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2023.09.04 ~ 2024.01.05
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
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期末考试截止时间 2024-01-15 18:00






By 汤嘉惠 老师 12-06 1885次浏览

Write down your analysis of characterization of Rainsford and General Zaroff. You can collect textual evidence on his appearance, his identity, his residence, his lifestyle, his creeds, his words, and his deeds to support your analysis.

111 回复

  • 82220125孙慧敏 12-13

    I think rainsford is intelligent and brave, he can keep a cool head, make a calm analysis of his current situation, and save himself from the danger. He has strong hands-on skills, making traps such as man-catcher, Burmese tiger Pit to defeat the general.

    The general is a false and arrogant man. He gives rainsford the choice of whether or not to participate in the hunting game, but rainsford has no other choice. At the same time, the general is cruel, he treats life as a game and does not care about the death of others.

  • 82220215徐杨 12-13

    Rainsford: 1.Tall and strong. He had matted black hair and deep eyes; The skin is tanned and shiny. 2. He always wears shabby jeans, which are covered with dirt and grass clippings. On his hands were polished gloves. 3. Once in the game state, he will become more alert and alert, and respond quickly and nimbly to changes in the surrounding environment. 4. If someone tries to interrupt his adventure in the forest, he seems to change into a different person, and his body language becomes more aggressive and threatening.

    Zaroff: His psychology is distorted, and the effect of destruction makes him feel satisfied. His inner desire to rule and conquer makes others obey him absolutely, and he is also very cruel and numb.

  • 82220116李萌萌 12-13


    1.Hypocritical. Zaroff is honorific when he speaks, but he's threatening.2.Overconfident.Zaroff felt sure that he could succeed in this game, not thinking at all that Rainsford might succeed.3.Uncaring. Zaroff was indifferent to the death of his beloved dog and his servant, indifferent to the death of anyone.


    1.level-headed.In the face of the general's problem, he can calmly find a way out for himself, and he has no chaos in flight.2.Calm down. He can use the habits of animals to give himself a chance to live in escape, but also use his skills learned elsewhere to create traps for the general.

  • 82220214熊瑶 12-13

    I think Rainsford is a experienced and smart man. He made the most of the trap Malay man-catcher, Burmese tiger pit and succeeded in being the winner. Meanwhile, he kept the nerve in such a dangerous situation, which implied that he was a imperturable man.

    General Zardoff was an over-confident, cruel, indifferent and arrogant man, from where I stand. He played the hunting game at the cost of others' lives and forced Rainsford to play the game with him without asking him whether agreed or not. Besides, Zardoff ignored others' lives. From his perspective, he thought the life of a dog was even more important than Rainsfords'. And General Zardoff was over-confident that he thought he would be the only winner.

  • 82220313李圣男 12-13

    I think Rainsford is a brave, smart and remorsrless person. When he was faced with the different environment, he could make great mechanism to protect himself. Despite of his many failures, he still did his best to deal with the enemy. At lsat, he killed Zaroff successfully and had a great sleep in a better bed. We should study him that he did not give up in the face of setbacks.                                                                                                                                                                                       

     I think Zaroff is an arrgant, indifferent, polite, cruel and hypocritical person. He wanted to play the dangerous hunter game with Ransford, and told Rainsford some suggestions. He always told to other people with condescending tone. But he was a polite person. When he reached the place by the sea, he shrugged his shouders, took a drink of brandy feom a silver flash and hummered a bit from Madame Butterfly. His curely could be saw from the he called to his hounds," Better luck anither time!",and he was not sad for his best hound and Ivan. He said to Ransford " But may I venture to suggest that you'll find my idea of sport more interesting than Ivan's" He let Rainsford live so that he could continue playing the hunter game.

  • 温玉馨82220211 12-13


    1、arrogant, overconfident, condescending, indifferent, cruel, self-centered: "I shall be back"  "You are providing interesting" "He nodded toward the corner to where the giant stood, his thick arms crossed on his hogshead of a chest" "And the stake is not without value" 

    2、 skillful, resourceful, clever, alert: He doesn't be smashed beneath it by Rainsford' trick. "He made his way along with his eyes fixed in utmost concentration on the ground"


    1、agile, intellect, brave,wise:learning  how foxes used tactics of circling in ciecles;  and he used Malay man-catcher

    2、Skilled in reflection:For example, he usually kept nerve and took stock of himself and his situation.

  • 82220124沈诚 12-13

    Rainsford is intelligent and brave. He is an experienced hunter and he is calm. During the dangerous game, using previously learned skills helped him escape from danger. Burmese tiger pit claimed one of General's best dogs, and Malay man-catcher hurt General's shoulder.

    General is overconfident. At first, he thought that Rainsford would take part in the game and threatened him in a gentle tone. Also, he is cruel,hypocritical and indifferent. Using the extremely dangerous game to kill people and prolong his torture. General ignored life and whitewashes the essence of the game to satisfy his own twisted mentality.

  • 82220224赵雨荞 12-13

    I think that Rainsford is calm and wise. For example, he can set the right trap according to his surroundings and kill the general's a hound and Ivan. On the other hand, whenever he is cornered, he always stresses that he should not lose his nerve.
    For Zaroff, he is cruel. At the beginning of the article, he forces Rainsford to play "the most dangerous game". And he is knowledgeable. He is able to immediately name the two traps that Rainsford has laid out.

  • 82220440周雨婷 12-13

    Rainsford is an optimistic, rational and well-versed young man who always uses his experience to his advantage in the face of various dangers. In Zaroff's game, he always tried to stay calm and eventually saved the day.

    Zaroff is an extremely cold-blooded and proud man.Zaroff started the game on the edge, but he was cocky and dismissive of Rainsford, believing he could not lose even when Rainsford began to fight back in the late stages. He didn't see Rainsford as an opponent, just as Rainsford

  • 82220121孟雨 12-13

    I think Rainsrored is intelligent,experienced and level-headed.When facing general Zaroff's threat and Found by him, although very nervous but always acted very calm to solve it.And He set traps many times, the most will be successful, you can see that he is resourceful.

    Zaroff is overconfident,indifferent,experienced,have no empathics and hypercritical.He invited Rainsford to hunt with he and think no one will refuse it.And later from he decided to find him in the night and when he found him at the first time ,but he didn't choose to end up this game,we can see he is overconfident.And when he faced with the death of the hound and Ivan,he have no empathic,but only consider his hunting game.

  • 82220223赵可妍 12-13

     From the honorifics mentioned several times in the text, it can be seen that the general is a polite gentleman. But in reality he was conceited, unconcerned and cruel.Man is only a prey in his eyes. Because he has the right and is stronger than others, so he can decide the life and death of others.He is also shrewd, because he could name those traps accurately every time.

    Rainsford is an experienced hunter. He can make the most of the environment to create all the traps. He is brave and resourceful.Without any help, he calmly faced the ferocious rival, and even killed the general at last.

  • 82220117李育捷 12-13

    Zaroff: There is no doubt that he is experienced hunter.He knew Rainsford thought.He was always saving Rainsford for another day's sport.It also reflects he is cruel and indifferent.And in their talk and his behavior,he is hypocritical  and overconfident.He thinks all things all in his country.


    Rainsford:First,he is very brave.In the face of zaroff's threat, he has the courage to accept the game and face it, even if it is not advantageous. At the same time, he is a smart man.Trapped in the swamp, he uses the surrounding environment such as trees to help him escape, and he uses his common sense to escape zaroff's pursuit, such as the use of World War II knowledge.He is also a self-control person, although afraid, but many times to calm himself, to keep himself alive。

  • 82220119刘一帆 12-13

    I think Rennesford is a very smart and agile guy with a lot of mental qualities. In three rounds, he relied on different ways to escape. He is very good at using his surroundings, which can also be seen in his very meticulous characteristics. No matter how tense the game is, he always manages to calm himself and not be afraid of danger.

    And General Zaroff, he seems to be polite, but in fact he is very hypocritical and arrogant in his heart. Everything seems to be an invitation but is actually a threat and coercion, and in the game, Rains Defrey is deliberately allowed to survive round after round of the game, just to play with him and show his strength.

  • 82220221章洁 12-13

    I think General Zaroff was a self-centered man,  when he said to Rainsford that “we will hunt, you and I.” his words did not give Rainsford a choice, but a direct command. General Zaroff was also a cold, indifference man who could discern complex tracks in the dark forest and decided that Rainsford would lose the hunt.

    I think Rainsford is a smart and calm man. He set many traps for the general to increase his probability of winning the game. In the face of danger, he did not panic but controlled his emotions and solved the problem calmly.

  • 82220104陈嘉欣 12-13

    As for Rainsford, I think he is intelligent for he outwits General Zaroff. Rainsford killed one of General Zaroff's best hound and Ivan. Also, I think Rainsford is very calm. He kept his nerve when his life was in risk.

    As for General Zaroff, I think he is conceited for he was very sure that he will beat Rainsford. And from General Zaroff's tone, I think he is gentle. 

  • 82220102蔡慧 12-13

    I think Rainsford is intelligent, experienced and level-headed. Because he can come up with many different ideas to make himself survive every time and he can also use the skills which he learned from his previous experience to practice. Every time when he in trouble he can calm down quickly.

    As for Zaroff, he is cruel and have no empathy. Because he doesn't respect others's lives and he just made himself happy. He is extremely a crazy person.

  • 82220123秦梦 12-13

        Zaroff is hypocritical, superficially giving Rainsford a choice and behaving like a gentleman. He is also overconfident and cruel, which can be ascribed to a point that after he was struck by Rainsford's trap, he still did not regard Rainsford as a genuine enemy. On top of that, Zaroff is indiffiernt to human lives, deeming his hounds are more important than human beings. However, there is no denying that he is a experienced and resourceful hunter, courageous enough to ascend to greater challenges.

        With substantial hunting and survival skills, Rainsford is knowledgeable and intelligent. He is brave and optimistic, for even he knows, as a prey, that his life is at stake, he still chooses to calm down and strive to survive.


  • 82220128孙琪 12-13

    In my opinion, Rainsford is a man with extensive hunting experience, he is smart and alert, and he is cautious. Although panicked after finding himself transformed from hunter to prey, he focused on where he could hide and won the game. Zaroff is an arrogant and very conceited man. Although he has a lot of hunting experience, he is too confident in his own strength and underestimate Rainsford. He let Rainsford off again and again and ultimately lost the game for himself.

  • 82220339朱琳 12-13

    Rainsford is a modest, cautious, and experienced hunter, as he can do Malay man-catcher and native trick.

    General Zaroff is conceited, arrogant, and hypocritical, as he supplies his rival Rainsford with various hunting gear and gives him a chance to have fun when he finds Rainsford.

  • 82220108戴浩然 12-13

    I think Rainsford is a clever and scheming man, and his use of Malay traps and Burmese tiger pits proves it. Secondly, he is clever and cunning, good at using things around him to attack and protect. His heart hides the "bloody" animal attributes, and the constant pursuit and fantasy of the surrounding jungle inspire his inner wildness.


    On the surface, Zharov was a well-educated aristocrat and polite. But in fact, he is a very conceited person, from the beginning of the article when he was rejected by Rainsford and the performance of pretending to be hurt and several times when he was close to capturing Rainsford and deliberately letting him go, it can be seen that he likes to play with other people's lives and treat people as prey. He is too proud to admit his failure.

  • 82220122秦栎阳 12-13

    Rainsford was a brave and prudent man as he mustered the courage to fight for hours in the jungle and stopped to assess himself and the situation. He tries not to lose his courage, despite knowing how terrible it is to be manipulated like a rat by the general. Second, Rainsford was a man of genius and insight. As a result, he won the player of the year award in the 2007 season.

     General Zharov is a hypocritical and contradictory person. On  one hand, he had a civil and polite attitude and. On the other hand, he proposed a cruel game of hunting, disregarding human life, and in his words: “and the stakes are not useless, are they? "Secondly, General Zharov is an arrogant and conceited person. According to him, "night hunting is more exciting than daytime, don't you think?" “If you can still talk, and I think you can, then let me congratulate you. "You are very interesting." On the first day, he found Rainsford in a tree, but left him to play the next day, meaning he accidentally used Rainsford as prey.

  • 82220129汤明珠 12-13

    Rainsford is very intelligent and smart, he is experienced in hunting became he has many different traps.He has a clear-mind because he can quickly camle down to escape from the general.

    General zaroff is a duplicative, seemingly gentle but actually cruel, such as the choice he gives to the Rainaford "You want to play a game with me or Evan?" He is also over-confident because he never thinks he will lose the game during this hunting game.

  • 82220203王超然 12-14

    The general appears polite, cultured, highly educated, and holds a high status and status. He is very friendly to Resford. But in fact, he is a very cruel and bloody figure. His ideology and behavior are unimaginable.
    Rainsford is an intelligent and brave animal hunter. Although he entered the deserted island alone without any weapons or helpers, he remained calm and faced the fierce enemy - General Shalov. In the end, he saved the day and killed General, winning the right to play and survive. He didn't consider any opponents, but he became a hunted object before the Amazon hunt even began, tasting the fear of death one step ahead of the animals he was planning to hunt. He does not approve of this dangerous game, indicating that he still has a conscience to follow social morality in his subconscious.

  • 82220213谢彤 12-14

    I think Rainsford is an experienced and skilled person.When he faced with the dilemma,he can also calm down to think about and make some ways like Malay man-catcher to solve and finally won the game.

    The general Zaroff is a self-centered and cruel person.Actually,he forced Rainsford to play the hunting game with him,he didn't put Rainsford in his eyes.And from the hunting game he played, we can clearly see his cruelty to life.

  • 82220210卫紫瑶 12-14

     The general is a cruel and indifferent person, the general thinks that his finest hound and people died together is a pity for him. At the same time, the general is also a conceited man, he has always had an arrogant tone before starting the hunting game, and he never thinks he will lose the game.

    Rainsford is clever, and he makes several traps to cope with the hunting game, and ultimately wins the game.

  • 82220118刘欣语 12-14

    Rainsford: He is an experienced hunter. He is skilful and quick to learn. He had a traditional view of hunting, but he was also sympathetic and rejected the game of hunting.

    Zeroff: He is an egotistical man who organizes miserable hunting games in pursuit of so-called excitement and fun. He's arrogant enough to think he can beat Rainsford. He has no reverence for life.

  • 82220105陈悦 12-14

    Rainsford is intelligent and calm.He actively t
    ook advantage of his skills to keep himself from danger.

    General Zaroff is cold-blocked and in different,he shows no empathy with others. And he set traps for Rainsford,being very hypocritical.

  • 82220110邓健强 12-14

    Rainsford is an intelligent, experienced, level-headed hunter.  His ability to keep himself calm in the face of General Zaroff's pursuit, and his ability to use learned trapping techniques to fight back, shows his  resourcefulness and experience.

    General Zaroff is a cruel, hypocritical,indifferent man.He takes pleasure in hunting humans and has no regard for the lives of others, showing his cruelty and ruthlessness. His affectionate address and conversation to Rainsford, in effect forcing  Rainsford to participate in the hunting game, shows his hypocrisy.

  • 82220205王欣雨 12-14

    I think Rainsford is a strong-willed, clever, resourceful escapee. When General Zarov wanted to play hunting game with him, he resolutely said ,"I will not hunt." Although he was about to lose his courage, he still continued to set traps with his strong willpower, and finally won the game. He was clever enough to set up a Malaysian trap, a Burmese tiger's den, and use the skills he learned in Uganda to craft a simple bow that killed Ivan.

    General Zaroff is a learned, but arrogant, condescending, uncaring, self-centered hunter. He knows that Rainsford's trap is the Malaysian trap, but is also wounded, and is reluctant to admit defeat, saying "I shall be back. "He also advises Rainsford to be ready to flee, saying that stupid people have died before without being prepared, but he does not care about their lives. On the contrary, he is sad for the loss of a dog, which reflects his arrogance, indifference, and self-centeredness.

  • 82220409柯浩 12-14

    In my opinion, Rainsford is an experienced person. In the jungle, he can combine his own experience according to the limited conditions around him, and then make some very lethal traps. He has his own ideas and can always make timely choices in the face of danger.

    Zaroff is a gentleman, which can be seen from his behavior, such as he knows Rainsford after jumping into the sea humming Madame Butterfly and so on. But I also think he is very hypocritical and cruel, and he doesn't care much about human life. After he was injured by a tree trunk, he also displayed a sense of condescending superiority.

