




成绩预发布时间 2018-11-29

期末考试截止时间 2018-11-25 23:55





【活动帖】通过本课程学习,你对中国文化的有了哪些新认识?Share with us!

By 助教黎金 2018-11-15 2048次浏览




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84 回复

  • 李容全 2018-11-21

    In the course of this period of study,I learned a lot.Learned a lot about Chinese culture and some other things.First,I have learned how to introduct the topographic features of China in English.Second,I knew more thing about Chinese Arts,and it attract me a lot.Third,I get to know the difference between traditional education and modern education.And also,I knew more expression skills ,more words as well.What's more,through the course,I met new friends from other school.All in all ,in this study, my own ability has been greatly improved ,especially improve ability of expression and spoken English.

  • 李容全 2018-11-21

    I think that way will contribute to spread Chinese culture. Also, I learned many English expressions of Chinese custom, Chinese songs, Chinese literature and so on. After a period of learning Chinese culture, I have new understanding of Chinese culture. I find Chinese culture is broad and profound far more than I thought. Chinese culture is like a large system, which permeates all aspects of people's life. At the same time, I learned some other fields where I've never had contact. In my opinion, Chinese culture has been developing and expanding constantly from ancient times to today and radiates permanent vitality.

  • 李容全 2018-11-21

    The Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and it is worth studying deeply. Chinese traditional culture is the essence of Chinese culture and represents the inheritance of Chinese people.

  • 孙修贵 2018-11-21

  • 侯宁宁 2018-11-22

    Chinese is very great.By learning the China culture, I know more abandant China culture. And I have a deeper understand of China culture. Moveover, as for spreading the China culture in English, I think it is very good. Because it not only can spread our culture, but also can make more foreigners know China traditional culture better.

  • 何琳鸽 2018-11-22

    It is very good

  • 张书雨 2018-11-22

    Chinese culture has a long and profound history.Through the study of this course, I have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.I learn some traditional culture, such as theater and drama and the classification of Dan in drama, the 

  • 张书雨 2018-11-22

    Chinese culture has a long and profound history.Through the study of this course, I have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.I learn some traditional culture, such as theater and drama and the classification of Dan in drama, the magic of paper cutting. The traditional culture can help us introduce our great culture. 

  • 董加菊 2018-11-22

    In the course of this period of study,I learned a lot.Learned a lot about Chinese culture and some other things.First,I have learned how to introduct the topographic features of China in English.Second,I knew more thing about Chinese Arts,and it attract me a lot.Third,I get to know the difference between traditional education and modern education.And also,I knew more expression skills ,more words as well.What's more,through the course,I met new friends from other school.All in all ,in this study, my own ability has been greatly improved ,especially improve ability of expression and spoken English.

  • 孙文冰 2018-11-22

    Learning Chinese culture by using English is a fresh experience. I think that way will contribute to spread Chinese culture. Also, I learned many English expressions of Chinese custom, Chinese songs, Chinese literature and so on. After a period of learning Chinese culture, I have new understanding of Chinese culture. I find Chinese culture is broad and profound far more than I thought. Chinese culture is like a large system, which permeates all aspects of people's life. At the same time, I learned some other fields where I've never had contact. In my opinion, Chinese culture has been developing and expanding constantly from ancient times to today and radiates permanent vitality.


  • 张立宁 2018-11-23

    Chinese culture has a long history extensive and profound. It is the essence that every Chinese should learn from.

  • 王文伟 2018-11-23

    From this course,I learned about the ancient history of China.I felt the charm of drama and understood the spirit of ancient chinese writers.It would really give you a sence of how magnificent ancient chinese culture was after watching.I think it is very interesting to spread traditional culture in this way.It only takes a brief video to learn about china's excellent culture.

  • 王亮洒 2018-11-23

  • 王亮洒 2018-11-23

  • 陈巧 2018-11-23

    Chinese  Culture  is . so . wonderful

  • 柳明蕊 2018-11-23

    I learned something about Chinese culture in English. This course let me know more about the Chinese tradition, understand the Chinese culture, understand all kinds of customs, all kinds of outstanding tasks. Learning Chinese culture in English can make you learn English better, spread Chinese culture in English, and show more Chinese aspects to the world.

  • 汪玉成 2018-11-23

    Chinese trational culture is colourful and wonderful,making me amazed.

  • 孟紫依 2018-11-23

    It's very good.

  • 赖燕 2018-11-24





    I think that way will contribute to spread Chinese culture. Also, I learned many English expressions of Chinese custom, Chinese songs, Chinese literature and so on. After a period of learning Chinese culture, I have new understanding of Chinese culture. I find Chinese culture is broad and profound far more than I thought. Chinese culture is like a large system, which permeates all aspects of people's life. At the same time, I learned some other fields where I've never had contact. In my opinion, Chinese culture has been developing and expanding constantly from ancient times to today and radiates permanent vitality.

  • 黄慧敏 2018-11-24

    We have been more familiar with Chinese traditional culture by this course

  • 谭丽蓉 2018-11-24

    I hardly ever took the initiative to learn Chinese traditional culture before,because I think that is boring.But through this study of the general situation of Chinese traditional culture,I deeply felt the breath and depth of Chinese culture and the long history of China.It makes me proud of being Chinese and makes me want to know more about it.

  • 石芳 2018-11-24

    beautiful and wonderful

  • 武青青 2018-11-24

    it's a very interesting and useful coursezIt makes me know that china is so big and it has a long history .It is a ancient country and it has a fantastic history.

  • 魏天赐 2018-11-25

    I know many kinds of Chinese traditional culture, and I will have a deeper understanding of Chinese traditional culture.

  • 董娇娇 2018-11-25

  • 林芮瑶 2018-11-25


    In the course of this period of study,I learned a lot.Learned a lot about Chinese culture and some other things.First,I have learned how to  introduct the topographic features of China in English.Second,I knew more thing about Chinese Arts,and it attract me a lot.Third,I get to know the difference between traditional education and modern education.And also,I knew more expression skills ,more words as well.What's more,through the course,I met new friends from other school.All in all ,in this study, my own ability has been greatly improved ,especially improve ability of expression and spoken English.

  • 付琬芩 2018-11-25

    China is a unified nation consisting of many different ethnic groups. Fifty-six different ethnic groups make up the great Chinese national family. Because the Han people accounts for more than ninety percent of China's population, the remaining fifty-five groups are generally referred to as "ethnic minorities." Next to the majority Han, the Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, and Uygur peoples comprise the largest ethnic groups. Although China's ethnic minorities do not account for a large portion of the population, they are distributed over a vast area, residing in every corner of China.

  • 宋千惠 2018-11-25

  • 邱婷 2018-11-25

    I learned something about Chinese culture in English. This course let me know more about the Chinese tradition, understand the Chinese culture, understand all kinds of customs, all kinds of outstanding tasks. Learning Chinese culture in English can make you learn English better, spread Chinese culture in English, and show more Chinese aspects to the world.

  • 钟昱淞 2018-11-25

    I realized that Chinese culture is interesting and that China has a long history.

