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2024.02.24 ~ 2024.07.12
  • 西北工业大学
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成绩预发布时间 2024-07-11






By 李利敏 老师 04-29 449次浏览

31 回复

  • “No pen can give an adequate description of the all-pervading corruption produced by slavery. The slave girl is reared in an atmosphere of licentiousness and fear.”(这一段文字强有力地概括了奴隶制的普遍和系统性腐败,特别是强调了女奴隶所面临的特殊脆弱性和虐待。它突出了奴隶制和性剥削的双重负担,生动地描绘了塑造她们生活的压迫性环境)

    “When they told me my new-born babe was a girl, my heart was heavier than ever. Slavery is terrible for men, but it is far more terrible for women.”(这一段话感人至深地表达了女奴隶所承受的独特且更为严重的痛苦。雅各布斯在得知女儿出生时的绝望,揭示了她对未来的深深恐惧,因为她知道自己的孩子将继承同样的奴役和性别暴力)

    “I had not lived fourteen years in slavery for nothing. I had felt, seen, and heard enough to read the characters and motives of those around me.”(这一段展示了对奴隶制社会中人物和动态的深刻理解。她能够“读懂周围人的性格和动机”,展现了她在压迫下培养的生存技能、智慧和坚韧,增添了她作为一个聪明且有洞察力的个体的形象深度)

  • 毕冉 06-25

    "Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage. I do not need a husband to take care of me. I do not believe that God intends me to live alone. If He does, I can do it. Since my escape from slavery, I have had several offers of marriage, but I never felt myself called to fill the position of a wife."体现了雅各布斯对自由和独立的珍视,以及她在逃脱奴隶制后对于个人生活选择的决心。她挑战了当时社会对女性角色的传统期待,强调即使没有婚姻,她也能依靠自己生活,展现出强烈的自主意识。

    "I crept into my little den, feeling that the coming night would be one of terror and despair. The space was so small that I could not lie down without drawing up my knees close to my chin. I had never slept in a bedstead until after my escape from slavery, and then for the first time I found how adding to the comfortable feelings of sleep."描述了雅各布斯为了躲避奴隶主,长时间藏身在一个极其狭小的空间里所承受的身心煎熬。它深刻揭示了追求自由所付出的极端牺牲,以及奴隶制度下个体生存条件的残酷。

    "I lived three years in that little hole, never daring to come out even at night, except for a few moments, for a breath of fresh air. The space was so small that I could not stand upright, but was forced to sit or crouch on the damp floor."雅各布斯在这段中描述了她躲在阁楼小空间内的生活,长达三年之久。这段文字强烈传达了她所承受的极端心理和生理压力,以及为了自由而不得不忍受的非人生活条件。

  • 郭瑞 06-26

    “I was born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away. My father was a carpenter, and considered so intelligent and skillful in his trade, that, when buildings out of the common line were to be erected, he was sent for from long distances, to be head workman. On such occasions, he would take his eldest daughter, who was very dear to him, to ride with him.”这段原文描述了女奴在童年时期的幸福生活,以及她与父亲之间的深厚感情。尽管她生来就是奴隶,但在六岁之前,她并不知道自己的身份,这也反映了奴隶制度对人性的扭曲和摧残。

    “The slave girl is reared in an atmosphere of licentiousness and fear. The lash and the foul talk of her master and his sons are her teachers. When she is fourteen or fifteen, her owner, or his sons, or the overseer, or perhaps all of them, begin to bribe her with presents. If she resists, she is whipped or starved into submission. ”这段文字描绘了女奴在成长过程中所面临的恶劣环境。她们生活在充满淫秽和恐惧的氛围中,主人和他们的儿子们的鞭打和粗俗话语是她们的“教育”方式。在十四五岁时,她们就可能会受到主人、主人的儿子、监工或所有这些人的诱骗。如果她们反抗,就会被鞭打或挨饿,直到屈服。这段描写深刻地揭示了奴隶制度的残酷和对人性的扭曲。

    “ I had been in the habit of stealing away to a little room in the garret, where I had found a few old books, and there I would read and dream for hours. One day, my mistress found me there, and flew into a passion. She said I was a lazy, good-for-nothing girl, and that I must go to work in the field. I pleaded with her to let me stay, but she would not listen.” 这段文字描述了女奴对知识和自由的渴望。她习惯偷跑到阁楼的一个小房间里,在那里她发现了一些旧书,并会阅读和梦想几个小时。然而,她的女主人发现了她的行为,并愤怒地认为她是一个懒惰、无用的女孩,必须去田里工作。女奴的恳求被忽视,这显示了奴隶在追求自己的兴趣和梦想时所面临的限制和压迫。 这些原文片段通过生动的描写和深刻的洞察,展现了奴隶制度下女奴的悲惨生活和不屈精神,同时也揭示了奴隶制度的残酷和不人道。


  • 王宇飞 06-27

    "In conclusion, let me say that my experience of the past, my present feelings, and above all, the promise of God, assure me that the oppressor's rod shall be broken. The question of how this will be accomplished has been debated among our friends for years. Despite twenty-five years of prayers, the slaves' chains have tightened rather than loosened, their escape has become more perilous, and their cup of misery is nearly overflowing. Because I cannot forget that I was once a slave, I refuse to forget those who are still enslaved. What I would have done for my own freedom, I am willing to do for theirs, whenever I see them willing to die as free men rather than live in chains. The day must come; it will come. Human nature remains constant; try to crush it as you may, it does not change. However, woe to that country where the dawn of liberty must rise from a sea of blood. When I think of all that pains the eye and sickens the heart, driving us to turn away and weep, I then think of the oppressed struggling against their oppressors, and see a scene even more horrifying. But I must move on from this subject; I do not wish to dwell on the past or contemplate a future still marred by such injustices."尽管境况艰难,但这段话也包含了对行动的有力呼唤和对未来的希望。“压迫者的棍棒必被折断 "的断言和 "这一天必须到来,它必将到来 "的信念传达了一种不屈不挠的精神和对*终实现正义和自由的信念。激励着后来者为自由和平等而进行的斗争。

    "You may believe what I say, for I write only of what I know. I spent twenty-one years in that cage of obscene birds. From my own experience and observations, I can testify that slavery is a curse to both whites and blacks. It turns white fathers cruel and lustful, their sons violent and immoral; it corrupts their daughters and makes their wives miserable. As for the coloured race, their sufferings and degradation are beyond my ability to fully describe with my modest pen." 该段以生动、感情充沛的描述揭露了对奴隶制对人性的扭曲。奴隶制不仅使被奴役的个人失去人性,而且还腐蚀和破坏社会的道德结构,深刻影响白人和黑人。

    "I was sent to spend a week with my grandmother. At that point, I was old enough to begin contemplating the future, and I found myself repeatedly wondering what would become of me. I was convinced I would never again find a mistress as kind as the one who had passed away. She had assured my dying mother that her children would never suffer for anything. Recalling her many demonstrations of affection towards me gave me some hope that she had left me free. My friends were almost certain this would be the case. They believed she would certainly grant me freedom out of love and appreciation for my mother's devoted service. However, as we sadly know, the memory of a faithful slave does little to protect her children from the auction block."该段描述了作者幼她母亲对奴隶主的忠诚无法使她免遭贩卖的残酷现实,说明了奴隶制的残酷和反人性本质。这种赤裸裸的描绘凸显了奴隶所遭受的不公正待遇以及奴隶制下社会的黑暗。

  • 黄致远 06-27

    1.Reader, did you ever hate? I hope not. I never did but once; and I trust I never shall again. Somebody has called it the “soul's disease”. I had it - that feverish selfishness which hurried me into a thousand thoughtless extravagances, grave responsibilities, and strong passions, but which for the time left me dead to the holier influences of life, and lifted me to a scarcely regretted exile from home.


    2.Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own.


    3.The secrets of slavery are concealed like those of the Inquisition. My master was, to my knowledge, the father of eleven slaves. But did the mothers dare to tell who was the father of their children? Did the other slaves dare to allude to it, except in whispers among themselves? No, indeed! They knew too well the terrible consequences.


  • 肖珑 06-27

    1.It has been painful to me, in many ways, to recall the dreary years I passed in bondage. I would gladly forget them if I could. Yet the retrospection is not altogether without solace; for with these gloomy recollections come tender memories of my good old grandmother, like light fleecy clouds floating over a dark and troubled sea.(这个片段深刻地表达了作者回忆起作为奴隶的岁月时的痛苦和挣扎。尽管她渴望忘记这些经历,但回忆中也包含了对慈祥的祖母的温馨记忆,这为她的苦难生活带来了一丝安慰。这段文字展示了作者在苦难中寻找希望的能力,以及家庭和亲情在艰难时期的重要性。)

    2.From her seven years of hiding in a garret that was three feet high, to her harrowing escape north to a reunion with her children and freedom, Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl remains an outstanding example of one woman's extraordinary courage in the face of almost unbeatable odds, as well as one of the most significant testimonials in American history.(这个片段描述了哈丽特·雅各布斯为了逃离奴役所经历的极端艰难和危险。这个阁楼的高度仅有三英尺,这种生活条件的艰苦和对身体的限制,以及她*终逃往北方与孩子们团聚并赢得自由的经历,展现了她非凡的勇气和决心。)

    3.The issues of freedom versus slavery, white versus black, and men versus women are interwoven within the fabric of American society during the 1800s—the period in which Harriet lived. These issues become the target of her struggle for self-identity, self-preservation, and freedom.(这个片段强调了19世纪美国社会中自由与奴役、白人与黑人、男性与女性之间的紧张关系。哈丽特·雅各布斯的斗争不仅是为了个人的自由,也是为了自我认同和自我保护。这段文字凸显了奴隶制对个人生活的深刻影响,以及作者在种族和性别不平等的社会中寻求自由和尊严的斗争。)

  • 孟子烨 06-28

    I once saw a young slave girl dying soon after the birth of a child nearly white. In her agony she cried out, "O Lord, come and take me!" Her mistress stood by, and mocked at her like an incarnate fiend. "You suffer, do you?" she exclaimed. "I am glad of it. You deserve it all, and more too." The girl's mother said, "The baby is dead, thank God; and I hope my poor child will soon be in heaven, too." "Heaven!" retorted the mistress. "There is no such place for the like of her and her bastard." The poor mother turned away, sobbing. Her dying daughter called her, feebly, and as she bent over her, I heard her say, "Don't grieve so, mother; God knows all about it; and HE will have mercy upon me."


    "Don't talk so, Benjamin," said she. "Put your trust in God. Be humble, my child, and your master will forgive you." "Forgive me for what, mother? For not letting him treat me like a dog? No! I will never humble myself to him. I have worked for him for nothing all my life, and I am repaid with stripes and imprisonment. Here I will stay till I die, or till he sells me."


    In view of these things, why are ye silent, ye free men and women of the north? Why do your tongues falter in maintenance of the right? Would that I had more ability! But my heart is so full, and my pen is so weak! There are noble men and women who plead for us, striving to help those who cannot help themselves. God bless them! God give them strength and courage to go on! God bless those, every where, who are laboring to advance the cause of humanity!

    这段作者对读者的呼吁,希望他们能为仍在受苦的奴隶发声,语调充满了情感,她的心“is so full”,而她的“pen is so weak”,这种情感的真实表达使得读者能够感同身受,更容易被她的呼吁所打动。片段结尾对那些为正义而奋斗的人的祝福和鼓励,激励读者加入到这场斗争中来。她的祝福和呼吁使人感受到一种共同的责任感和使命感,激发人们为正义和人类进步而努力。她的文字充满了情感和力量,通过质问、呼吁、自我反思、宗教祝福和情感表达,使用第二人称,反问句,感叹句,她的言辞振聋发聩,强烈地激发了读者的道德责任感和行动意识。它不仅揭示了奴隶制度的残酷和不公,也呼吁每一个有良知的人站出来,为废除奴隶制度和人类的正义与尊严而奋斗。这种深刻的情感和强烈的呼吁使得这个片段特别令人印象深刻。

  • 陈彦池 06-30

    Owhat days and nights of fear and sorrow that man caused me! Reader, it is not to awaken sympathy for myself that I am telling you truthfully what I suffered in slavery. I do it to kindle a flame of compassion in your hearts for my sisters who are still in bondage, suffering as I once suffered.”



    “While I advised him to be good and forgiving I was not unconscious of the beam in my own eye. It was the very knowledge of my own shortcomings that urged me to retain, if possible, some sparks of my brother's God-given nature. I had not lived fourteen years in slavery for nothing. I had felt, seen, and heard enough, to read the characters, and question the motives, of those around me. The war of my life had begun; and though one of God's most powerless creatures, I resolved never to be conquered. Alas, for me!”



    “The white daughters early hear their parents quarrelling about some female slave. Their curiosity is excited, and they soon learn the cause. They are attended by the young slave girls whom their father has corrupted; and they hear such talk as should never meet youthful ears, or any other ears. They know that the women slaves are subject to their father's authority in all things.” 


  • 王钧豪 07-01

    "I would give anything to be free, even to be free in heaven, although I never want to go there till God calls me. My life is not my own; therefore, I cannot dispose of it as I choose. Those holy laws which God has given for the government of his creatures, are they not written in our hearts? Does not every one know that we were made for each other—that it is our duty to love and help one another?" 雅各布斯表达了她对自由的强烈渴望,以至于她甚至在死后也要追求自由的到来,对自由的追求贯穿她整个的人生。*后的反问更是振聋发聩,虽然遭受了如此多的折磨,她仍是虔诚的,呼吁认为人与生俱来的人性和人与人之间的相互联系应该超越残酷的奴隶制度。

    "Reader, it is not to awaken sympathy for myself that I am telling you truthfully what I suffered in slavery. I do it to give you a fair idea of what slavery is. " 这段话显示出了雅各布斯理性与智慧,她知道只是同情并不能解救所有的同胞,必须让大家认识到这一制度的黑暗与残酷,曾经为奴隶的身份更凸显出她身上理性、智慧的人类光辉

    "The slave girl is expected to do more than her strength will allow. If she shows signs of weariness, or fails to perform her tasks quickly, she is whipped. The master and mistress can have no mercy, because they have none for themselves. They must get all they can out of the poor slave, or they will be losers." 在奴隶制度下,雅各布斯遭受了无情剥削与非人待遇。无情的经济压力驱使奴隶主不计人命代价,*大限度地榨取劳动力。出于想成为赢家、赤裸裸的利益追求下,奴隶主对奴隶的压榨如同对待机器般,毫无人性与人权。

  • 王宝龙 07-03

    1.Slaveholders have a method, peculiar to their institution, of getting rid of old slaves, whose lives have been worn out in their service. I knew an old woman, who for seventy years faithfully served her master. She had become almost helpless, from hard labor and disease. Her owners moved to Alabama, and the old black woman was left to be sold to any body who would give twenty dollars for her.这段文字揭示了奴隶主对老年奴隶的无情对待和剥削。尽管这位老女人为主人贡献了七十年的心血,但*终却被视为一种财产,毫不留情地出售。这种情况显示了奴隶制度下人性的冷酷和道德的沦丧,同时也凸显了奴隶主对奴隶的完全控制和剥夺他们基本人权的无情行为。

    2.I once saw two beautiful children playing together. One was a fair white child; the other was her slave, and also her sister. When I saw them embracing each other, and heard their joyous laughter, I turned sadly away from the lovely sight. I foresaw the inevitable blight that would fall on the little slave's heart. I knew how soon her laughter would be changed to sighs. 这段文字深刻地描绘了种族奴隶制度下的残酷现实和人性的冲突。通过描述两个孩子,一个白种孩子和一个奴隶姐妹,作者展示了种族和社会地位的对比。孩子们天真的拥抱和欢笑展现了他们天生的友爱和快乐,但作者的转身和悲伤表明了她对未来命运的忧虑。她预见到奴隶孩子的心灵将会受到不可避免的创伤和痛苦,这种情景深刻地反映了奴隶制度对人性和家庭关系的摧毁。

    3.I beg the reader to remember that I am not writing of what I have heard, but of what I have seen, and of what I defy the world to prove false. 作者明确表示,她所写的内容是事实,愿意接受全世界的挑战来证明这些事实的虚假性。这种用词和态度显示了作者对自己经历的真实性的强烈信念,表达了自己对奴隶制下悲惨和不公生活的抗议和斗争的态度。


  • 何天琪 07-04

    "I once saw two beautiful children playing together. One was a fair white child; the other was her slave, and also her sister. But the pretty child could lisp her mother's name, she could speak her own name. She could enjoy the sweet pleasure of affectionate caresses; but the slave child could only receive or bestow such marks of affection as the master allowed." 这段描述突显了奴隶制度的残酷现实,揭示了种族不平等带来的伤害和悲剧。明明是年纪相仿的两个孩子,却因为奴隶制度过着天差地别的生活。

    "The secrets of slavery are concealed like those of the Inquisition. My master was, to my knowledge, the father of eleven slaves. But did the mothers dare to tell who was the father of their children? Did the other slaves dare to allude to it, except in whispers among themselves?" 这段揭示了奴隶制社会中的权力结构和虐待,奴隶们不但没有人权,还时刻面临着被侵犯危险,同时刻画了奴隶们由于长期被压迫从而不敢揭露真相的恐惧和压抑。

    "Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage. I and my children are now free! We are as free from the power of slaveholders as are the white people of the north; and through that,according to my ideas, is not saying a great deal, it is a vast improvement in my condition." 这段结尾展现了主人公所追求的自由与尊严,强调了她对自主权和个人尊严的坚持。

  • 武成欣 07-05

    “Flattered by his attentions, I was soon made sensible of the dangerous ground on which I stood.” 这句话体现了雅各布斯对Dr. Flint的意图感到的恐惧和不安,他是她的主人,试图利用自己的权力对她进行性侵犯。揭示了当时社会的道德双重标准,其中奴隶主可以利用他们的地位和权力对奴隶进行性剥削,同时在外表上保持良好的公众形象。使我们更深刻的理解奴隶制度的复杂性和它对人性的扭曲。
    “I have often been asked, how I felt when the ties that bound me to slavery were severed, and I became a free woman. Those who have never been in slavery cannot understand the deep interest a slave has in her ‘first-day of freedom.’”这段话表达了雅各布斯获得自由那一刻的复杂情感,以及自由对于一个曾经是奴隶的人来说意味着什么。表达了雅各布斯对自由的深切渴望,以及她对自己身为女性和奴隶的双重压迫的反抗。挑战了种族和性别的偏见,强调了人类普遍追求自由和尊严的权利。
    “It was a trying situation; but I had no choice. The dire necessity compelled me to be a witness of what I endured, without being able to give vent to a sigh or a groan.”这段描述展现了雅各布斯在阁楼里的苦难,以及她为了逃避追捕和寻求自由所作出的巨大牺牲,突出了她对自由的执着追求。

  • 钟洁 07-05

    "I lived three years in that little hole, never daring to come out even at night, except for a few moments, for a breath of fresh air. The space was so small that I could not stand upright, but was forced to sit or crouch on the damp floor."


    I once saw a young slave girl dying soon after the birth of a child nearly white. In her agony she cried out, "O Lord, come and take me!" Her mistress stood by, and mocked at her like an incarnate fiend. "You suffer, do you?" she exclaimed. "I am glad of it. You deserve it all, and more too." The girl's mother said, "The baby is dead, thank God; and I hope my poor child will soon be in heaven, too." "Heaven!" retorted the mistress. "There is no such place for the like of her and her bastard." The poor mother turned away, sobbing. Her dying daughter called her, feebly, and as she bent over her, I heard her say, "Don't grieve so, mother; God knows all about it; and HE will have mercy upon me."


    “ I had been in the habit of stealing away to a little room in the garret, where I had found a few old books, and there I would read and dream for hours. One day, my mistress found me there, and flew into a passion. She said I was a lazy, good-for-nothing girl, and that I must go to work in the field. I pleaded with her to let me stay, but she would not listen.” 


  • 黄靖雯 07-06

    1. I remember the first time I was punished. It was in the month of February. My grandmother had taken my old shoes, and replaced them with a new pair. I needed them; for several inches of snow had fallen, and it still continued to fall. When I walked through Mrs. Flint’s room, their creaking grated harshly on her refined nerves. She called me to her, and asked what I had about me that made such a horrid noise. I told her it was my new shoes. “Take them off,” said she; “and if you put them on again, I‘ll throw them into the fire. (这段话中,琳达的新鞋发出的响声打扰了她的女主人,弗林特太太。弗林特太太的反应是典型的权力滥用,她要求琳达脱掉鞋子,并且威胁要将它们扔进火里。这反映了奴隶主对奴隶的绝对控制,即使是在一些微不足道的事情上。这段话之所以让我印象深刻,是因为它生动地描绘了奴隶制度下日常生活的一个小片段,却深刻地反映了奴隶所面临的不公和苦难。它也展示了哈丽雅特·雅各布斯作为一个叙述者,如何通过个人经历来揭露和批判奴隶制度的不人道。)

    2. Why does the slave ever love? Why allow the tendrils of the heart to twine around objects which may at any moment be wrenched away by the hand of violence? When separations come by the hand of death, the pious soul can bow in resignation, and say, “Not my will, but thine be done, O Lord!” But when the ruthless hand of man strikes the blow, regardless of the misery he causes, it is hard to be submissive. I did not reason thus when I was a young girl. Youth will be youth. I loved, and I indulged the hope that the dark clouds around me would turn out a bright lining. I forgot that in the land of my birth the shadows are too dense for light to penetrate. (这段话之所以让我印象深刻,是因为它深刻地描绘了奴隶内心的矛盾和挣扎。雅各布斯不仅展示了奴隶对爱情的自然渴望,还展示了他们如何在一个剥夺了他们基本人权的制度下,努力寻找希望和光明。这段话也体现了作者对自己过去乐观态度的反思,以及对残酷现实的清醒认识。通过个人经历的叙述,雅各布斯传达了对奴隶制度深刻的批判和对人性的深刻理解。)

    3. “Let me go! Let me go!” I screamed, “or I will raise the whole house.” I struggled and got away; but he clinched me again. Somebody opened the door, and he released me. I picked up my insensible child, and when I turned my tormentor was gone. Anxiously, I bent over the little form, so pale and still; and when the brown eyes at last opened, I don’t know whether I was very happy. (雅各布斯在这段话中描述了她为了逃脱侵犯者而斗争的情景。她的尖叫和挣扎显示了一位母亲在危险面前保护孩子的本能。尽管她设法逃脱了侵犯者的控制,但这种逃脱是暂时的,侵犯者随时可能再次对她施暴。这揭示了奴隶在奴隶制度下的无力感和持续的恐惧。这段话展示了奴隶制度对个人尊严和家庭幸福的破坏,同时也展示了在这种压迫下,人们仍然能够展现出勇气和爱的力量。雅各布斯的叙述让读者感受到奴隶母亲的苦难和不屈不挠的精神。)

  • 陶修碘 07-07

    片段一:"Reader, be assured that I do not exaggerate the trials of my bondage. I have given you the truth, and nothing but the truth."


    片段二:"The dreams of my childhood were all blown away like the seeds of the dandelion. For a slave mother to love her child is to know that one day, she must give it up to its master."


    片段三:"Slavery is a curse to the master as well as to the slave. It makes the master a tyrant, and the slave a liar and a thief."


  • 贺荻萱 07-08

    Reader, did you ever hate? I hope not. I never did but once; and I trust I never shall again. Somebody has called it the “soul's disease”. I had it - that feverish selfishness which hurried me into a thousand thoughtless extravagances, grave responsibilities, and strong passions, but which for the time left me dead to the holier influences of life, and lifted me to a scarcely regretted exile from home.

    雅各布斯在这句话提出了一个深刻的问题:“Reader, did you ever hate?”,这不仅是对读者的直接挑战,也是对那种强烈情感的深刻回顾。这种自我揭露的勇气和真诚让读者对她的故事和情感产生了共鸣。以直接问读者的方式,展现自己的仇恨。她将仇恨说成一种“souls disease”这种真实性的表达让读者感到震撼,因为它揭示了奴隶制对个人情感的深刻影响,以及这种影响可能导致的极端情绪。它不仅强调了仇恨的破坏性,还暗示了它对个人精神层面的影响,类似于身体疾病对身体健康的影响。这种比喻使得仇恨的概念更加具体和生动。


    In conclusion, let me say that my experience of the past, my present feelings, and above all, the promise of God, assure me that the oppressor's rod shall be broken. The question of how this will be accomplished has been debated among our friends for years. Despite twenty-five years of prayers, the slaves' chains have tightened rather than loosened, their escape has become more perilous, and their cup of misery is nearly overflowing. Because I cannot forget that I was once a slave, I refuse to forget those who are still enslaved. What I would have done for my own freedom, I am willing to do for theirs, whenever I see them willing to die as free men rather than live in chains. The day must come; it will come. Human nature remains constant; try to crush it as you may, it does not change. However, woe to that country where the dawn of liberty must rise from a sea of blood. When I think of all that pains the eye and sickens the heart, driving us to turn away and weep, I then think of the oppressed struggling against their oppressors, and see a scene even more horrifying. But I must move on from this subject; I do not wish to dwell on the past or contemplate a future still marred by such injustices."



    I learned to read and write in secret, and I used to hide my books under my pillow at night. I knew that education was my only hope of freedom.

    “ I had been in the habit of stealing away to a little room in the garret, where I had found a few old books, and there I would read and dream for hours. One day, my mistress found me there, and flew into a passion. She said I was a lazy, good-for-nothing girl, and that I must go to work in the field. I pleaded with her to let me stay, but she would not listen.”  


  • 毕书君 07-08

    “I resolved to run away. It was my only chance for freedom. I had no other. I had no mother or father to help me. I had no husband or brother to protect me. I was alone in the world. I was a slave, and I was determined to be free. I was determined to gain my liberty, however I might die in the attempt.”体现了雅各布斯对自由的渴望和决心。她清楚地认识到,逃离是她获得自由的唯一途径,即使这意味着冒着极大的风险甚至生命危险。这段话展现了她面对绝境时不屈不挠的精神。

    “I am a poor, weak, dependent human being, actually sold as a slave for life; and my home is a plantation where I am fed on scraps of food thrown to me by my master. Yet in my soul I am free. No man can enslave my mind, which is more valuable than the body which he holds in bondage.”雅各布斯表达了即便身处奴隶的肉体枷锁之下,她的心灵依然保持着自由。她坚信思想和精神的自由远比身体的束缚更为重要,这种内在的自由是任何人无法剥夺的。这句话体现了她对自由精神的执着追求和对人性尊严的深刻理解。

    “There is something singularly humiliating in the necessity which compels us to beg for the enjoyment of the rights which God and nature have given us as human beings. We feel that we ought not to be compelled to ask any human being for the privilege of being free. It is a right which we inherit from our Creator, and which no man has a right to withhold.”在这里强调了人类固有的自由权,并表达了向他人乞求本应享有的权利的羞辱感。她认为自由是上帝赋予的权利,任何人都无权剥夺,这种观点突显了她对平等和正义的坚定信念。

  • 甘子润 07-09

    i had to crawl on my hands and knees, with my head bent down, and my breath coming short and quick, through a low, narrow passage, not more than fifteen feet long, but so circuitous that it seemed like a labyrinth.
       这段描述了雅各布斯为了逃避她的主人Dr. Flint的骚扰和控制,而藏身于她祖母的小屋阁楼上的狭窄空间中的情景。这段话生动展现了她为了自由和尊严所忍受的身体和精神上的极端压迫。

    He was a correct man in the community, respected for his piety. It seemed to be a law, that men who were capable of the basest crimes, if they united hypocrisy with their other vices, claimed the highest respectability.

    I learned to read when I was quite young. As soon as their father found that I could spell the letters, he took away my book; but I continued to learn by looking over the shoulder of the children whom he taught.


  • zhaoz 07-09

    "I was followed and harassed by my new master every free moment. At the same time, I suffered the jealousy and rage of his wife."这一片段揭示了女奴在奴隶制度下所遭受的性骚扰和压迫。它不仅反映了当时女性奴隶的悲惨境遇,还突显了性别和种族歧视对个体的双重伤害。Harriet的经历是对那个时代女性奴隶普遍遭受的不公和苦难的缩影。

    "I hid in a small attic room, no more than nine feet long and seven feet wide, with a maximum height of three feet. I couldn't stand upright, but I crawled around the space for exercise. One day, my head bumped into something, and I discovered a hand drill. With it, I managed to make a small hole, just one inch long and one inch wide. Every morning, I would peer out to look for my children."这一段描述了Harriet为了逃避奴隶制度的束缚,在一个狭小的阁楼中藏匿了七年之久。这种对自由的渴望和母爱的无奈交织在一起,形成了一个令人心酸的画面。Harriet的勇气和决心令人敬佩,同时也反映了奴隶制度下个体为追求自由所付出的巨大代价。

    "Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women."这一片段是Harriet对奴隶制度的深刻反思。她指出,尽管奴隶制度对所有人都是残酷的,但女性奴隶所遭受的痛苦更为深重。这不仅是因为她们在体力上遭受剥削,还因为她们在性别上也遭受着特殊的压迫和侮辱。Harriet的这句话深刻地揭示了奴隶制度的性别不平等和对女性的压迫。

  • 李方妍 07-09
    • “She was a slave, but she was also a woman, and women have needs.”  这句话不仅揭示了主角的奴隶身份,也揭示了她作为女人的身份,突出了她在这个男性主导的社会中所面临的挑战。奴隶制度剥夺了女性的权利和尊严,但同时也限制了她们的基本需求。这句话强调了女性的基本权利和尊严,以及对不公正制度的反抗。
    • “I'm not a prisoner in chains, I'm a person with dreams and aspirations.” 这句话是主角自我认同的体现,展示了主角的成长和觉醒,她开始将自己视为不仅仅是一个奴隶。它也代表了她从被动接受命运到变得更加自信和坚定去克服她的障碍的转变
    • “I was tired of being treated like a piece of meat.” 这句话揭示了主角感到自己被物化,被剥夺了尊严和自我价值的感觉,这是这个社会中许多奴隶所面临的普遍问题。它也揭示了尊严和自我价值在奴隶生活中的重要性,以及他们缺乏这些权利所导致的心理和情感痛苦。
  • 夏梦君 07-09

      "I was not even allowed to learn to read and write."



      "The light on the slave's path to freedom is a star of hope."



      "Slavery is a curse to the master as well as to the slave."



  • 罗世艳 07-09

    “I wish I had some of your goodness. You bear every thing patiently, just as though you thought it was all right. I wish I could.”这一场景是本杰明逃跑后被抓回来囚禁在监狱中,他的妈妈去看望他时,本杰明对她说的话。通过这句话,我感受到了奴隶制对人性的摧残,以及本杰明作为尚年轻的奴隶,他仍对自由充满向往,企图通过自己努力成为自由人,而他的母亲已经被奴隶制压迫了大半辈子,见过诸多亲人因反抗而落的悲惨结局,她对奴隶制的反抗远不如本杰明那样。这一矛盾鲜明体现了奴隶制对人的驯化,究其可悲。

    “Ole Satan's church is here below; Up to God's free church I hope to go.”这是奴隶们常唱的歌词,这句词将奴隶主比作老撒旦,体现了他们的恶劣与不道德行为,但这句词也表现了奴隶们对自由的向往,表明了其坚定的意志,充满对未来的希望。同时奴隶将悲惨的生活用歌曲的形式表达出来,体现了他们对自身命运的戏谑。

    “Their talk is of blighted cotton crops—not of the blight on their children‘s souls.” 这句话鲜明体现了在那个时代大多数奴隶主都因过于追求利益、金钱,更忽视了自身对家庭的关注,更甚于对自己孩子身心的关注,更别论对奴隶生活的正常看待。他们并未意识到奴隶制下,自己的孩子已经被地位、权利所裹挟,大多缺乏同情心,虐待奴隶的行为也是常事。而这句话将“孩子的灵魂”与“棉花的收成”类比,更凸显了奴隶制的罪恶。

  • 夏艺恒 07-09

    WHY DOES THE SLAVE ever love?Why allow the tendrils of the heart to twine around objects which may at any moment be wrenched away by the hand of violence?When separations come by the hand of death,the pious soul can bow in resignation,and say,“Not my will,but thine be done,O Lord!”But when the ruthless hand of man strikes the blow,regardless of the misery he causes,it is hard to be submissive.I did not reason thus when I was a young girl.Youth will be youth.I loved,and I indulged the hope that the dark clouds around me would turn out a bright lining.I forgot that in the land of my birth the shadows are too dense for light to penetrate.A land:

    “Where laughter is not mirth;nor thought the mind; Nor words a language;nor e'en men mankind.

    Where cries reply to curses,shrieks to blows,

    And each is tortured in his separate hell.”


    In such cases the infant is smothered,or sent where it is never seen by any who know its history. But if the white parent is the father,instead of the mother,the offspring are unblushingly reared for the market. If they are girls,I have indicated plainly enough what will be their inevitable destiny.现在读来非常非常讽刺的一段话,美国宣扬的民主永远只是白人•男性的民主,奴隶是没有地位的,女奴更是毫无生存空间的,但是一旦这个出生的男孩的父亲是白人,那么他马上就会获得在社会上活下去的资格,获得所谓的“人权”,讽刺至极。作者平淡的叙述表明这在当时毫无疑问是一般共识,让这段话的讽刺意味更浓。

    "In conclusion, let me say that my experience of the past, my present feelings, and a bove all, the promise of God, assure me that the oppressor's rod shall be broken. Th e question of how this will be accomplished has been debated among our friends fo r years. Despite twenty-five years of prayers, the slaves' chains have tightened rathe r than loosened, their escape has become more perilous, and their cup of misery is n early overflowing. Because I cannot forget that I was once a slave, I refuse to forget those who are still enslaved. What I would have done for my own freedom, I am willi ng to do for theirs, whenever I see them willing to die as free men rather than live in chains. The day must come; it will come. Human nature remains constant; try to crus h it as you may, it does not change. However, woe to that country where the dawn o f liberty must rise from a sea of blood. When I think of all that pains the eye and sick ens the heart, driving us to turn away and weep, I then think of the oppressed strug gling against their oppressors, and see a scene even more horrifying. But I must mo ve on from this subject; I do not wish to dwell on the past or contemplate a future st ill marred by such injustices."没有黑夜不会结束,没有黎明不会到来,奴隶制必将被废除,这是一位被欺侮的女奴对自由发出的呼喊,也是无数被压迫的奴隶发出的呼喊,这是一个时代的声音,这种正义必胜的信念和不屈不挠的斗争精神也成功激励了后来的奋斗者们,“这一天必须到来!”这一天终究会到来!

  • 朱哲曼 07-09

    “I can testify, from my own experience and observation, that slavery is a curse to the whites as well as to the blacks. It makes white fathers cruel and sensual; the sons violent and licentious; it contaminates the daughters, and makes the wives wretched. And as for the colored race, it needs an abler pen than mine to describe the extremity of their sufferings, the depth of their degradation.”


    “What does he know of the half-starved wretches toiling from dawn till dark on the plantations? of mothers shrieking for their children, torn from their arms by slave traders? of young girls dragged down into moral filth? of pools of blood around the whipping post? of hounds trained to tear human flesh?”


    “I once two beautiful children playing together. One was a fair white child; the other was her slave, and also her sister. When I saw them embracing each other, and heard their joyous laughter, I turned sadly away from the lovely sight. I foresaw the inevitable blight that would follow on the little slave's heart. I knew how soon her laughter would be changed to sighs. The fair child grew up to be a still fairer woman. From childhood to womanhood her pathway was blooming with flowers, and overarched by a sunny sky. Scarcely one day of her life had been clouded when the sun rose on her happy bridal morning.

    How had those years dealt with her slave sister, the little playmate of her childhood? She, also, was very beautiful; but the flowers and sunshine of love were not for her. She drank the cup of sin, and shame, and misery, whereof her persecuted race are compelled to drink.”


  • 桑某 07-10

    I would give anything to be free, even to be free in heaven, although I never want to go there till God calls me. My life is not my own; therefore, I cannot dispose of it as I choose. Those holy laws which God has given for the government of his creatures, are they not written in our hearts? Does not every one know that we were made for each other—that it is our duty to love and help one another?


    I once saw a young slave girl dying soon after the birth of a child nearly white. In her agony she cried out, "O Lord, come and take me!" Her mistress stood by, and mocked at her like an incarnate fiend. "You suffer, do you?" she exclaimed. "I am glad of it. You deserve it all, and more too." The girl's mother said, "The baby is dead, thank God; and I hope my poor child will soon be in heaven, too." "Heaven!" retorted the mistress. "There is no such place for the like of her and her bastard." The poor mother turned away, sobbing. Her dying daughter called her, feebly, and as she bent over her, I heard her say, "Don't grieve so, mother; God knows all about it; and HE will have mercy upon me."


    Let me go! Let me go!” I screamed, “or I will raise the whole house.” I struggled and got away; but he clinched me again. Somebody opened the door, and he released me. I picked up my insensible child, and when I turned my tormentor was gone. Anxiously, I bent over the little form, so pale and still; and when the brown eyes at last opened, I don’t know whether I was very happy.


  • 李柯颖 07-10

    1.  "Reader, be assured that I do not exaggerate the hardships of my early life."


    2.  "The dreams of my youth, and the hopes of my better years, had all been blighted by the blighting hand of slavery."


    3.  "I did not, at that time, understand the long-term implications of my decision, but I knew that I was choosing between the role of a slave and that of a free woman."


  • 付凤英 07-10

    But to the slave mother New Year’s day comes laden with peculiar sorrows. She sits on her cold cabin floor, watching the children who may all be torn from her the next morning; and often does she wish that she and they might die before the day dawns. She may be an ignorant creature, degraded by the system that has brutalized her from her childhood; but she has a mother’s instincts, and is capable of a mother’s agonies.

    In the heart-wrenching scene, a slave mother on New Year’s Day faces the imminent threat of losing her children. Her profound sorrow highlights the cruel disruption of family bonds by slavery.


    “He tried his utmost to corrupt the pure principles my grandmother had instilled. He peopled my young mind with unclean images, such as only a vile monster could think of…But he was my master. I was compelled to live under the same roof with him … He told me I was his property; that I must be subject to his will in all things.”

    It reveals the pervasive sexual abuse in slavery. The master corrupts the speaker’s pure principles and asserts his control, illustrating the dehumanizing exploitation endured by enslaved individuals. The slave girl’s powerlessness highlights the constant threat of sexual violence and the lack of agency faced by enslaved women.


    “Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage…The dream of my life is not yet realized. I do not sit with my children in a home of my own."

    This describes freedom not as a traditional happy ending but as an incomplete dream. Linda's unfulfilled wish to have a home with their children underscores the lasting impact of slavery, which deprived individuals of both freedom and the right to maintain family connections.

  • 赵煜晨 07-10

    “O, what days and nights of fear and sorrow that man caused me! Reader, it is not to awaken sympathy for myself that I am telling you truthfully what I suffered in slavery. I do it to kindle a flame of compassion in your hearts for my sisters who are still in bondage, suffering as I once suffered.”



    “While I advised him to be good and forgiving I was not unconscious of the beam in my own eye. It was the very knowledge of my own shortcomings that urged me to retain, if possible, some sparks of my brother's God-given nature. I had not lived fourteen years in slavery for nothing. I had felt, seen, and heard enough, to read the characters, and question the motives, of those around me. The war of my life had begun; and though one of God's most powerless creatures, I resolved never to be conquered. Alas, for me!”



    “The white daughters early hear their parents quarrelling about some female slave. Their curiosity is excited, and they soon learn the cause. They are attended by the young slave girls whom their father has corrupted; and they hear such talk as should never meet youthful ears, or any other ears. They know that the women slaves are subject to their father's authority in all things.” 


  • 罗厚甜 07-10



    1.“You slaves, listen carefully! Heed my words. You are sinful rebels. Your hearts are filled with all manner of evil. It is the devil who tempts you. If you do not turn from the path of wickedness, God will be angry with you and surely punish you...”这个片段描绘了白人牧师对奴隶的布道,其中充满了对奴隶的贬低和威胁,试图通过宗教来愚化他们并巩固统治。这种压迫性的语言不仅揭示了奴隶制度下黑人所遭受的歧视和压迫,也展现了作者对这种现象的深刻批判和揭露。

    2. “Many poor people have been severely damaged under the lash. So they would sneak away, leaving their wives and daughters at the mercy of their masters. Do you think this proves that blacks are inferior? What would you do if you were born a slave, raised as a slave, with ancestors who were slaves for generations?”原因:这个片段展示了女奴Harriet Jacobs对奴隶制度的控诉和对白人统治者的反驳。她指出,黑人的苦难并非由于他们天生低劣,而是因为奴隶制度本身的残酷。这个片段反映了作者对自我价值和尊严的坚持,以及对自由和正义的渴望。

    3. “In my family, my grandmother and mother kept their purity. Under their teachings, I learned the principle of purity as a child. As I grew older, I clearly manifested my belief in maintaining spiritual purity.”这个片段描述了女奴在家庭和主人的影响下,保持了心灵的纯洁。这种对纯洁的追求不仅反映了主人公内心的坚韧和信念,也展示了她在逆境中对美好生活的向往和追求。这个片段同时体现了作者对人性中美好和光明面的赞美。


  • 周鸣宇 07-10

    Reader, be assured this narrative is no fiction. I am aware that some of my adventures may seem incredible; but they are, nevertheless, strictly true. I have not exaggerated the wrongs inflicted by Slavery; on the contrary, my descriptions fall far short of the facts.



    “Pity me, and pardon me, O virtuous reader! You never knew what it is to be a slave; to be entirely unprotected by law or custom; to have the laws reduce you to the condition of a chattel, entirely subject to the will of another.”



    “Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage. I and my children are now free! We are as free from the power of slave holders as are the white people of the north; and though that, according to my ideas, is not saying a great deal, it is a vast improvement in my condition.”


