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成绩预发布时间 2020-06-15





academic writing

By 27杨学晨 2020-05-13 152次浏览

academic writing  is a scientific record of new scientific research results or innovative insights and knowledge, an experimental, theoretical or predictive summary of an academic topic, or a scientific summary corresponding to the known principles used to actually make new progress. Provide written documents for reading, communication, discussion or publication in academic journals at academic meetings or for other purposes. An academic paper is a theoretical article that proposes scientific research results after studying academic problems in a scientific field

28 回复

  • 27杨学晨 2020-05-13

    academic writing 

  • 27杨学晨 2020-05-13

    An academic paper is a theoretical article that proposes scientific research results after studying academic problems in a scientific field

  • 27杨学晨 2020-05-13

    Provide written documents for reading, communication, discussion or publication in academic journals at academic meetings or for other purposes.

  • 27杨学晨 2020-05-13

    an experimental, theoretical or predictive summary of an academic topic, or a scientific summary corresponding to the known principles used to actually make new progress.

  • 27杨学晨 2020-05-13

    an experimental, theoretical or predictive summary of an academic topic, or a scientific summary corresponding to the known principles used to actually make new progress.

  • 39彭雪 2020-05-18

    Academics writing is the type of writing that professors, scholars and students like us do in order to convey their research to others.Their purpose is primarily to convince, to persuade and even display their knowledge.And it includes a wide range of tasks ,such as research articles ,summaries, lab reports and so on.

  • 08高连龙 2020-05-18

    An academic paper is a theoretical article that expresses the results of scientific research after studying academic problems in a certain scientific field.

  • 13姜伟 2020-05-18

    an experimental, theoretical or predictive summary of an academic topic, or a scientific summary corresponding to the known principles used to actually make new progress.

  • 58刘桐 2020-05-18

    Yes, it is a summary of the research process, presenting the results of the research for discussion with others.

  • 50朱玥 2020-05-18

    In academia, writing and publishing is conducted in several sets of forms and genres. This article provides a short summary of the full spectrum of critical & academic writing and lists the genres of academic writing.

  • 21孙铭涵 2020-05-19

    Academic writing  is a scientific record of new scientific research results or innovative insights and knowledge, an experimental, theoretical or predictive summary of an academic topic, or a scientific summary corresponding to the known principles used to actually make new progress. Provide written documents for reading, communication, discussion or publication in academic journals at academic meetings or for other purposes. An academic paper is a theoretical article that proposes scientific research results after studying academic problems in a scientific field.

  • 53常金鑫 2020-05-19

    Academic writing is the type of wrting that professors,scholars,and students like you do in order to convey their research to others.Their purpose is primarily to convince,to persuade,and even dissplay their knowledge.And it includes a wide range of tasks,such as research articled, summaries,lab raports and so on.What’s more, academic writing is much than just the classic research article.

  • 60孙亚楠 2020-05-19

    Critical Evaluation of the Literature

    • Have you organised your material according to issues?

    • Is there a logic to the way you organised the material?

    • Does the amount of detail included on an issue relate to its importance?

    • Have you been sufficiently critical of design and methodological issues?

    • Have you indicated when results were conflicting or inconclusive and discussed possible reasons?
      Have you indicated the relevance of each reference to your research?

  • 15刘齐卉 2020-05-19

    Academic writing is writing done by scholars for other scholars.

  • 57曹为政 2020-05-19

    Academic Writing In academic, writing and publishing is conducted in several sets of forms and genres. This article provides a short summary of the full spectrum of critical & academic writing and lists the genres of academic writing. It does not cover the variety of critical approaches that can be applied when one writes about a subject. However as Harwood and Hadley (2004) and Hyland (2004) have pointed out, the amount of variation that exists between different disciplines may mean that we cannot refer to a single academic literacy.Writing in these forms or styles is usually written in an impersonal and dispassionate tone, targeted for a critical and informed audience, based on closely investigated knowledge, and intended to reinforce or challenge concepts or arguments. It usually circulates within the academic world ('the academy'), but the academic writer may also find an audience outside via journalism, speeches, pamphlets, etc.Typically, scholarly writing has an objective stance; clearly states the significance of the topic; and is organized with adequate detail so that other scholars may try to replicate the results. Strong papers are not overly general and correctly utilize formal academic rhetoric.While academic writing consists of a number of text types and genres, what they have in common, the conventions that academic writers traditionally follow, has been a subject of debate. Many writers have called for conventions to be challenged, for example Pennycook (1997) and Ivanic (1998), while others suggest that some conventions should be maintained, for example Clark (1997, p136).

  • 57曹为政 2020-05-19

    Academic Writing In academic, writing and publishing is conducted in several sets of forms and genres. This article provides a short summary of the full spectrum of critical & academic writing and lists the genres of academic writing. It does not cover the variety of critical approaches that can be applied when one writes about a subject. However as Harwood and Hadley (2004) and Hyland (2004) have pointed out, the amount of variation that exists between different disciplines may mean that we cannot refer to a single academic literacy.Writing in these forms or styles is usually written in an impersonal and dispassionate tone, targeted for a critical and informed audience, based on closely investigated knowledge, and intended to reinforce or challenge concepts or arguments. It usually circulates within the academic world ('the academy'), but the academic writer may also find an audience outside via journalism, speeches, pamphlets, etc.Typically, scholarly writing has an objective stance; clearly states the significance of the topic; and is organized with adequate detail so that other scholars may try to replicate the results. Strong papers are not overly general and correctly utilize formal academic rhetoric.While academic writing consists of a number of text types and genres, what they have in common, the conventions that academic writers traditionally follow, has been a subject of debate. Many writers have called for conventions to be challenged, for example Pennycook (1997) and Ivanic (1998), while others suggest that some conventions should be maintained, for example Clark (1997, p136).

  • 33宋雪微 2020-05-20

    Provide written documents for reading, communication, discussion or publication in academic journals at academic meetings or for other purposes.



  • 33宋雪微 2020-05-20

    an academic paper is a theoretical article that expresses the results of scientific research after studying academic problems in a certain scientific field.

  • 44张云彤 2020-05-20

    Academic, refers to the system of specialized knowledge, is the existence of the law of the disciplinary demonstration, generally refers to higher education and research.

  • 44张云彤 2020-05-20

    Academic writing refers to the study and exploration of a subject or problem in a certain field.

  • 26刘占宇 2020-05-20

    An academic paper is a theoretical article that proposes scientific research results after studying academic problems in a scientific field

  • 17刘冬颖 2020-05-20

    Academic English writing is what we want to master, we should study it carefully and learn to make use of it.

  • 26于夕然 2020-05-21

    Academics writing is the type of writing that professors, scholars and students like us do in order to convey their research to others.Their purpose is primarily to convince, to persuade and even display their knowledge.And it includes a wide range of tasks ,such as research articles ,summaries, lab reports and so on.

  • 36徐庆御 2020-05-21

    To be honest, I don't know much about academic writing before I started this course. But now if you ask me, I'll say that academic writing is a way to convey our research to others and it's very much research-oriented. In terms of content, it's much more than the classic article, it includes summaries, lab reports, literature reviews, annotated bibliographies and so on. On the other hand, as a student, we not only need to persuade that we are correct, but also have to display to our professors that we understand the knowledge and concepts in this field. I have gained a lot from this study.

  • 07公丽 2020-05-23

    Learn more. At present, the sources of writing papers are very rich. Besides the traditional library resources, there are also many network resources.

  • 17刘冬颖 2020-05-24

    Academic English writing is something we need to learn, especially those related to our major.

  • 26路科扬 2020-05-24

    An academic paper is a theoretical article that proposes scientific research results after studying academic problems in a scientific field

  • 30罗贤贤 2020-05-24

    Provide written documents for reading, communication, discussion or publication in academic journals at academic meetings or for other purposes.

