I think the problem section is the most important part of a research paper.I think the discussion section is the most difficult part of a research paper.
I think the most important part is procedure, cause it's not easy to know how to do in order to make this reseach better.And conclusion is difficult to write, there're always someting need to improve.
the problem section is the most important part. In this part, you should use the appropriate tools to collect enough data, which are beneficial to seek the truth.
In my perspective. The procedure section is the most important part, because I must work out a method to solve my problem and make sure it can do it and it meaningful enough to explore the answer.And the most difficult part is also the procedure section, bcause we have to consider many affects,and should write down the pross of research.In the pross, we still need to think feasibilily, in this way I think it is difficult for me to design the procedure section.
I think is the most important in study process,because the most reference value and can processis part of the research significance, | think the mostdifficult to write also the part process at the sametime, because want to express the process logicall,and accurately, and pay attention to the words, it seems to me is the most trouble .
I think the most important thing in this paper is the conclusion, because we need to make a summary of the whole article and get the significance of this paper. The most difficult part is the conclusion, because it requires strong generalization ability and logical thinking
I think the method is also important and it also is the most difficult part. In my perspective the good or bad article lies in whether the method is scientific rigorous, whether it is innovative.
I think the most important part in the research report is proceduce. Most people who rewarded a big prize and fame is not only because an astonishing find but also the method he create to research a problem.
The conclusion is both most important and most difficult to write..Because the reason for us to make a research is to find out something that is included in the conclusion.
In my perception, the result section is the most important part. That's because this part is the presentation of the results obtained from the investgation in order to prove your points.
in my opinion, i think the research discusson is the most important thing in the research paper,because it can guide the reader konw the meaning and infulence of the research. and the discuss also is the most difficult part to write.