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How to improve academic English writing?

By 46孙宇 2020-05-18 447次浏览

46 回复

  • 68张志菲 2020-05-20

    1. Read a lot, and read the best materials
    2. Consciously reserve background knowledge
    3. A lot of writing, clear expression training and rigorous logic

  • 58曹慧 2020-05-20

    learning English

  • 61康鑫 2020-05-20

    improve English writing ability by improving listening and speaking ability. English listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities influence each other and promote each other.

  • 26刘占宇 2020-05-21

    We should study the writing course well and then practice it.

  • 16杨硕 2020-05-21

    Read and practice.

  • 16付雪 2020-05-21

    Step 1

    Write a strong thesis statement. According to Indiana University's Writing Tutorial Services, strong thesis statements define one precise main idea. Take a position that will spark discussion. Make the statement one or two sentences long.

    Step 2

    Consider what you want to accomplish with your essay. Choose an entertaining, an informative, an analytical or a persuasive tone, which Grossmont College Writing Center identifies as the four main purposes for writing an essay. Keep your aim in mind as you structure and write your essay.

    Step 3

    Remember that the essay is meant to have an audience. Picture that audience, and figure out what they would want to know about your topic and how you would answer their questions. According to Southern Oregon University's History Department, writing essays is always about expressing a viewpoint. The same holds true for English essays. Write to persuade or inform your audience of your viewpoint in a manner that is most compatible with what you know about their beliefs.

    Step 4

    Write the essay with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Invite your readers into your essay by using a hook to pique their interest. Put your thesis statement in the introduction, and write this introduction in one paragraph. Use the body to break down your argument piece by piece, and explain each part in its own paragraph. Write the conclusion in one final paragraph to wrap up the essay. Restate succinctly what you have said in the body in this paragraph, and leave the audience with a parting thought.

    Step 5

    Write the first draft without judging it until you are finished. According to Villanova University, the first draft is just the beginning. Write and revise until your work is polished. Make grammar and spelling corrections, but also be brave enough to make major revisions if you see a better way of expressing your thoughts.

    Step 6

    Use strong and effective words. According to Grossmont College, you can improve your essay writing by learning to choose words wisely. Use action verbs whenever you can. Look in a thesaurus if you need a word that is more intense or interesting or if you find that you are using the same word over and over. Avoid contractions, and use the third-person perspective in most formal essays.

  • 07公丽 2020-05-23

    The lack of logical thinking ability in writing is manifested in confusion of expression, lack of level and organization of writing, etc., which makes it difficult to fully display the research ideas and results.

  • 17刘冬颖 2020-05-24

    Study hard and read more articles.

  • 21李佳鹏 2020-05-24

    Practice and read for months on academic writing techniques.

    Oranize persuasive and well structured.

  • 21李佳鹏 2020-05-24

    Consider what you want to accomplish with your essay. Choose an entertaining, an informative, an analytical or a persuasive tone, which Grossmont College Writing Center identifies as the four main purposes for writing an essay. Keep your aim in mind as you structure and write your essay.

  • 21李佳鹏 2020-05-24

    Write the essay with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Invite your readers into your essay by using a hook to pique their interest. Put your thesis statement in the introduction, and write this introduction in one paragraph. Use the body to break down your argument piece by piece, and explain each part in its own paragraph. Write the conclusion in one final paragraph to wrap up the essay. Restate succinctly what you have said in the body in this paragraph, and leave the audience with a parting thought.

  • 26路科扬 2020-05-24

    Practice and read for months on academic writing techniques,and read more professional related articles and learn related writing skills.

  • 13苏尔烈 2020-05-24

    As we all know that English is a subject that needs to be accumulated, so if you want to improve your level you must read English literature often.

  • 35王钰堡 2020-05-24

    Exercise your logic in writting.

  • 30罗贤贤 2020-05-24

    As we all know that English is a subject that needs to be accumulated, so if you want to improve your level you must read English literature often.

