





成绩预发布时间 2020-06-21

期末考试截止时间 2020-06-20 23:55





The connection between media and the world

By 王荣华13129751289 2020-03-22 1313次浏览

Since history,there have been great differences between Chinese culture and European culture.Why are there similarties in many aspects of newspaper reports?What does this have to do with mass media? 


  • 翟峥 老师 2020-03-25

    That's an interesting question! You may want to read more books on history (including history of journalism) to have a better idea. But I have two quick observations to share with you. First, the news that you read today (topic, structure, wording...) is quite different from stories written 100 years ago. In other words, the paradigm of news reporting has been evolving and it will continue to evolve. Second, because of the political, economic and cultural influence of the US after the end of WWII, the paradigm adopted in the US has spread across the world and has been regarded by many as the model of reporting. After all, the "inverted pyramid" structure is one of the most efficient ways to tell a story; and the focus on aberrations appeals more to the general public. That said, there are indeed nuances in how a story is structured even among "Western" countries. If you compare news reporting in the US, UK, France, and Germany, for instance, you will find similarities AND many differences. Such difference is more obvious if you look at news reporting in East Asia. In other words, cultural difference does play a part in news coverage. 

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  • 翟峥 老师 2020-03-25

    That's an interesting question! You may want to read more books on history (including history of journalism) to have a better idea. But I have two quick observations to share with you. First, the news that you read today (topic, structure, wording...) is quite different from stories written 100 years ago. In other words, the paradigm of news reporting has been evolving and it will continue to evolve. Second, because of the political, economic and cultural influence of the US after the end of WWII, the paradigm adopted in the US has spread across the world and has been regarded by many as the model of reporting. After all, the "inverted pyramid" structure is one of the most efficient ways to tell a story; and the focus on aberrations appeals more to the general public. That said, there are indeed nuances in how a story is structured even among "Western" countries. If you compare news reporting in the US, UK, France, and Germany, for instance, you will find similarities AND many differences. Such difference is more obvious if you look at news reporting in East Asia. In other words, cultural difference does play a part in news coverage. 

