I think research is a work that actively seeks the cause and basis, so as to improve the reliability and robustness of the cause or power. And the purpose of our research is to prove our point of view and draw a conclusion.
Research is to understand the development and results of things in practice. Because research can let us know more things and the truth or false of facts.
Research is that we actively seek the root cause and more reliable basis so as to contribute to the society development. The reason we research is to explore the mysteries of the world, so as to make our life better.
Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods
Research is an activity in which an object or a phenomenon is investigated and concluded. Research is an important scientific activity, which is an important reason for our research.
I think university research means to actively seek the root causes and higher reliability basis, so as to do work for the reliableility and robustness of our academy. Because we need a lot of date to support our view,research is essential.
I think research refers to people's exploration towards the truth of the world.We research to learn more about the worid and contribute to the welfare of mankind.
I think research refers to people's exploration towards the truth of the world.We research to learn more about the world and contribute to the welfare of mankind.
Research is a report written to study a certain problem for people to understand and watch. In order to let more people know the results of the research
Reserch is some results and conclusion about something or some views of somebody to something. Because we can learn some truth from something and know how to do in the next step.