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2023.09.04 ~ 2024.01.05
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 252人已参与






成绩预发布时间 未公布

期末考试截止时间 2024-01-15 18:00






By 汤嘉惠 老师 12-21 2612次浏览

People may be discriminated against because of their age, disability, ethnicity, origin, race, sex or gender, region, language, culture and on many other grounds. Discrimination, which is often the result of prejudices people hold, makes people powerless, impedes them from becoming active citizens, restricts them from developing their skills and, in many situations, from accessing work, health services, education or accommodation. 
Please write down an example of discrimination you know, and try to tell how to eliminate it.

84 回复

  • 82220112韩恒 01-02

    In today's society, some people always prioritize the convenience brought by others. They do not understand gratitude and instead discriminate against so-called shameful professions, do not respect their labor achievements, and even degrade their personality.

    The government should improve relevant laws and regulations, create an atmosphere of respect for others in society, and employers should appropriately increase their salary and benefits. Each of us should face all professions and not discriminate against others in their work

  • 82220308高新迪 01-03

    I believe there is discrimination in the workplace. Many companies always ask female employees if they have any plans for love, marriage, or childbirth when interviewing them. Enterprises are more inclined to recruit women who have no plans to get married or have given birth and returned to the workplace. They believe that this can greatly improve the efficiency of the company. I think the solution is that society should attach importance to the role of women in the workplace, regulate the marriage and maternity leave system, and treat every employee fairly.

  • 82220107仇馨冉 01-03

    Women are still prejudiced, even in today's relatively open society. Some families still prefer sons to daughters and are reluctant even to raise a girl. Women are still discriminated against in the workplace. Pregnant women may be fired from their jobs, and mothers who have just given birth may be treated unfairly. In the general social consciousness, women seem to be born to devote themselves to the family and reduce self-thinking.

  • 82220115寇奕美 01-03

    When it comes to discrimination, the first thing that comes to mind is sexism. Since ancient times, there has been gender discrimination in the society. This happens not only in China, but also in many Western countries. Specifically reflected in the discrimination of women in job-hunting, many of the traditional concept of son preference. Sex discrimination is common when looking for a job, the most common is " repeatedly asked about love and marriage ", This is because employers want to be able to eliminate some of the hiring of female employees " risk. " It is difficult for women to find jobs in society, and many companies give preference to men. They believe that women will go through stages such as marriage and childbirth, which will affect their work. I think companies should think correctly, put aside gender bias, and really be fair and just. As women, we should also enhance their ability to play a gender advantage. Be brave to meet the challenges at work and learn to protect yourself with legal weapons.

  • 82220318乔梓桐 01-03

    Since I was a child, adults have told me not to play with people with bad grades, they think that people with bad grades have bad morals, I think it is a kind of discrimination, people always have a prejudice against low academic qualifications.
    Such discrimination is hard to eliminate because people's attitudes are hard to change.  Try Posting appeals on the Internet, or organizing speeches, and last but not least, don't make yourself became one of the discriminators

  • 82220205王欣雨 01-03

    In today's society, people are still discriminated against because of their origin. When looking for a job, companies will look at your background. If you compete for a job with a comrade from the city, the company will choose the one with an urban hukou, not you from the countryside. When you're dating, people look at your background. Families with urban hukou will not consider you at all when they see that you are a rural hukou. This kind of phenomenon is very common in today's society. To eliminate such discrimination, the state should require companies to hire new employees. Recruitment is based on ability, not origin. Of course, you also need to study hard, have an excellent resume and abilities, so that you have the strength to break this bias.

  • 82220433许宇航 01-03

    Identity discrimination refers to the unfair treatment and discrimination against people of a certain type of identity. For example, food delivery people are now banned from elevators in many residential areas, and there are previous news reports that Cathay Pacific flight attendants did not provide blankets to passengers who did not speak English and ridiculed them. These are all manifestations of identity discrimination, believing that you are higher than others, that you are superior. Therefore, we need to have inner tolerance, understanding and respect, and build an equal, free and pluralistic social environment.

  • 82220438赵前博 01-03

    In my opinion, discrimination against women is widespread in all walks of life. In most people's opinion, women's power is not as strong as men's, and women's identity should be to discipline children and handle housework. Most companies also prefer to hire men with similar abilities and skills.
    In view of this, I believe that society should enhance the equal treatment of men and women's work rights, and make more efforts to promote the concept of occupational equality between men and women, so that every man and woman have the right to freely choose their own career

  • 82220105陈悦 01-03

    For example, the gender discrimination in the work field.

    Everyone is unique, and we should not discriminate against women because of their disadvantage. Workplace has nothing to do with gender, only care about strength, without gender differences marketing themselves, to use strength and ability to solve problems.

  • 82220401曹新怡 01-04

    In China, it is difficult for women to find employment in the workplace, and companies will consider whether women marry and have children, which does not achieve gender equality.

    When women are subjected to gender discrimination in the workplace, they can use proper means to defend their rights, improve their awareness, and let the company do fair treatment.

  • 82220228邹佳琪 01-04

      People's discrimination against women still exists. Many female journalists have faced different forms of criticism and harassment while participating in the coverage of the World Cup. Brazilian sports journalist Julia Guimareas was reporting live in Yekaterinburg, Russia, when a man tried to forcibly kiss her. This scene happened to be recorded by the camera, the passerby seems to be on the spur of the moment, although it did not actually kiss Guimas, but from the mouth of his snicker to see the prank intention is very obvious. Guimas became angry and shouted at passers-by: "Don't do that, don't ever do that again, it's not right!" So, we should support women in leadership roles, promoting gender diversity in the workplace, and providing mentorship and career development opportunities can help to address the systemic barriers that contribute to the gender pay gap.

  • 82220223赵可妍 01-05

    We always encounter some job discrimination in our lives.Many parents will say to their children: if you do not work hard, you can only go to sweep the street.We can always hear such comments around us: you must study art because of bad grades.Sometimes we don't realize that discrimination exists, so we hurt other people invisibly.Education is the key to breaking down discrimination. Schools and families should teach children to respect differences and value diversity.  At the same time, the media also had a responsibility to spread positive messages and promote tolerance and understanding.Each of us can take action against discrimination.  We should respect the uniqueness of others and refuse to participate in or acquiesce to discriminatory acts.Let us work together to eliminate discrimination and move towards a better world.


  • 82220222赵光媛 01-07

    In daily life, women often face a lot of gender discrimination/female dilemma, such as in the family, many people prefer sons to daughters, the family property is left to sons, when looking for jobs, engineering positions, "they" priority. Ordinary positions where women are excluded because of childbearing, these visible inequalities, by being seen and raised, are somewhat ameliorated.

    Gender education requires families and schools to reduce gender stereotypes and gender biases, treat boys and girls equally and be tolerant, and respect children's gender differences and free choices.

    Reject gender stereotypes We need to respect each other
    True respect is the ability to accept all of the other person's differences while holding your own.

    We need self-affirmation to reject gender stereotypes
    The true acceptance of the true self from the bottom of your heart is to realize that minority is another kind of normal, and to believe that you are you, that you are unique

  • 82220319沈莉 01-09

    Sexism. Some people think that women are a little less capable and not suitable for some things. Even for the same job, men earn more than women. When it comes to a specific individual, there may be a gap in ability. But to think that way as a whole, and then apply that impression to other women, is a form of discrimination. However, the reason why some companies discriminate against women may be related to fertility problems, because women often have to have two children, and their work efficiency and attendance may not be as much as that of men. Gender education is carried out from an early age, and at the same time, the state bans enterprises that discriminate on the basis of sex.

  • 82220418芮梦怡 01-09

    Many employers will refuse to hire those smart but physically disabled people, they will think that the disability of those disabled people will affect the work, life and communication, so many disabled people can not find a job, difficult to survive. I think the government can issue some subsidy policies, or set up some companies for disabled people, so that they will not lose their jobs and their lives can be guaranteed.

  • 82220307董潞瑶 01-11

    My most impressive example of discrimination is the discrimination that many people have against women. Many people will weaken the power of women, and think that women's responsibilities are to raise children at home and do housework. They don't think women can enter the workforce. Many women even experience gender discrimination when they enter the workforce. A lot of interviewers, when they interview women, they ask women how many years they'll be married, how many years they'll have children. Many companies will not hire women who plan to have a family or have children. I have seen a career show before, a senior female lawyer has experienced a lot of similar discrimination against women. I think we need to do something about that. We must first recognize the ability of women from the bottom of our hearts, and change people's stereotypes by publicizing the stories of outstanding women. At the same time, we should introduce policies that do not allow gender discrimination in the workplace and give everyone equal and just rights.

  • 82220213谢彤 01-11

    1.As I know, China's labor market discriminates against women who return to work after giving birth. They think that these women are out of touch with the market and society, that they have been away from work for a long time and have lost their ability to work effectively, and that their families and children will affect their work, which is a form of discrimination.

    2. First, for women who have returned to give birth, we need to maintain our rigor for work and strengthen our ability. Second, for company leaders, the concept of discrimination should be changed. Third, for the state and society, relevant laws and regulations should be introduced to protect their rights

  • 82220224赵雨荞 01-12

    We also encounter hidden discrimination in school. For example, most teachers agree that boys generally do better than girls in science and girls generally do better than boys in arts. When it comes to cleaning up the class, everyone also defaults to boys carrying the heavy stuff and girls doing the tasks that require care and attention.
    Therefore, schools should make special presentations for students that both boys and girls have their own strengths, but they should not stereotype each other.

  • 82220204王穗 01-12

    As for discrimination cases, the most common in life should be discrimination against women. For example, when entering the workplace, women often face a lot of unequal pressure. During the interview, if a man plans to marry and have children in the near future, it is a manifestation of responsibility, and a woman plans to marry and have children, which is considered to delay her work and thus be eliminated. There are also son preference in remote mountainous areas and even in cities.

     To eliminate such discrimination, the root cause is to strengthen equitable education. Second, we need to increase public awareness about "equality for all" and put women in our shoes.

  • 朱彤82220340 01-12

    The problem of gender discrimination has been rooted for a long time. In today's society, many people will attribute simple things to the antagonism between men and women. Some people are not so much defending women's rights as looking for excuses for their own mistakes, so as to excuse themselves. In dealing with such matters, we should take rules and laws as the highest standard. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen ideological education and completely eradicate the problem of gender discrimination, not only from the law, but also from the ideological elimination of this feudal thought.

  • 82220203王超然 01-12

    You'll find that the line in front of the women's room is always longer than in front of the men's room, because women's anatomy makes it longer to go to the bathroom.

    But the builders often ignore this problem, the area of the men's and women's toilets built the same size, which is also an invisible gender discrimination.


  • 82220212吴梦婉 01-12

    Regional discrimination is very common in life. This is especially evident in the older generation. For example, some of the older generation in Shanghai or Beijing. They tend to have a somewhat discriminatory attitude towards newcomers to the area.

  • 82220209韦诗琪 01-12

    Sexism is so common in the workplace that some companies will explicitly state on the recruitment list that only men are
    needed. I think we should give men and women the same length of maternity leave to alleviate the gender discrimination problem in the corporate society.

  • 82220210卫紫瑶 01-12

    For example, northerners think Southerners are too lazy, and southerners think northerners are too reckless. This contempt for different cultures is also a manifestation of regional discrimination.

    We should resist the influence of stereotypes, understand and respect different cultural backgrounds, learn the values, beliefs and customs of different cultures, and respect differences.

