





成绩预发布时间 2018-12-13

期末考试截止时间 2018-12-12 22:00






By 管洁颖 老师 2018-09-19 1322次浏览

What do you think about the prospect of reading an electronic version of a book instead of the usual paper-paged, hardcopy version? What are the pros and cons of each product? What are the pros and cons of each reading experience? Try to explain your position!heart

4 回复

  • Libretta 2018-09-20

    In recent years, e-books have emerged as a convenient and cost-effective alternative for their hard copy counterparts. In a conventional world where people had to carry piles of paperbacks for reference or entertainment, e-readers come as a savior. They utilize the time spent in daily commutes, and readily convert these tiring trips into mind-boggling journeys. What’s more, e-books typically cost far less than paper-paged books. Especially for students who always consult dictionaries, textbooks and extension material, e-books have a strong allure. Nowadays, we can see people reading from their Kindles or iPads almost everywhere.

    Compared with e-books, paper-paged books seem to bear a disadvantage. Nevertheless, I stick with print books because they give me an irreplaceable sense of visual and textile satisfaction. Unlike e-books, paper pages have a delicate touch and an enjoyable smell of the ink. The absence of electronic backlights also prevents eye discomfort. As for me, reading novels or textbooks in print would usually lead to better recall of the material. They help me not only in memorizing the content — but also in recollecting the relating scenes in life. Allowing for random flipping and scribbling, they are the most loyal recorders of time, space and thoughts. Consequently, they deepen my understanding of the text. Publishing is also an art. As I step into a bookstore, I’m always overwhelmed by the great variety of fonts, illustrations and covers. These designs reflect beauty and insight, turning the books into a feast for the eye.

    I cannot see the destination of this digital revolution, but paper-paged books will always be of great significance throughout my life.

  • 管洁颖 老师 2018-09-20

    yesWhat an insightful view! You must be a bookworm, in a good waydevil

  • Vera 2018-11-01

    Sure enough, it is not rare to see that the enormous popularity of electric equipment, such as ipad and kindle, keep on soaring. They reflect the improvements of tecnology. It can protect eye-sight and readers can change the word sizes as they want.  Also, it can bring unimagable convinece for people. Think about the case that huandeds of books are stored in a book-sized euqipemnt. Wow, it's amzaing. You can take it whenever you leave and whereever you want to go. In this case, many people prefer to read e-books rather than the traditional paper books.

    But paper books could never be substituted because of their unique merits. A newly published book or magazine could best stimulate readers’ impulse for the simple reason that a great many readers enjoy the fragrance of paper book and can feel the sense of ownership when holding a book. Unlike using e-book, which souds like just a sort of fast-food reading for some people,a paper-based book enables people to have an in-depth thinking and thus enhance their literacy.

    Reading is a basic part of life and  a key role to play in people's relaxation.  Which method is better for reading, an an electronic version of a book or a paper-based book? It depends on daily mood.

  • 管洁颖 老师 2018-11-07

    @赵宝丽 your comment is very inspiredenlightened! I am curious about which type you would like to choose today hahalaugh

