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2023.09.04 ~ 2024.01.05
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 252人已参与






成绩预发布时间 未公布

期末考试截止时间 2024-01-15 18:00






By 汤嘉惠 老师 12-21 2610次浏览

People may be discriminated against because of their age, disability, ethnicity, origin, race, sex or gender, region, language, culture and on many other grounds. Discrimination, which is often the result of prejudices people hold, makes people powerless, impedes them from becoming active citizens, restricts them from developing their skills and, in many situations, from accessing work, health services, education or accommodation. 
Please write down an example of discrimination you know, and try to tell how to eliminate it.

84 回复

  • 82220330徐群岚 12-27

    Regional discrimination is very common in life. This is especially evident in the older generation. For example, some of the older generation in Shanghai or Beijing. They tend to have a somewhat discriminatory attitude towards newcomers to the area.

  • 82220329徐国芳 12-27

    I think people have discrimination and prejudice against housewives or stayat home mothers. In fact, men and women can quit their jobs to focus on their families, but the reality is that there are very few stayathome husbands,most of them are girls.I personally think the role of housewife can be called a profession, but many people just think of it as a familyrole.So there are actually two kinds of discrimination, occupational discrimination and gender discrimination.Many people think that girls should not take their careers too seriously. After marriage, and after having children, girls seem to be entitled to sacrifice themselves to take care of the family, in fact, this is unfair.Even though girls make such a big sacrifice, there are still many people who think that being a housewife is a very easy thing.They think that housewives don't have to do anything but take care of the children and manage the family money. But that's not the case.A housewife has to do a lot of things.

    I think we can give those people a taste of the housewife's life. We could make a documentary or a movie about a housewife's day.Through these I think people can understand that housewives are very hard and not much happier than those who earn money outside the home. And it shouldn't always be women who leave their jobs to take care of their families.

  • 82220331荀亦静 12-27

      There is gender discrimination around us. For example, during interviews, some women are asked questions unrelated to work, such as whether they have children, whether they are married, and so on. This approach is inappropriate because personal life issues are not related to work performance and abilities. And men are generally not asked these questions. In some companies, women are usually not appointed as management or executives. Because they will be perceived as less capable than men. Gender discrimination is common in the workplace. Although women perform as well as men in the workplace, their salaries are lower than men because they are women. Although women possess equally excellent abilities, corporate culture and values make it difficult for them to succeed in the workplace.

  • 822220328徐慈悦 12-27

    Gender discrimination is widespread in China, sometimes overt and sometimes subtle. When children are very young, boys who are active are seen as smart, while girls who are active are seen as impetuous and not "girly." Women, it seems, are born not good at science, quiet, fragile. When I was getting my driver's license, I was persuaded to learn the automatic before I knew anything about manual and automatic transmission. Because an automatic is easier than a manual, because I'm a girl, and because they don't think girls can do relatively difficult jobs.
    Girls have long been conditioned by society to be what they are stereotyped as. You know, if you were told all over the world that snow was black, even if you thought it was white, you wouldn't dare say it. Therefore, every time a girl does something that is not "girly", she is surrounded by skepticism, and after a long time, she will never do it again.
    Therefore, girls should first break the "what a girl looks like" in their hearts and try all the things they are interested in. Get things done, fight back against the voices of doubt, and reinvent "what a girl looks like."

  • 82220430童元媛 12-27

    In my opinion, there are educational background discrimination in employment market.  For example, overseas returnees are more competitive than native students, students graduated from 985 or 211 project universities are more competitive than students graduated from undergraduate school, etc.

    Nowadays, HR may focus more on internship experience, multiaspect skills or something else. With your undergraduate educational background unchangable, we may improve our operative skill, rich our practical experience or earn a higher degree to eliminate the discrimination.

  • 82220122秦栎阳 12-27

    There is a blogger named 4566 on Tiktok, she is an international student in Toronto.  She has a video that mentions Starlight Tours.  From 1978 to the present, in Saskatoon, the RCMP would stop Aboriginal people on the road, take them to the suburbs, strip them naked, and make them walk back to the city naked in cold.Even though many lives were lost, the RCMP officers were never punished.For such problems, the macro-control of the state and society is needed. If every citizen wants a better social environment, he or she needs to understand different races with his or her heart.

  • 82220102蔡慧 12-27

    In our country, women may be discriminated in the workplace. Female employment discrimination has always existed in the process of employment and job hunting due to the feudal traditional concept. Because of the unique physiological structure of women, they always face the birth stage of life. Enterprises have to give a long time maternity leave, but also to pay a variety of insurance, and find someone to replace their work, which costs the company a lot.

    The government should strengthen the crackdown on gender discrimination in the workplace, formulate more complete and strict laws and regulations, and strengthen the implementation of these laws and regulations. At the same time, we should promote the career development of women by strengthening education and information and promoting equal recruitment and evaluation standards.

  • 82220123秦梦 12-27

    Whether in the workplace, on social media, or in daily life, people will face unfair treatment due to their appearance. A good case in point is that a person hopes to find a job in an electronics factory. However, his square face becomes a reason for companies to reject him, even though his appearance did not affect his work ability. The root of appearance discrimination lies in people's excessive emphasis on appearance. However,we should abandon discrimination based on appearance and pay more attention to people's intrinsic values and abilities. Only in this way can a fair and harmonious social environment be established.

  • 82220128孙琪 12-27

    Today, gender discrimination in the workplace still exists. A female college student who is about to graduate said: "There are 25 girls in our class, 5 boys, the girls are not worse than the boys, but when looking for a job, a company has recruited all the boys, and none of the outstanding girls."
    I think there are several ways for women to deal with sexism in the workplace:
    1. Self-improvement: Women should constantly upgrade their skills and knowledge and actively participate in training and educational opportunities. By enhancing their competitiveness and professional competence, they can better cope with workplace challenges.
    2. Break gender stereotypes: Women need to be brave enough to challenge gender stereotypes and demonstrate their leadership and decision-making skills.
    3. Seek support and cooperation: Build and develop a network of relationships and seek support and cooperation from mentors and colleagues. Share experiences and resources with others, support each other, and make better use of your individual strengths while growing together.
    At the same time, the elimination of gender discrimination also needs the help of the state, the support of the law, and the joint creation of a normal and positive working environment by all members of society.

  • 82220129汤明珠 12-27

    Regarding discrimination against women in the workplace, there are always more opportunities for men than women in the workplace, because companies consider that women's fertility issues may have a destabilizing impact on the interests of the company, so companies often have different opinions on the recruitment of women because of maternity leave. In addition, after giving birth, women find it difficult to find work again in the fierce competition.

    I think women can Improve our ability, give full play to gender advantages, and become a contributing employee to the company. We should not only overcome the weakness of gender but also bravely meet the various challenges in the work. If you want to have a higher and higher position in the workplace, you must dare to meet various challenges, so as to improve your work ability, let the leader see our value, and eliminate gender bias against women.

  • 82220121孟雨 12-27

    Gender discrimination is very common in our life. For example, some companies refuse to recruit unmarried women because they feel that some jobs can only be done by men due to issues such as late marriage leave and maternity leave. There is also regional discrimination, for example, many enterprises refuse to recruit Henan people, and judge a city by some bad people and things that every province will have, to discredit a city. In my opinion, if we encounter such a situation, we should actively apply legal weapons to protect our rights and interests, and actively communicate with relevant departments and complain.

  • 82220110邓健强 12-28

    Example: Gender discrimination. Women face unequal treatment in many areas, including wage gaps and limited opportunities for advancement.

    Ways to eliminate discrimination: Governments can enact and enforce anti-discrimination laws to protect people's rights and to punish those who violate the laws.

    Also,the government can promote the values of equality and justice through the media and community activities to encourage people to oppose any form of discrimination.

  • 82220323唐艺菲 12-28

    I believe that educational background discrimination has a serious impact on contemporary young people. For instance, the protagonist Sun Shaoping in the novel To Live, was unable to pursue higher education. During job hunting, he experienced educational background discrimination, with potential employers considering him lacking in professional knowledge. Moreover, when striving to start his own business, he faced the discrimination again, reflecting society's excessive reliance on educational credentials as a representation of one's overall abilities.
    In today's society, educational discrimination persists in both academic and professional realms. Some companies may promote individuals solely based on higher educational qualifications, limiting the career development of others with practical skills and experience. While it is undeniable that individuals with higher education often perform better in various aspects, those with lower educational backgrounds also possess unique qualities.
    To eliminate educational background discrimination, especially when lacking educational advantages, we should focus on self-improvement during the educational process, maintaining a crisis awareness and continually updating our knowledge and ethical values. Schools should emphasize cultivating students' comprehensive qualities, including communication, innovation, and practical skills. Furthermore, there needs to be intensified efforts in publicizing the resistance against educational discrimination, fostering a culture where everyone respects others regardless of their educational background.

  • 82220226周玥 12-28

    Today some people's discrimination against women still exists. In 2018, an Internet user exposed Jingdong beauty copywriter "What is the difference between you and men without lipstick", questioning suspected sexism. Besides, many advertisements involve gender discrimination against women. In order to eliminate this discrimination, the relevant departments should first introduce laws and strengthen audit and supervision. Second, advertisers should also learn to respect female consumers. Finally, consumers should report the advertisements that discriminate against women in time to safeguard their rights and interests.

  • 82220227朱雯轩 12-28

    I once saw a post on the Internet: Xiao Li is a female engineer who performs well in her job, but suffers from unequal treatment when she is promoted. Although her work ability was recognized by her colleagues and leaders, because she was a woman, company leaders felt that she was not qualified for a higher position. This sexism not only made Xiao Li feel unfair, but also affected her career development. In order to eliminate this kind of discrimination, I believe that publicity and education should be carried out, legislation should be guaranteed, and women should be encouraged to participate in decision-making so as to achieve gender equality and promote social development.

  • 82220339朱琳 12-28

    Regional discrimination is a serious problem in China. Some stereotypes about regional discrimination, such as people in Henan stealing manhole covers and people in southwest China being poorly educated and poor, are very disrespectful. Recently, a female singer openly discriminated against the people of Henan at a concert, which was strongly condemned by the general public, which more fully illustrates the severity of regional discrimination. If you want to eliminate regional discrimination, I think one of the most effective ways is to go to that region and explore the customs, culture and characteristics of the people in that region by yourself, which will also have certain advantages in strengthening national unity.

  • 82220420沈煜金 12-28

    Recently, Chinese singer Rainie Yang said in her concert, "I know you Henan people love to cheat people" with regional discrimination. At present, some people have abnormal discrimination against Henan people, because some people broke the law and discipline before, these people are from Henan.We should realize that there are good people and bad people in every province, and we should not look at Henan people with colored glasses and discriminate against them regionally. All provinces and all ethnic groups in China are one family. Only by recognizing reality and eliminating prejudice can we build a harmonious society.

  • 82220420沈煜金 12-28

    Recently, Chinese singer Rainie Yang said in her concert, "I know you Henan people love to cheat people" with regional discrimination. At present, some people have abnormal discrimination against Henan people, because some people broke the law and discipline before, these people are from Henan.We should realize that there are good people and bad people in every province, and we should not look at Henan people with colored glasses and discriminate against them regionally. All provinces and all ethnic groups in China are one family. Only by recognizing reality and eliminating prejudice can we build a harmonious society.

  • 82220327王义皓 12-28

    An example of discrimination that I'm aware of is the gender pay gap. This occurs when individuals of different genders are paid different amounts for doing the same work or work of equal value. To eliminate this form of discrimination, several steps can be taken:

    1. Implement Pay Transparency: Companies can promote transparency in their pay structures, making it clear how salaries are determined and ensuring that there is no gender bias in the process.

    2. Equal Pay Policies: Governments and organizations can establish and enforce policies that mandate equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender.

    3. Training and Awareness: Conducting training programs and awareness campaigns to educate employees, employers, and the public about the issue of the gender pay gap and the importance of equal pay.

    4. Encouraging Flexible Work Arrangements: Providing flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can help to address the gender pay gap by allowing individuals to balance work and family responsibilities.

    5. Empowering Women: Supporting women in leadership roles, promoting gender diversity in the workplace, and providing mentorship and career development opportunities can help to address the systemic barriers that contribute to the gender pay gap.

    By taking these actions, we can work towards eliminating the gender pay gap and promoting equal pay for all individuals, regardless of gender.

  • 82220325王姝童 12-28

    Discrimination against women still exists in the society. People tend to regard women as the weak side, treat women with a high attitude, limit them to some specific roles and ignore their abilities.For example, in the workplace, men are more likely to be promoted than women with the same ability. In the family, the man is required to take charge of the outside and the woman takes charge of the inside while ignoring the contribution of women to the family;In the film and television, often will be some of the female highlights adapted into men.

    In my opinion, to change this kind of gender discrimination, first of all, women need to wake up their own awareness. Some women are more influenced by the outside world, so they are accustomed to this kind of discrimination, and become numb and granted. Improving women's self-awareness and self-confidence is a key step in changing sexism. It can also be addressed by establishing laws, strengthening workplace cultures for gender equality, and launching campaigns to help people truly understand the power of women.

  • 82220312李金阳 12-29

    A good example of this is age discrimination in employment, which is when an individual is treated unfairly or unfavorably because of their age, whether they are too young or too old. In terms of employment, this can manifest itself in refusing to hire, refusing to promote, or firing an individual solely on the basis of their age rather than their qualifications or performance. Companies should develop and enforce equal opportunities policies that explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of age or any other protected characteristic.
    Recruit fairly, focusing on skills, experience and qualifications, not age. Encourage diversity in the age range of job advertisements to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds. Provide training sessions for employees and management to identify and address age-related biases.

  • 82220314李周冰 12-30

    Gender discrimination is one of the forms of discrimination that I am aware of. Many workplaces treat men and women unfairly, and in certain workplaces, women may face wage inequality or limited promotion opportunities.

    To reduce or eliminate such discrimination, relevant laws against discrimination can be enacted and enforced to punish such discriminatory behavior, or social awareness against discrimination can be promoted through the media.

  • 82220219雍晓雪 12-30

    I want to say the gender discrimination. Women are always be unfriendly treated in workplace by be prevented from their promotion and high salaries beacuse of their appearacne, marital and physical conditions.

    Women should keep their self-esteem and improve their consistently.When it is necessary, they can use laws to protect themselves. And government should make prolicies to punish those companies discriminating women.Pay more attention to promoting education about gender equality. 

  • 82220218杨奕 12-30

    I want to talk about racism. When people with different skin colors are together, most of them have racial prejudices. Being Chinese, many international students often encounter some discrimination in foreign countries. Some countries are even more ethnocentric.

    We should actively showcase China's development and prosperity to the world. We long for friends without racial boundaries. As cultural communicators, express our vision of friendship and mutual assistance.

  • 82220124沈诚 12-30

    In modern society, most working women find it difficult to maintain their previous jobs after having children, due to physical reasons and the work gap brought by maternity leave, while men do not.

    The government and women's associations should pay attention to the social labor market and the employment situation of women, and the policy benefits should cover all people and make adjustments to appropriate circumstances

  • 82220412刘洁 12-31

    Although equality between men and women is now promoted, there is still gender discrimination in many aspects, especially in professions, many professions are considered to be exclusively female, such as nurses and kindergarten teachers, if men are in these occupations, they are questioned as to whether they are professional.

    To solve this problem, the first thing is to break down people's occupational prejudice and show people the advantages of different genders in different occupations.



  • 82220106程雯卿 01-01

    Once I saw a disabled boy who was discriminated against because he couldn't walk, because he couldn't tolerate other people's pointing at him, and looked at him with different eyes. Finally, he dropped out of school and became more and more withdrawn.

    I think our country should enhance the sense of social participation and belonging of the disabled by providing corresponding employment and education.
    Secondly, I think we should also treat the disabled normally. No one wants to be disabled. We should be compassionate.

  • 82220322孙欣雅 01-02

    In the United States, white discrimination against black people is very common and serious. Many white people have a sense of superiority and label black people "violent," "lazy," and "criminal." There has been a serious public shooting in the United States, the suspect in a supermarket live shooting, resulting in 10 dead and 3 wounded, and 11 of them are black. The suspect later said the shooting targeted only black people. In my opinion, to eliminate such discrimination, we must first establish and improve the legal protection system for black people, severely punish white people who hurt innocent black people, and improve the transparency of police law enforcement against black people. Secondly, the concept of racial equality is strongly promoted from early childhood.

  • 82220206王亦柔 01-02

    Appearance discrimination still exists in society. For example, fat people wearing gorgeous and beautiful dresses will cause a lot of people to despise. Each person's body is unique and no one else has the right to interfere. For individuals, we must first change our minds and establish the concept of equality. Secondly, we can break stereotypes by making unremitting efforts. For society, we can spread positive messages and provide corresponding policies to promote inclusion among people.

  • 82220114金桓宇 01-02

    Gender discrimination in the workplace: many companies have gender discrimination in promotion, salary, bonus and other mechanisms, and women's promotion opportunities and salary treatment are often less than men. At the same time, women are vulnerable to sexual harassment and gender discrimination in some professions, such as technology and finance.We can avoid gender discrimination by establishing an equal workplace culture, improving women's self-awareness and self-confidence, and strengthening legal protection against gender discrimination. Only men and women can get along equally in the workplace, in order to better play their respective advantages and promote the development and progress of the workplace.


