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成绩预发布时间 2023-06-27





How can we improve our academic language?

By 黄小佳 06-08 382次浏览

11 所有答案

  • 胡佩蓥 06-08

    Improving academic language can be a gradual process, but here are some tips that can help:

    1. Read academic texts: Reading academic texts, such as journal articles, can help you become familiar with the style and language used in academic writing.

    2. Practice writing: Practice writing in an academic style by writing essays, research papers, and other academic assignments. This will help you understand the conventions of academic writing and improve your ability to express complex ideas clearly.

    3. Expand your vocabulary: Building a strong vocabulary is essential for academic writing. You can do this by reading widely, looking up unfamiliar words, and practicing using new words in your writing.

    4. Use formal language: Academic writing requires the use of formal language. Avoid using slang, contractions, or overly casual language.

    5. Be concise: Academic writing should be clear and concise. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases and focus on expressing your ideas clearly and succinctly.

    6. Use appropriate grammar and punctuation: Proper grammar and punctuation are essential for clear communication in academic writing. Make sure to proofread your work carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

    7. Seek feedback: Ask your instructors or peers to review your writing and provide feedback on areas that need improvement.

    By following these tips, you can gradually improve your academic language and become a more effective communicator in an academic setting.

  • 沈中奇 06-08

    I think there are other ways to improve academic language:

    Participate in writing courses or workshops: Many schools or institutions offer writing courses or workshops that can help you learn academic writing skills and norms, and improve your writing skills.

    Practice oral expression more: Academic language not only includes writing, but also oral expression. Practicing oral expression more can help you use academic language more naturally and improve your oral expression skills.

    Pay attention to context and audience: When writing, pay attention to context and audience, choose appropriate academic language and expression methods, in order to better convey one's own views.

    Participate more in academic discussions: Participating in academic discussions can help you understand the use and standardization of academic terminology, while also improving your thinking and expression abilities.

    Pay attention to reflection and improvement: After writing an article, one should reflect on their writing process and expression methods, identify shortcomings, and make improvements.

    In short, improving academic language requires continuous learning and practice, while also emphasizing reflection and improving one's writing skills.

  • 刘志鑫 06-08

    I think there are other ways to improve academic language:

    Participate in writing courses or workshops: Many schools or institutions offer writing courses or workshops that can help you learn academic writing skills and norms, and improve your writing skills.

    Practice oral expression more: Academic language not only includes writing, but also oral expression. Practicing oral expression more can help you use academic language more naturally and improve your oral expression skills.

    Pay attention to context and audience: When writing, pay attention to context and audience, choose appropriate academic language and expression methods, in order to better convey one's own views.

    Participate more in academic discussions: Participating in academic discussions can help you understand the use and standardization of academic terminology, while also improving your thinking and expression abilities.

    Pay attention to reflection and improvement: After writing an article, one should reflect on their writing process and expression methods, identify shortcomings, and make improvements.

    In short, improving academic language requires continuous learning and practice, while also emphasizing reflection and improving one's writing skills.

  • 刘志鑫 06-08

    I think there are other ways to improve academic language:

    Participate in writing courses or workshops: Many schools or institutions offer writing courses or workshops that can help you learn academic writing skills and norms, and improve your writing skills.

    Practice oral expression more: Academic language not only includes writing, but also oral expression. Practicing oral expression more can help you use academic language more naturally and improve your oral expression skills.

    Pay attention to context and audience: When writing, pay attention to context and audience, choose appropriate academic language and expression methods, in order to better convey one's own views.

    Participate more in academic discussions: Participating in academic discussions can help you understand the use and standardization of academic terminology, while also improving your thinking and expression abilities.

    Pay attention to reflection and improvement: After writing an article, one should reflect on their writing process and expression methods, identify shortcomings, and make improvements.

    In short, improving academic language requires continuous learning and practice, while also emphasizing reflection and improving one's writing skills.

  • 卢俊杰 06-08

    Read and write

  • 顾沄澜 06-25

    Improvement measures: 1. Carefully analyze the problem studied; 2. Re-write the research status according to the references, especially the review; 3. Decompose the research content according to the problem and clarify the relationship between the contents; 4. Distinguish between the research results of the paper and the results of the project

  • 王滢 06-25

    Academic language is used to explain professional knowledge in a certain field, usually using standardized written language found in dictionaries. It is required to be scientific, accurate, and standardized, and to express clearly without ambiguity. It is best not to create some vague and difficult to understand vocabulary on your own.

  • 陈霖 06-25

    Academic language is used to explain professional knowledge in a certain field, usually using standardized written language found in dictionaries. It is required to be scientific, accurate, and standardized, and to express clearly without ambiguity. It is best not to create some vague and difficult to understand vocabulary on your own.

  • 王丹妮 06-25

    I think there are other ways to improve academic language:

    Participate in writing courses or workshops: Many schools or institutions offer writing courses or workshops that can help you learn academic writing skills and norms, and improve your writing skills.

    Practice oral expression more: Academic language not only includes writing, but also oral expression. Practicing oral expression more can help you use academic language more naturally and improve your oral expression skills.

    Pay attention to context and audience: When writing, pay attention to context and audience, choose appropriate academic language and expression methods, in order to better convey one's own views.

    Participate more in academic discussions: Participating in academic discussions can help you understand the use and standardization of academic terminology, while also improving your thinking and expression abilities.

    Pay attention to reflection and improvement: After writing an article, one should reflect on their writing process and expression methods, identify shortcomings, and make improvements.

    In short, improving academic language requires continuous learning and practice, while also emphasizing reflection and improving one's writing skills.

  • 黎佳谣 06-25

    I think there are other ways to improve academic language:

    Participate in writing courses or workshops: Many schools or institutions offer writing courses or workshops that can help you learn academic writing skills and norms, and improve your writing skills.

    Practice oral expression more: Academic language not only includes writing, but also oral expression. Practicing oral expression more can help you use academic language more naturally and improve your oral expression skills.

    Pay attention to context and audience: When writing, pay attention to context and audience, choose appropriate academic language and expression methods, in order to better convey one's own views.

    Participate more in academic discussions: Participating in academic discussions can help you understand the use and standardization of academic terminology, while also improving your thinking and expression abilities.

    Pay attention to reflection and improvement: After writing an article, one should reflect on their writing process and expression methods, identify shortcomings, and make improvements.

    In short, improving academic language requires continuous learning and practice, while also emphasizing reflection and improving one's writing skills.

  • 王敏 06-26

    Read and write.

