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Manifestations to  Germany's cultural core

By 宋薇 老师 2020-04-12 14704次浏览

How many manifestations to  Germany's cultural core values, and what are they?

1378 回复

  • 翁嘉欣 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.

    Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • strange 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.

    1.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    2.Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    3.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • 丁炳元 2020-05-14

    I think there are three manifestations.The first one is individualism.Germans attach great importance to themselves and family and kinship.The second thing ismasculinity.Germans very value advancement, challenge, income and outside recognition.The last thing is uncertainty avoidance.Germans insist on a disciplined code of conduct. Everything has its own rules and spontaneous compliance.

  • 关照译 2020-05-14

    individualism: German place high priority to take care of themselves and their immedate family.

    masculinity: German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    unvertainty avoidance: German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct. It seems to have a rule for everything.

  • 尹逊璋 2020-05-14

    I think the core of German culture should be the spirit of craftsman. Germans have fine spiritual qualities

  • 侯懿珊 2020-05-14

    1.Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.
    2.Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.
    3.Uncertainty avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.It seems to have a rule for everything.

  • 帅灵 2020-05-14

    They are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. 

    1. High individualism:Germans prefer to work and live in individualist. For them,task management is more important than relationship. 

    2.High masculinity:In Germany;social gender roles are distinct. If feminmity values the quality;then masculinity values quantity. Germans place high priority on reputation and assertiveness. 

    3.High uncertainty avoidance:In Germany,security is preferred because of risk adverse. They have a low tolerance for ambiguity. 

  • 王鼎中 2020-05-14

    There're three manifestations. 

    The first is individualism. The second is masculinity. The third is uncertainly avoidance. 


  • 韩晓磊 2020-05-14

    1.Individualism:German place high priority tolooking after themselves and their immediate family .

    2. Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition,advancement and challenge.

    3.Uncertainty avoidance: German insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.lt seems to have arule for everything.

  • 林倩仪 2020-05-14

    Order:It reflects the belief that there is an inherent order and system in everything in Germany.

    Clarity:For most Gmermans it is important to be clear,and part of that clarity is to have a system that oulliner fr everyone exactlly what has to be done and who will do it .

    Ture and duty:Frankness and straightforwardness to the point of bluntness are features of German society.

  • 娜孜 2020-05-14

    1.Individualism: Germans placed highpriority on looking after themselves and their families.   2.Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.  3. Uncertainty avoidance :Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct 。

  • 炸炸 2020-05-14

    1.Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    2.Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.

    3.Uncertainty avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.It seems to have a rule for everything.

  • 小胖登呀 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.

    1.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    2.Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    3.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • 李为 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values:Individualism、Masculinity and Unvertainty avoidance.

    1.Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    2.Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.

    3.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

    It seems to have a rule for everything.


  • 张爱玲 2020-05-14

    1. Individualism: attach great importance to self-care and family.

    2. Masculinity: success, money and material wealth constitute a cultural feature of social dominant values.

    3. Power distance: Germany is a decentralized society and very punctual.

  • liduo 2020-05-14

     There are a lot of world culture to the forefront, but the culture here is different in every place, according to their own regional cultural characteristics, in power to develop our own culture, there are a lot of local culture and art color gradually began to move towards the world stage, the German government support for cultural development is also adopted in attitude, here have a lot of the theater are government buildings, there are many artistic talents, and vigorously develop the government. There are more than 3,000 places in the museum, and there are many places with extremely rich books, which can accommodate a lot of people. In Germany, the symphony is very developed,

  • 王璐瑶 2020-05-14

    1.Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.


    2.Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.


    3.Uncertainty avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.It seems to have a rule for everything.

  • 李昆霖 2020-05-14

    They are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. 


    1. High individualism:Germans prefer to work and live in individualist. For them,task management is more important than relationship. 


    2.High masculinity:In Germany;social gender roles are distinct. If feminmity values the quality;then masculinity values quantity. Germans place high priority on reputation and assertiveness. 


    3.High uncertainty avoidance:In Germany,security is preferred because of risk adverse. They have a low tolerance for ambiguity. 

  • 李昆霖 2020-05-14

    They are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. 


    1. High individualism:Germans prefer to work and live in individualist. For them,task management is more important than relationship. 


    2.High masculinity:In Germany;social gender roles are distinct. If feminmity values the quality;then masculinity values quantity. Germans place high priority on reputation and assertiveness. 


    3.High uncertainty avoidance:In Germany,security is preferred because of risk adverse. They have a low tolerance for ambiguity. 

  • 尹逸仙 2020-05-14

    Individualism ; place high priority looking after themselves  and their family

    Mausculinity : Germans place greater importance on earing

    Power distance : Germany is a decentralized society with relatively flatter orangnization structures and a comoaratively smaller proportion of supervisors and very on time

  • 崔鑫鹤 2020-05-14

    Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • 王雨辰 2020-05-14
    1. First:Individualism:It is important to place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.
    2. Second:Masculinity:Germans always place greater importance on earing, recognition advancement and callenge.
    3. Third:Directness:Germans and Americans both find the noncommottal nature and directness of British communication abhorrent.
  • 稀里哗啦大草地 2020-05-14


    Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.


    Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.


    Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.



  • Melisa 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural,they are individualism,masculinity and uncertainty avoidance. 1.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.          2.Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.      3.Uncertainty avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.It seems to have a rule for everything.


  • Lili 2020-05-14

    Individualism::place high priority on looking after themselves and their family.

    Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earing.

    Power distance:Germany is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors,and very on time.

  • 给你递桨 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.

    Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • Cynthia 2020-05-14

    Individualism: relatives and feelings of self are very important to germans.

    Masculinity:   challenge is a must in German life.

    Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • 谢冰玉 2020-05-14

    1.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.


    2.Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.


    3.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • 小猪lulu 2020-05-14


    German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.


    German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    Unvertainty avoidance

    German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

  • 郑佳雯 2020-05-14

    There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.

    1.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.

    2.Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.

    3.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.

