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2023.09.04 ~ 2024.01.05
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 252人已参与






成绩预发布时间 未公布

期末考试截止时间 2024-01-15 18:00






By 汤嘉惠 老师 12-21 1328次浏览

In the end of the story "a Drink in the Passage", Simelane's wife "wept". 
Why did his wife weep? For her husband? For van Rensburg? Or for the country? Please explain your reasons for her weeping.

77 回复

  • 82220438赵前博 01-03

    Because of the apartheid policy in South Africa at that time, even if you have a very high artistic level, you will still be discriminated against in all aspects. On the one hand, she felt sorry for her husband because he won the prize but couldn't go to collect it. On the other hand, apartheid is like a wall that prevents whites and blacks from understanding each other or even communicating properly with each other.

  • 82220108戴浩然 01-03

    First of all, the wife felt pitiful for her husband because he was black, even though he won the competition but didn't win the prize. She sympathized with the situation in which they lived, and many unfair laws were observed.

    Second, I think the wife was moved by Van Rensberg's actions. He didn't care that her husband was black and still treated him like a normal person without any discrimination. Unlike other white men, Van Rensburg could drink with his husband and walk him home.

  • 82220105陈悦 01-03

    First, she cried for her husband.  Because her husband couldn't even go to the award for his own work just because he was a black.
    Second, she was moved by Van Rensburg's action.  
    Finally, she cried for this country, few white man couldn't change the discrimination, let alone eliminate it.  She felt a sense of powerlessness and didn't know what to do but to cry.

  • 82220228邹佳琪 01-04

    Firstly, I think she was aggrieved at the injustice of her husband's treatment. As black people, they have encountered too much injustice in this society.  Then, she was touched by Van Rensburg. It is so valued that a white man could invite a black man to have a drink and he appreciated a black's achievement .

  • 82220415乔雨悦 01-05

    She cried for this country, because racial discrimination caused black people to suffer, and kept black people and white people forever separated by a wall of law, trying to be close to each other but not understanding each other.

  • 82220223赵可妍 01-05
    1. She wept because her husband had been treated unfairly.Her husband could not enjoy his own work with a group of white people during the day.
    2. She was moved because ordinary white people are willing to initiate communication with black people. They strive to overcome alienation and build a relationship of respect.
    3. She worried about the condition of her race.


  • 朱彤82220340 01-06

    I think it is a feeling about herself and her country. As an artist's wife, under the influence of her husband, she should have some understanding of the situation of the country. Simelane After going home, he immediately explained the situation with his wife. It can be seen that she is at least relatively virtuous and has a certain understanding of politics.

  • 82220224赵雨荞 01-10

    On the one hand, the wife wept because of Van Rensburg's kindness. Because of the segregation policy, the blacks would be discriminated by the whites, but Van Rensburg felt sorry for the situation of the blacks and even wished to make friends with them. On the other hand, the wife felt hurt because of the white people's inability to understand the black people's situation. Because of racial differences, although white people would sympathize with the blacks' situation, they could never understand the blacks' pain.

  • 82220307董潞瑶 01-11

    I think she was crying because of apartheid in this country. She felt very sad that they were persecuted because of the apartheid policy. She was even more upset when her husband came back and told her about the drinking in the passage. Because of this policy, even if white people want to be close to them, they can't be friends, they can only stay away from each other. Although Van Rensburg is very friendly to Simelane, there are still some places where he does not understand the sufferings of black people, such as he takes Simelane directly to the station. So Simelane's wife got upset and started crying.

  • 82220213谢彤 01-11

    First, she feels pity for her husband. He couldn't get the glory that belonged to him because of policy. Second, van Rensburg's affection for Simelane gives her a warm feeling that not all white people are discriminating against black people. Third, she feels helpless and powerless to change their country's policies.

  • 82220222赵光媛 01-12

    Both. For her husband, As the black race, they know, what they have suffered under the law of apartheid. Her husband even couldn't go to the ceremony, because they didn't want to make a political issue and fight like a revolutionary. For vansburg, he couldn't get to touch a black man, because of segregation even if he really wanted to. For country, they lived in a beautiful country, but because of racial discrimination, it breaks many people's heart.

  • 82220204王穗 01-12

    . The wife cries partly for her husband. Her husband was not allowed to attend the awards ceremony because he was black, and they suffered so much injustice under the policy of racial segregation. On the other hand, it is a kind of powerlessness and sadness. Though she felt the friendliness and kindness of a white man, it moved her. But with all the friendliness that white people try to convey, she understands that the sense of racial difference keeps black and white people from really making further contact. This made her feel sad and sad.

  • 82220333易枫樱 01-12

    I think she wept for van Rensburg and for the country. Because of the existence of the apartheid system, blacks and whites could not communicate equally and freely, and blacks had been suffering injustice and grievances, but van Rensburg's performance comforted her heart and made her feel warm. But because of their long isolation, they never really understood each other, which is the sad part of their country.

  • 82220203王超然 01-12

    On the one hand, she felt sorry for her husband, who was so talented but couldn't accept the award because of his race. On the other hand, she felt powerless and sad that apartheid made it impossible for whites and blacks to understand each other.

  • 82220212吴梦婉 01-12

    Feel cold about policy, racism was an invisible wall between blacks and whites, preventing them from free communication and understanding, they wanted to contact each other, but did not know how to contact.

  • 82220209韦诗琪 01-12

    I think my wife was also suffering from racial discrimination. From her husband's experience, she knew that blacks and
    whites could not truly understand each other, but at the same time, she was touched by the kindness of whites. There
    were still non-racial discrimination in this country.

  • 82220210卫紫瑶 01-12

    She may cry because of the segregation policy practiced in this country. They black people have been discriminated against for a long time, which has hindered the communication between black people and white people. She was comforted by the fact that her husband had coincidentally entered white people's buildings and talked to them. But it pains her that neither whites nor blacks can change, even if they want to understand each other.

