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2020.02.10 ~ 2020.06.17
  • 山东大学
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成绩预发布时间 2020-06-15





What is literature?

By 15曹佳 2020-05-18 497次浏览

37 所有答案

  • 53姚鑫 2020-05-18

    Literature is a way and means to express the objective world and subjective knowledge through oral or written language. When words are not only used to record (historical records, news reports, scientific papers, etc.), but also endowed with other thoughts and feelings, and with the beauty of art, they can be called language art.

  • 53姚鑫 2020-05-18

    Poetry, prose, novels, plays, fables, fairy tales and other different genres are important forms of literature. Literature in different forms, namely genre, expresses inner feelings and represents social life in a certain period and a certain region. As a discipline, it includes Chinese language and literature, foreign language and literature, and Journalism and communication. Literature is one of the subject categories of humanities, which is on the top of social structure together with philosophy, religion, law and politics.

  • 53姚鑫 2020-05-18

    It originated from human thinking activities. The first one is oral literature, which is generally connected with music to sing lyric poetry. The earliest written literature was composed of the book of songs in China, Ramayana in India, and eliony in ancient Greece. In the pre-Qin period of China, all works written in words were collectively referred to as literature. Only after the Wei and Jin Dynasties did literary works gradually be listed separately. According to the theoretical classification of European traditional literature, literature can be divided into three categories: poetry, prose and drama. Modern literature is usually divided into four categories: poetry, novel, prose and Drama (script).

  • 53姚鑫 2020-05-18

    Literature is the art of language, an important form of social culture and the embodiment of beauty. Literary works are works in which writers express their unique spiritual world with their unique language and art. Without such two unique characteristics, there will be no real literary works. An outstanding writer is the hero of a nation's spiritual world. Literature represents the art and wisdom of a nation.

  • 50朱玥 2020-05-18

    Literature:pieces of writing or printed information on particular subject.

  • 58刘桐 2020-05-18

    Of or relating to creative writing. A "work" is a first published article or book which has not been elucidated or documented by predecessors.

  • 33冉令义 2020-05-18

    Literature is a way and means to express the objective world and subjective knowledge through oral or written language.

  • 24尹林伟 2020-05-19

    We use the word literature in a broad sense, to mean compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas and in a narrow sense, tomean compositions that well written that some aesthetic value is acquired. Still other critics add the test-of-time criterion to their essential components of literature. if a work withstands the passage of timeand is still being read centuries after its creation, it is deemed valuable and worthy to be called literature.

  • 21孙铭涵 2020-05-19

    Literature, in the broadest sense, is any single written work. Strictly speaking, literary writing is considered an art form, or any single work that is considered to have artistic or intellectual value, usually due to the deployment of the language in a manner different from the general purpose.

  • 57曹为政 2020-05-19


    It originated from human thinking activities. The first one is oral literature, which is generally connected with music to sing lyric poetry. The earliest written literature was composed of the book of songs in China, Ramayana in India, and eliony in ancient Greece. In the pre-Qin period of China, all works written in words were collectively referred to as literature.

  • 24杨雪娇 2020-05-20

    The three main ways of approaching a definition of literature are relativism, subjectivism and agnosticism.  With relativism, there are no value distinctions in literature; anything may be called good literature.  Subjectivism, as the term implies, means that all theories of literary value are subjective, and that literary evaluation is a purely personal matter.  Agnosticism follows from subjectivism, though it argues that though there may be real distinctions in literary value, our subjective value systems prevent us from knowing anything about the real values.

  • 42李明帅 2020-05-20

    Literature:pieces of writing or printed information on particular subject.

  • 46赵雅彬 2020-05-20

    Literature is a way and means of expressing the objective world and subjective cognition using spoken or written language as a medium. When the text is no longer used solely for recording (history books, news reports, scientific papers, etc.), but is endowed with other ideas and emotions, and has the beauty of art, it can be called language art. Poetry, prose, novels, scripts, fables, fairy tales and other genres are important expressions of literature. Literature expresses inner emotions in different forms, namely genres, and reproduces social life in a certain period and a certain region. As a subject category, including Chinese language and literature, foreign language and literature and journalism and communication. Literature is one of the discipline classifications that belong to the humanities, and it is on top of social architecture with philosophy, religion, law, and politics.

  • 46赵雅彬 2020-05-20

    Literature is the art of language and writing, an important form of social culture, and an expression of beauty.

  • 03马冰珂 2020-05-20

    A literature review is a summary and synthesis of academic articles about a topic they're used in any articles to frame and justify resource questions and approach.

  • 61康鑫 2020-05-20

    Etymologically, literature has to do with letters, the written as opposed to the spoken word, though not everything that is written down is literature.  As a classification, it doesn't really have any firm boundary lines.  

  • 20代世成 2020-05-20

    Literature is a way and means to express the objective world and subjective knowledge through oral or written language. When words are not only used to record (historical records, news reports, scientific papers, etc.), but also endowed with other thoughts and feelings, and with the beauty of art, they can be called language art.

  • 26刘占宇 2020-05-21

    It originated from human thinking activities. The first one is oral literature, which is generally connected with music to sing lyric poetry. The earliest written literature was composed of the book of songs in China, Ramayana in India, and eliony in ancient Greece. In the pre-Qin period of China, all works written in words were collectively referred to as literature. Only after the Wei and Jin Dynasties did literary works gradually be listed separately. According to the theoretical classification of European traditional literature, literature can be divided into three categories: poetry, prose and drama. Modern literature is usually divided into four categories: poetry, novel, prose and Drama (script).

  • 48刘敏丽 2020-05-21

    Literature is a way and means to express the objective world and subjective knowledge through oral or written language. When words are not only used to record (historical records, news reports, scientific papers, etc.), but also endowed with other thoughts and feelings, and with the beauty of art, they can be called language art.

  • 21金子力 2020-05-21

    Broadly speaking, literature is the expression of language, including storytelling, drama, singing, etc. to express our emotions, just like the ancient poet drinking and singing poetry, its joy. In a narrow sense, literature represents Chinese, and Chinese characters are expressed in rigid fonts.

  • 35王艳萍 2020-05-21

    Literature refers to the art that vividly reflects the objective reality with language and characters, including drama, poetry, novel, prose, etc. it is an important form of cultural expression, expressing inner feelings in different forms (called genre) and reproducing social life in a certain period and a certain region.

  • 55王艳爽 2020-05-21


    Four ways to create old to new information flow.
    One:Repeating keywords.
    two:Using synonyms  and different parts of speech.
    Three:Using transition words.
    four:This/These+Summary phrases

  • 21金子力 2020-05-21

    I think literature is a way and means to express the objective world and subjective knowledge through oral or written language.


  • 68张志菲 2020-05-21

    Literature refers to art that uses language and words as tools to visually reflect objective reality, including drama, poetry, novels, prose, etc. It is an important form of culture, expressing inner emotions in different forms (called genres) and reproducing for a certain period And social life in a certain area.

  • 24廖培龙 2020-05-21

    We use the word literature in a broad sense, to mean compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas and in a narrow sense, tomean compositions that well written that some aesthetic value is acquired. Still other critics add the test-of-time criterion to their essential components of literature. if a work withstands the passage of timeand is still being read centuries after its creation, it is deemed valuable and worthy to be called literature.

  • 24廖培龙 2020-05-21

    We use the word literature in a broad sense, to mean compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas and in a narrow sense, tomean compositions that well written that some aesthetic value is acquired. Still other critics add the test-of-time criterion to their essential components of literature. if a work withstands the passage of timeand is still being read centuries after its creation, it is deemed valuable and worthy to be called literature.

  • 24廖培龙 2020-05-21

    We use the word literature in a broad sense, to mean compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas and in a narrow sense, tomean compositions that well written that some aesthetic value is acquired. Still other critics add the test-of-time criterion to their essential components of literature. if a work withstands the passage of timeand is still being read centuries after its creation, it is deemed valuable and worthy to be called literature.

  • 07宋杨 2020-05-21

    Literature is a way and means of expressing the objective world 

  • 03陈庆学 2020-05-24

    It originated from human thinking activities. The first one is oral literature, which is generally connected with music to sing lyric poetry. The earliest written literature was composed of the book of songs in China, Ramayana in India, and eliony in ancient Greece. In the pre-Qin period of China, all works written in words were collectively referred to as literature. Only after the Wei and Jin Dynasties did literary works gradually be listed separately. According to the theoretical classification of European traditional literature, literature can be divided into three categories: poetry, prose and drama. Modern literature is usually divided into four categories: poetry, novel, prose and Drama (script).

  • 35王钰堡 2020-05-24

    It originated from human thinking activities. The first one is oral literature, which is generally connected with music to sing lyric poetry. The earliest written literature was composed of the book of songs in China, Ramayana in India, and eliony in ancient Greece. In the pre-Qin period of China, all works written in words were collectively referred to as literature. Only after the Wei and Jin Dynasties did literary works gradually be listed separately. According to the theoretical classification of European traditional literature, literature can be divided into three categories: poetry, prose and drama. Modern literature is usually divided into four categories: poetry, novel, prose and Drama (script).

