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2021.02.24 ~ 2021.06.25
  • 杭州师范大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 183人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2021-06-22





Snake detective

By 陈忆玮 老师 2021-06-11 1568次浏览

What causes the death of most of the snakes in the snake park?

75 回复

  • 林海燕 2021-06-21

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 吴畏 2021-06-21

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert. Temperature fluctuations of even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature. However, the temperature there is too high that no snake will live in that .

    Second ,there are electrical wiring near the top of the wall of the snakes' habitat ,which is really dangerous for snakes.

    Third ,the sand is too fine which just like dust and infections just swell out of it.

  • 方胤杰 2021-06-21

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 裴如玥 2021-06-21

    First, the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert. Temperature fluctuations of even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend upon the sun to adjust their body temperature. They have a very limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorablerange. Therefore, it's critical to provide correct, adequately heated or cooled conditions for snakes. Second,the electric wiring in the glass enclosures where the snakes lived. Third, the fine sand spreads infections.

  • 杨喆 2021-06-21

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert, which would be harmful to snake since they are cold blooded and depend upon the sun to adjust their body temperature.
     Second,  There are electrical wirings  near the Top of the wall  in the glass enclosure where the snake lived, which is dangerous for snake.

    Third, the sand is too fine to snake living there.

  • 温欣怡 2021-06-21

    First, the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert lead to the death of snakes.  Temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.

    Second, there are electrical wirings near the top of the wall, which is  too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third, the sand is way too fine. It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 刘荣辉 2021-06-22

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert. The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature. However, the temperature is too high ,no snake will live in that .

    Second ,there are electrical wiring near the top of the wall where the snakes lived,which is dangerous for snakes.

    Third ,the sand is too fine which just like dust and infections just swell out of it.

  • 方世瀚 2021-06-22

    First, the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert lead to the death of snakes. Temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.Second, there are electrical wirings near the top of the wall, which is too dangerous for the snakes.Third, the sand is way too fine. It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 邵可 2021-06-22

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 盛佳楠A38 2021-06-22

    First, the extremely hot sun and heat in the desert. tempereture fluctyations of even a few degrees can be harmful to snacks since tthey are cold-blooded and depend upon the sun to adjust theur body temperature above or below their most favorable range.

    Second, the electric wiring in the glass enclosures where the snacks lived is dangerous for them.

    Third, the sand is way too fine. Its just dust and that`s not good.

  • 卢志烨 2021-06-22

    First, the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert lead to the death of snakes.  Temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.      However, the temperature there is too high that no snake will live in that .

    Second, there are electrical wirings near the top of the wall, which is  too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third, the sand is way too fine. It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.


  • 张俊杰 2021-06-22

    First of all, the sun and heat in the desert make the temperature fluctuate even several degrees. Because snakes are cold-blooded, relying on the sun to regulate their body temperature will do harm to snakes, but the temperature in snake park is too high.
    Secondly, there are wires at the top of the wall, which is too dangerous for snakes.
    Third, the sand is too fine, like dust, not friendly to snakes.

  • 胡启亮 2021-06-22

    First, the extremely hot sun and heat in the desert.Temperature swings to some degree can be harmful to snakes, because they are cold blooded and depend on the sun to regulate their body temperature.However, the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second, there are power grids near the top of the wall, which is too dangerous for snakes.

    Thirdly, sand is far too fine.It's like dust that's not favorable to snakes.

  • 吕乐怡A39 2021-06-22

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 孙烨 2021-06-23

    1.the extremely hot sun and heat in the desert. For cold-blooded animals, a temperature difference of even a few degrees can be harmful.They have a very limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorable range.

    2.the electric wiring in this glass enclosures which is too dangerous for snakes. 

    3.the fine sand that easily spreads infections.It's not a surprise that snakes became ill and died in this environment.

  • 陈哲 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.snakes have a very limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorable rang .The temperature is too high ,no snake will live in that .

    Second ,there is the electrical wiring near the top of the wall where the snakes lived.It is dangerous for snakes.

    Third ,the sand is too fine which just like dust and infections just swell out of it.

  • 王文菊 2021-06-23

    First, the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.Temperature fluctuatios of even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend upon the sun to adjust their body temperature.They have limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorable range.

    Second,the electric wiring anywhere in the glass enclosures where the snakes lived is too dangerous for them.

    Third, The sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • A38范梦琪 2021-06-23

    First, the hot sun and the heat in the desert caused the death of the snake. Temperature fluctuations and even just a few degrees fluctuations can be harmful to snakes. Because snakes are cold-blooded animals and rely on the sun to adjust their body temperature.

    Secondly, there are wires and electric fans near the top of the wall, which is very dangerous for the snakes.

    Third, the sand is too fine. It is like dust and is not friendly to snakes.

  • 郭唯一 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert caused the death of the snakes.Temperature fluctuation of even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend upon the sun to adjust their body temperature.They have a limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorable range.Second,the electrical wiring near the top of the wall is found in the glass enclosures where snakes lived.It is too dengerous for snakes.Third,the sand is way too fine.It just like dust,and that's not good,Infections just swell out of it.

  • 陆虹艳 2021-06-23

    Firstly,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second, there are electric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 黄昕炜 2021-06-23

    First , the extreme heat in the desert caused the death of the snakes. Second , there are wires and electric fans which are very dangerrous to snakes . Third, the sand is too fine amd it's unfriendly to snakes.

  • 王康 2021-06-23

    Firstly,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert cased the death of the snakes.Because the temperature fluctuates even a few degress can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend upon the sun to adjust their body temperature.What's more,the electrical wring near the top of the wall is found in the glass enclosures where snakes lived dangerously.In addition,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 张天琪 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 金天琦 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • A38竺欣 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and heat in the desert. For cold-blooded animals, a temperature difference of even a few degrees can be harmful.They have a very limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorable range. the second reason is the electric wiring in this glass enclosures which is too dangerous for snakes. Third, the fine sand that spreads infections.It's not a surprise that snakes became ill and died in this environment.

  • 王子怡 2021-06-23

    Clue number one is the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.

    Clue number two is the dangerous electrical wiring in the glass enclosure where the snakes lived.

    Clue number three is the fine sand in snakes'living environment which will cause infections in snakes.

  • 徐思郁 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 曾海燕 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.The temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature.However,the temperature in the snake park is too high.

    Second,there are eletric wirings near the top of the wall,which is too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third,the sand is way too fine.It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

  • 陈漂楠 2021-06-23

    First,the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert.Snakes have a very limited ability to compensate for environmental temperatures above or below their most favorable rang .The temperature is too high ,no snake will live in that .

    Second ,there is the electrical wiring near the top of the wall where the snakes lived.It is dangerous for snakes.

    Third ,the sand is too fine which just like dust and infections just swell out of it.

  • 刘雨姗 2021-06-23

    First, the extremely hot sun and the heat in the desert lead to the death of snakes.  Temperature fluctuates even a few degrees can be harmful to snakes since they are cold-blooded and depend on the sun to adjust their body temperature. 

    Second, there are electrical wirings near the top of the wall, which is  too dangerous for the snakes.

    Third, the sand is way too fine. It is just like dust which is not friendly to snakes.

