that he was a ruthless and cold-blooded person.

    Rainsford was constantly trying to prove that he had a strong desire for survival while running away, and he was able to remain calm when he saw Zaroff escaping his trap. Afterwards, he was able to cleverly turn his situation into a safe one, proving that he was a strategic person.

  • 82220302陈雅典 12-11

    The general viewed things are casually that the life or death of his favorite hound, Ivan and Rainsford is indifferent.  The general viewed the world just like a naughty boy which cruellyh released his vice surrounding close people, but  appreciated the world in romantic ways by reading books and  read hums instead of touching his life.

    The rainsford, I think, is a justice to this kind of people.  He can take challenge to the something vicious instead of waiting for death and spoiling to death. So, in the end, he used his whole life's lore which he experienced all the dead places study to kille the general. He is resourceful.

  • 82220412刘洁 12-11

    Rainsford is an experienced hunter, he can make many kinds of traps from Asia, like Mlay men culcher.and he is also very calm, always warning himself to stay calm, although the general was very happy when he seemed to fall into a trap, he also controlled himself.

    The general was undoubtedly a gentleman and always condescending, but at the same time he was affected by the war and became inhuman, using people to play hunting games, and he was hypocritical, pretending to be calm when he was hurt by traps.

  • 82220338周晨雨 12-11

    I think General Zarov is very arrogant, from the description in the article, the general could have killed Rainsford directly, but he played a game with Rainsford and gave Rainsford some equipment. When the general first found Rainsford, he even intentionally let Rainsford run away.
    Rainsford is very careful and clever, he does not give up because of the disparity, but uses the terrain and his own tools to create a trap, and finally succeeds in killing the general.

  • 82220312李金阳 12-11

    General Zaroff is described as a "middle-aged man," with "singularly handsome" and "high-bred face."

    Possesses a cultured and refined demeanor.He believes in the pursuit of the most dangerous game as the ultimate thrill.He hates traditional hunting, and for this reason, he carries out the act of hunting human beings on the island, and he enjoys the process of hunting, rather than simply killing, which can be seen from his ruthless, crazy and cold-blooded character.He gives the prey enough props and information before the start of the hunt, showing his arrogant character.

    Rainsford is described as a skilled hunter with a keen understanding of the outdoors.He is"Tall, athletic," and possessing a "cultivated voice and a gracious manner."In the text, he is very proficient in the making of traps and escape in the hunt, it can be seen that he is also a seasoned hunter, so when he becomes a prey, he can constantly seek opportunities to break the game and escape the pursuit of the general.This shows his character of never giving up. When chased by the general to the beach, he jumped into the sea and swam back to the general's mansion, and finally ended the general's freedom, showing his bravery and his character of revenge.

  • 82220113黄婧涵 12-11

    I think Rainsford is a witty, brave and self-respecting hunter, he can quickly find his hiding place, and can skillfully use the tools around him, according to his own environment to create traps, such as playing fox, using Malay hair, Burmese tiger pits, etc. to protect his own safety, and I think that although he knew that the general was to keep him for one more day for fun, he did not give up on himself, but concentrated more on using his intelligence, Finally jump into the river to win this hunting game.
    General Zalov was a condescending and arrogant man, relying on his extraordinary ability to search for traces, and the help of Ivan and the hounds, he did not take Rensford seriously, but deliberately kept him for an extra day just for his own amusement, but in the end, when Rennesford won the victory, he did not show sincere congratulations.


  • 82220114金桓宇 12-11

    I think Rainsford is a good hunter. He is smart and experienced. he was able to use the tricks of the fox to help him escape. He could make a Malay man-catcher and a Burmese tiger pit. Secondly, I think he is brave and calm. When he was discovered by the general, he kept his composure and tried to get rid of him.

    Zaroff's speech and behavior were extremely polite on the surface, his heart was extremely barbaric and bloody. He could have killed Rainsford, but he played Rainsford. And he was hypocritical, pretending to be calm when he was hurt by traps.

  • 82220111丁小晗 12-11

    I think Rainsford was an intelligent and experience person, because he was good at laying traps. In round 2 and round 3, he made a Malay man-catcher and a native trick he learned in Uganda. At the same time, he was also a level-headed person, because he could keep calm down quickly during his escape.

    I think General Zae off was a cruel and experienced person, because he treated life like a hunting game and didn't care about life. When his hound died, he did not show regreat for the death. In hunting, he just got a little hurt in the traps which Rainsford set.

  • 82220204王穗 12-11

    I think Rainsford is a brave and resourceful man who dares to face and overcome his fears. He also has the quality of perseverance.He was forced to accept the general's unreasonable game and struggled to survive for his own life. He cleverly used the various survival techniques and trap making methods he had learned so that the general was injured and even killed Ivan, and the daring move of jumping into the river to save his life was outstanding, which undoubtedly reflected that he was enough to be a protagonist.

    I think General Zarov is a cold, self-centered, hypocritical and cruel overlord. His proposal to play the "hunter game" with Rainsford is in fact not really seeking Rainsford's opinion, but to satisfy the perverted desires of his heart with self-help propositions, and the careless smoking and disdainful eyes when forcing Rainsford to agree show this point. During the first round of the chase, General Ning Ming had already discovered Rainsford's hiding place. But he did not kill him, not to let him off, but to make the game more interesting and fun, which shows that he is hypocritical and cruel. Not to mention the fact that his subsequent rage was due to the death of a brilliant hound, whose life was more important to him than a human's.

  • 82220206王亦柔 12-11

    I think Rainsford is an experienced hunter who knows how to use Malay man catcher and Burmese tiger pits. Secondly, he is smart and calm, and good at using things around him to protect him in the face of danger.
    Zaroff is a well-educated aristocrat, but in fact, he likes to play with other people's lives and treat people as prey. He is too proud to admit his failure. He was a cold, heartless, evil demonand had no respect for life.

  • 82220307董潞瑶 12-12

    I think Rainsford is a very brave, intelligent and experienced man. Bravery is mainly reflected in the face of the general's teasing and life threat, he did not flinch, resigned to fate, but rose up, gathered courage, and finally killed the general. Cleverness and experience mainly lie in the few traps he has devised. He learned these traps in different countries. He was wise enough to put what he had learned into practice, and succeeded in killing Ivan and the hound, as well as wounding the general. At the same time, it can be seen that he is very experienced, has been to different countries, and has a rich knowledge of jungle survival.

    I think General Zaroff is a hypocritical, self-centered gentleman. He enjoyed listening to the music, drinking his wine gracefully, and was very polite and kind when he told Rainsford about the game. But he used the gentlest words to mean the most evil. He appears to respect Rainsford's wishes, but in fact, he uses Ivan to threaten Rainsford and force Rainsford to join the hunt. He doesn't care about other people's feelings and only cares about himself, which is very selfish, hypocritical and self-centered.

  • 82220115寇奕美 12-12

    Rainsford:He is bridle-wise and knowledgeable,because he set a lot of traps, such as the Malay man-catcher, the Burmese tiger. He is also the person who was calm. Despite the dangerous circumstances he was in, he was able to calm himself down as much as possible and use his military knowledge of World War I against Zaroff.

     General Zaroff:He is arrogant and callous.He thinks that no one can defeat him.From' May I venture to suggest that you will find my idea of sport more interesting than Ivan's ?' we can see he is very hypocritical.

  • 82220225郑雪燕 12-13

    Rainsford is a bold and crafty preye. As the general's preye, he came up with various tricks for his life, such as Malay man-catcher, Burmese tiger pit. He is also tenacious and indomitable. He never gave up a wild chance though falling into desperate situation. He is also calm and compsed. Facing these diffcult trouble, he always forced himself keeping his nerve and keeping thiking.

    General Zaroff is a self-conrtol and over confident predator. He always belived that he can won the game. He is also a indifferent and arrogant. In this game, he treated living people as prey to seek stimulation and satisfy himself. He is also determined and willing. After several escapes, he made up his mind to catch and win the game.

  • 82220226周玥 12-13

    General Zaroff is a gentle man on the surface, but he is actually a very brutal and bloody murderous figure. His ideology and manner of behavior are unimaginably barbaric. He sees human beings as his objects of entertainment, with no regard for their lives and dignity. He is so conceited that he thinks he will win even if he is injured. He did not value the lives of others, and when Ivan died, he only thought about he could not find anyone to replace him.

    Rainsford represents the good and just side, and he uses wisdom and courage to fight against Zaroff who maliciously pursues him. There is no doubt that he was a clever hunter, and he made traps such as Malay man-catcher based on experience; He learned how the animals had eluded him while hunting, such as learning how the fox used to go round and round in a circle to completely confuse the general's sight.

  • 82220127孙璐 12-13

    Rainsford is a smart, shrewd man. He kept himself calm when he was in danger. He set traps to hurt the General, saved himself from drowning in a swamp, killed the General's best hunting dog and the giant Ivan, and finally jumped into the sea to find a chance to survive.

    General is a overconfident, hypocritical and cruel man. He spoke to Rainsford with great respect, but he forced Rainsford to his prey. For this game, he felt that he was in control, so he let Rainsford go in the first round. He is too arrogant.

  • 82220126孙婧漪 12-13

    Rainsford:I think rainsford was an experienced hunter and had a cool head and wisdom which is reflected in the article in that he used saplings to set pit.And he was very good at imitating to protect himself.He once said I have played the fox and now I must play the cat.
    Zaroff:Zaroff is a very polite man on the outside but he's actually a cruel man on the inside.In the article, he tells rainsford that the choice rests entirely with him but if he doesn't accept it he'll kill him right now.Each time he encountered rainsford he chose not to kill him immediately but to continue his game playing ransford within his grasp.And he's also a man who is very proud of himself and he's confident in his own abilities that he doesn't think that others will surpass him.

