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2022.09.01 ~ 2023.01.05
  • 杭州师范大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 2087人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2023-01-03





Describe a time when you visitedd a friend or family member at their workplace.

By 胡乔立 老师 2022-11-09 6220次浏览

You should say:

       who you visited

       where this person worked

      why you visited this person's workplace

and explain how you felt about visiting this person's workplace

331 回复

  • 赵聪 2022-11-16

      My father is a manager of the department of fabric pattern design. When i visited his workplace, my first impression was that it was quiet. Though there were only a handful of people in the whole office, everyone was working hard. At the same time, my father is not the manage i remember who was very strict with his subordinate. On the contrary, my father is kind and patient to his subordinates. This surprised me for a long time and changed my impression of the manage.

  • 钱雯欣 2022-11-16

    Two weeks ago,my cousin engaged in preparing for a competition and asked me to  accompany her to the city's Rolder skating rink,where an aerobic competition for pupils and  middle school students were held.Thus,I was lucky to visited her workplace,a normal primary school filled with vitality and happiness.When I stepped into the school,I was greeted by amounts of creative pictures displayed along the corridor.Then pupils' pure laughters poured  into my head and recalled the buried memories  in my mind.Just sitting on the tiny wooden bench and watching them playing the finger games  were such relaxing things!I suddenly understood the reason  why my sister   chose to be a teacher  without hesitation.In this place ,what you harvests is the never aged heart.

  • 张罗阳 2022-11-16

    When I was young,I visited my father at his workplace,a printing house.Because I wanted to play with him.Though the smell was bad, all the workmates of my dad were vary friendly,and I fell good.

  • 李凯娣 2022-11-16

    I visited my uncle on the summer vacation who worked in his own farm.By visiting the farm,I got the sense of larbor. I went to the farm because I want to see how the plants grow up. I picked a lot of fruits, exposed to the sunshine, I felt the beauty of nature.and I also felt tired and exhosted.My uncle said all the plants are planted by their hands.By visiting the farm,I learned a lot,I knew that everything is not easy to get,we should cherish everything we had .

    • 杨雪 老师 2022-11-23

      We always  know a person by his title, but this time from your vivid  description I know your uncle well! thank you!

  • 石如意 2022-11-16

    I went to the law firm to see my sister, who is a lawyer partner. She introduced me to the civil law and told me to abide by the law and love the party

  • 张曼 2022-11-16

    In the last few days of summer vacation,I visited my uncle's workplace.My uncle is a businessman,and he provides tools for the mine.So he works in stores and mines.Because the mine is vary dangerous,I just visited my uncle's shop.The university is about to open,and my uncle's shop is closer to the university.So my uncle invites me to come to there.In those days,I learned that life is not easy.We should study harder to make our families and ourselves live better.

  • 梁立 2022-11-16

    I visited my uncle who work in the bank in Auguest 2022. The reason why I visited him was I need a credit card for my rest life. In the bank I felt the highly efficient that contributed by technology because it made the bank divided into the auto-machine area and artifiical area.People can choose the suit area that match their own problem.

  • 王佳乐 2022-11-16

    My mom is a middle school teacher.When I was a little girl,my mom always took me to where she worked,in order to keep me safe.Although I felt pleasant playing with my mom's student and liked the food from my mom's colleagues ,I also felt down when my mom sat behind me ,looking down at me to keep me study.It was so horrible!!!However,as I growing up,I am convinced that what my mom did is just  to push me to be a better myself.All in all,I think this experience is precious and worth savoring.

    • 杨淑丹 老师 2022-12-02
      I don't know whether you've studied at your mom's school. If so, that must have been an interesting experience.
  • 陈珏颖 2022-11-16

    I visit my parents in the summer vacatation.They worked in a state-owned factory. As the children of the employees, i was invited to visit the factory.At there, I deeply realized the my parents'hardships, and was also attracted by the technology in the factory. I had to sigh that technology had changed our life.

  • 龚乐菲 2022-11-16

    When I was a teenager, I visited my grandfather where he worked. At that time, he was working in a small room which was extremely hot. I called on him because my mother asked me to bring him lunch. As soon as I entered the room, a heat wave hit me. In the corner of the room, the light in the heated kang was reflecting his dark and oily face, and his eyes were focused on the fire, which was boiling mutton. My grandfather has been selling white cut mutton for nearly 30 years, and he personally cooked every sheep. Although the living conditions have changed and he is old yet, at that moment, the image of my stubborn but determined grandfather who refused to obey the old was forever printed in my heart, mixed with his granddaughter's heartache and admiration for him.

  • 林思怡 2022-11-17

    I visited my father's workplace.My father runs a self-employed shop,which just near my home.I almost everyday go to there.Sometimes I would help my father do some simple work ,such as sticking a sign and so on.There would come many customers everyday,they consulted the products and prices,and my father always replyed them patiently and honestly.Of course,the process of bargaining also taught me a lot.I gradually learnt how to cope with problems and get alone well with others.The most imporant of all,I learnt how hard my father to make money for our family to have a better life and I become much more cherish the good life now.I respect and adore my father deeply from the bottom of my heart.

  • 虞若萱 2022-11-17

    I visited my teacher of my primary school by chance when I was working as a volunteer of my primary school.This was an incredible experience because it made me more skillful in my major and closed the gap between me and my teacher.

  • 李响 2022-11-17

    I visited my grandparents this summer, who live in a small village and work in the fields. Since I was leaving for college and I would really miss them, so I took a bus with my parents to visit them. The peaceful village made me feel cozy and warm, while staying with my grandparents made me recall sweet memories back in my childhood.

  • 罗朗 2022-11-17

    I remember I visiting a friend of my father ,who is a doctor in nerology.Because I was uncomfortable that day so i went to the hospital ,and when I finish it , my father took me to his offilce by the way.He patiently required with his patient,many of whom was the elder, and he gave them medical instructions.I was about to graduate from junior high school at that time.It might be the first time I observed so concentrately how a doctor works ,not as a patient but just a observer.Now as I recall ,it might be the very beginning of my decision of wanting to be a doctor.

  • 邵琦沣 2022-11-17

    last month I went to my mother's workplace and got a meal here. I don't think it's a good place because I don't like woring (laugh).But the food they offered was really cheap and nice,which makes me want to work in here too.All in all,I respect my mother's choice and I also think if I should go to work sometine,here may be a core comfortable place than others .

  • 韩锦悦 2022-11-17

    I visit my aunt's kindergarten,I often help her to make all kinds of handicrafts and paintings, play all kinds of things like children, slide and swing, as if he had returned to my childhood

  • 周子煜 2022-11-17

    I visit my mother's office in a summer holiday.She is a accountant,so she need to deal with some account flexibly,which is a difficult job for me.Though she ought to use lots of imformation,she still have a clean and neat desktop.

  • 施政 2022-11-18

    I visit my step mother's work place during my vacation.She works in a hospital,I went there because I wanted to have a self check.And I felt very nervous while I was in it.


  • 许竞予 2022-11-18

    Because my father is a self-employed businessman ,I have too many opportunities to visited his workplace-the Battery car shop .But what impressed me most was the experience of waiting for my younger brother who hadn't finished school in farther's shop.

    For a long time, my father squatted on the ground to weld a part of the battery car for customers.His face was covered in thick goggles and he had no time to wipe away the sweat that had fallen from his face to his neck as he held the welder with both hands.I stayed and wanted to help, but I didn't know where to start. Maybe all I could do was try to be a better person so that he wouldn't work so hard in the near future.

  • 商佳烨 2022-11-19

    I visited my bro worked in a gym,who just got the fitness instructor certificate.It suprised me when I first having a look of the gym,I think it's so cool for a man played with the fitness equipment.In there,I asked him some questions about how to exercise efficiently to build muscles and also had a try to play the equipment,you konw,it was so hard.What a nice experience.

  • 林喆 2022-11-19

    My mother owned a dessert house.Almost everyday free at home,I went there to help.Well,to be honest,rather than bragging that I was helping,I was visiting,experiencing,somentimes even misbehaving.As a result,what I could do was arranging the fruit pieces on the Tiramisu. But, whatever?I just want to stick to my mother a little longer,relieve her fatigue as well.

    Ps:despite the happiness attached to desserts,making them seems to be extremely the opposite.

  • 丁泓及 2022-11-19

    I visited my teacher of my primary school by chance when I was working as a volunteer of my primary school.This was an incredible experience because it made me more skillful in my major and closed the gap between me and my teacher.

  • 王家乐 2022-11-19

           I visited my brother in the summer vacation after the college entrance examination. He worked in a basketball park in a big shopping mall. When I learned that he was in charge of teaching students to play basketball there, I took my friends to play in his gymnasium. I got a lot out of this visit and ended up feeling tired but happy.

  • 吴其泽 2022-11-19

    I visited my high school teacher,she worked in a local high school which is my mother school.tThe reason why I visited her workplace is that to be a high school teacher is always my dream.My teacher's office is clean and well-equipped,which has both private space and office area.

  • 应铠煜 2022-11-19

    During the summer I met my uncle.It is my first time to visit the China Railway Construction Building.The main to visit is for celebrating the promotion and encouraging me to study hard.At last I knew the good intentions of family.The only thing you can catch is the thing you have paid for.

  • 邱卓颖 2022-11-20

    I once visited my uncle's workplace when I hurt my leg in middle school,he sat in front of the computer and many people wait in line to ask about the condition in the hosipital.My uncle is a doctor in the Zhejiang Second Hospital.When I went to his workpalce, he is always in a hurry,because there are many patient's inquiries and surgery arrangements.Although it was hard,he always smiled warmfully when he saw the patients were well treated.At that moment,I felt his persistence and love for his career,which was moving and admirable.

  • 李岩松 2022-11-20

    I visited my father's workplace many years ago.He was a section chief in Forestry Bureau in our county.Though we were living in the city,my father still work in rural area.He was so busy that he came home late and went for work early.I was very curious about what my father did and where he worked,so I followed my father to his workplace on a winter day.I was amazed at the sight of his big desk.I also noticed a small bed in the corner of his office.I could image he was sleeping when his work was so heavy.I was very happy to see these and I sat at the desk as if I were the owner of the office.My father took the picture at once to record the moment and the picture was on his desk now.

  • 丁镇辉 2022-11-20

    I visited my sister in her first year on the job and she work in a bank.Because I needed to apply a card and wanted to see my sister's working environment, I went to the bank.When I saw her, I had already arranged my card.My sister works in the back office of the bank,which has a large office area.As it was working time, I unable to speak to my sister for a few works.It was not until lunchtime that my sister finished her work and showed me around. I feel the difficulty of life and work.

  • 吕哲宇 2022-11-20

    My parents are hairdressers, I often follow my parents to their barber shop, to help them sweep the floor. Their barbershop is located in a vegetable market, and many people get their hair cut off while buying vegetables. When I grew up, I only went there when I needed a haircut. Now when I see the old barber shop, I feel a feeling of feeling that time is like water. I gradually grow up, and my parents are getting old like the shop.

  • 王佳慧 2022-11-20

    I have visited my father's workplace.It is in the Spring Festival,my father and his colleagues still hold the office.Becourse my father is a police,so he must protect the people in the Spring Festival.As a matter of experience,the Sping Festival always has more crimes.

