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2022.08.29 ~ 2022.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习2-3小时
  • 940人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2022-12-29

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Unit I Discovering Yourself_discussion

By 马武林 老师 2022-09-07 1113次浏览

Unit I Discovering Yourself

     Have you ever heard of the father of hybrid rice-- Yuan Longping's Dream, Dun Huang's daughter--Fan Jinshi's experience and Doctor Huang Guoping's Acknowledgements in his doctoral thesis? Please search the following topics and read some other related content if possible:

1. Scientists honored for inspirational pursuits

2. Honoring heroic women in China

3. Doctoral thesis' tale of hardship wins praise online

And then, consider and discuss: How do we university students make efforts to pursue our “Chinese Dream” based on the words by Liang QiChao:

If youth are intelligent, China will be intelligent,

if youth are wealthy, China will be wealthy;


if youth are strong, China will be strong,

if youth are independent, China will be independent;


if youth are free, China will be free,

if youth are progressive, China will be progressive


     You are advised to share your ideas by following the pattern below:

1. Introduction (To introduce the topic or thesis to the reader, and then present the thesis statement.)

2. Body (To state the premises or reasons to support your thesis logically and convincingly)

3. Conclusion (To retell your position, propose a solution or the likes to conclude your ideas)

2 回复

  • Lu 2022-10-11

     We shoulder the historical responsibility of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only by building the road to realize our ideals on down-to-earth struggle can we unleash our youthful dreams and realize our ideals in life.

       First of all, be determined to be lofty. Mozi said, "Those who are not strong in their aspirations are not wise". Ambition is ideal and belief; Ambition is to establish ideal and belief. Ambition is lofty, that is, to open up your horizons, not to be satisfied with the status quo, not to succumb to the difficulties and setbacks of the moment and the place, and not to care about personal interests and gains and losses. Then, we should aim to do great things. The destiny of the individual should be linked with the destiny of the country and the people, the aspiration to serve the country, the aspiration to serve the people, and the struggle for the interests of the motherland and the people should be established. Finally, resolve to act. Achieving lofty ideals requires striving bit by bit. To realize lofty ideals, we must start from me, start from now, and start from ordinary work.

       All in all, we must strive to write youth, and strive to become a newcomer of the era who shoulders the important task of national rejuvenation.

  • 葵花宝典 2022-10-11

    College students are the sustenance of the "Chinese Dream". The essence of the "Chinese dream" is to achieve national prosperity, national rejuvenation and people's happiness, while young students are the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, and the vigorous driving force for the development of the cause of the Party and people.

    The Chinese Dream embodies the long-cherished wish of several generations of Chinese people, embodies the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, and is the common aspiration of every Chinese son and daughter.

    Contemporary college students undertake the important task of history, is a community full of vigor and vitality in the society. A good image is not only an important aspect of the success of college students, but also the requirements of the society for college students. Students should adapt to the requirements of The Times, consciously shape a positive, healthy and upward new image. Therefore, the following must be done:

    First, college students should cultivate socialist core values. Core values are the core ideas that occupy the dominant position and play a dominant role in a society, and also the basic value norms that a society must follow for a long time. College students are in the critical period of the formation of their outlook on life and values, their ideas are gradually taking shape, but they still have great plasticity. If we win the youth, we will win the future. We strengthen the ideological education of college students with socialist core values, which has a clear sense of The Times and practical significance.

    Secondly, contemporary college students should study hard and diligently, make good use of study time reasonably, and play an exemplary role in study. At the same time, they should also learn theory well, improve their quality, and drive their clas**ates' progress politically.

    Third, enhance party spirit cultivation, enhance party spirit cultivation. We must have a firm Marxist belief, speak of political morality, and consciously improve our political moral cultivation.

    Fourth, we should pursue truth and be good at innovation. Contemporary college students should give full play to the many a**antages of vigorous, quick thinking, dare to be the first, the least outdated ideas, the most creative energy, and adhere to the spirit of pursuing truth.

    Fifth, have both political integrity and ability and develop in an all-round way. For contemporary college students, "virtue" is by no means dispensable. Having both ability and morality is an important criterion to measure the all-round development of college students.

    Sixth, the unity of knowledge and practice, down-to-earth. Contemporary college students should strive to closely link book knowledge with practical action, and create a good image of "unity of knowledge and action, down-to-earth".

    We should start from now, from what I do, pay more attention to state affairs, study hard, work hard, and strive to become a useful talent for the country, to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to contribute positive forces.


