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成绩预发布时间 2020-06-15





How to Write a Literature Review

By 15曹佳 2020-05-18 191次浏览

10 回复

  • 53常金鑫 2020-05-19

    Step 1:Look for published academic articles(in journals, books, and book chapters)。 You will want to read abstracts and scan these articles to make sure that a)they are relevant to your topic and b) that you will be able to read them.

    Step 2:Choose 3 articles that provide useful information and that relate to each other. each article should be at least 2000 words long. Also, you must provide copies of these articles along with your first draft.

    Step 3:Decide which article you will summarize first, second and third and how you will link these articles together (i.e develop your framework). For example…

    Step 4:Start Writing Two main parts:

    1)A summary of the three sources

    2)A framework for the summaries that you'll discuss in your introduction and conclusion, and throughout your transitions

  • 60孙亚楠 2020-05-19

    The aim of a literature review is to show your reader (your tutor) that you have read, and have a good grasp of, the main published work concerning a particular topic or question in your field. This work may be in any format, including online sources. It may be a separate assignment, or one of the introductory sections of a report, dissertation or thesis. In the latter cases in particular, the review will be guided by your research objective or by the issue or thesis you are arguing and will provide the framework for your further work.


    A good literature review needs a clear line of argument. You therefore need to use the critical notes and comments you made whilst doing your reading to express an academic opinion. Make sure that:

    • you include a clear, short introduction which gives an outline of the review, including the main topics covered and the order of the arguments, with a brief rationale for this.

    • there is always a clear link between your own arguments and the evidence uncovered in your reading. Include a short summary at the end of each section.

    • you always acknowledge opinions which do not agree with your thesis. If you ignore opposing viewpoints, your argument will in fact be weaker.

  • 15刘齐卉 2020-05-19

    You first need to decide what you need to read. In many cases you will be given a booklist or directed towards areas of useful published work. Make sure you use this help. With dissertations, and particularly theses, it will be more down to you to decide. It is important, therefore, to try and decide on the parameters of your research. What exactly are your objectives and what do you need to find out? In your review, are you looking at issues of theory, methodology, policy, quantitive research, or what? Before you start reading it may be useful to compile a list of the main areas and questions involved, and then read with the purpose of finding out about or answering these. Unless something comes up which is particularly important, stick to this list, as it is very easy to get sidetracked, particularly on the internet.

  • 57曹为政 2020-05-19

    A good literature review needs a clear line of argument. You therefore need to use the critical notes and comments you made whilst doing your reading to express an academic opinion.

  • 33宋雪微 2020-05-20

     good literature review needs a clear line of argument. You therefore need to use the critical notes and comments you made whilst doing your reading to express an academic opinion.



  • 26刘占宇 2020-05-21

    You first need to decide what you need to read. In many cases you will be given a booklist or directed towards areas of useful published work. Make sure you use this help. With dissertations, and particularly theses, it will be more down to you to decide. It is important, therefore, to try and decide on the parameters of your research. What exactly are your objectives and what do you need to find out? In your review, are you looking at issues of theory, methodology, policy, quantitive research, or what? Before you start reading it may be useful to compile a list of the main areas and questions involved, and then read with the purpose of finding out about or answering these. Unless something comes up which is particularly important, stick to this list, as it is very easy to get sidetracked, particularly on the internet.

  • 68张志菲 2020-05-21

    It is very important to note that your review should not be simply a description of what others have published in the form of a set of summaries, but should take the form of a critical discussion, showing insight and an awareness of differing arguments, theories and approaches. It should be a synthesis and analysis of the relevant published work, linked at all times to your own purpose and rationale.

  • 07公丽 2020-05-23

    Learn more. At present, the sources of writing papers are very rich. Besides the traditional library resources, there are also many network resources.

  • 17刘冬颖 2020-05-24

    Summarize what you have seen in the literature.

  • 13苏尔烈 2020-05-24

    Express your true thoughts with an objective attitude

