Another problem still arises. 另一个问题又产生了。
determine their ranking 决定它们的排序
roofing system 屋顶系统
another architectural language 另一种建筑语言
ridge 正脊
hip 垂脊
gable 山墙
eaves 屋檐
Single-eaved roof 单檐屋顶
double-eaved roof 重檐屋顶
hip roof 庑殿顶
hip-and-gable roof 歇山顶
pyramidal roof 攒尖顶
double-eaved hip roof 重檐庑殿顶
double-eaved hip-and-gable roof 重檐歇山顶
double-eaved pyramidal roof 重檐攒尖顶
single-eaved hip roof 单檐庑殿顶
single-eaved hip-and-gable roof 单檐歇山顶
single-eaved pyramidal roof 单檐攒尖顶
overhanging gable roof 悬山顶
flush gable roof 硬山顶
four-sided pyramidal roof 四角攒尖顶
covered-bucket roof 盝顶
paraboloid roof 卷棚顶
The buildings with double-eaved hip roof are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Outer Court, the Palace of Heavenly Purity and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility in the Inner Court. 具有重檐屋顶的建筑有在外朝的太和殿,在内廷的乾清宫和坤宁宫。
The buildings with double-eaved hip-and-gable roof are Tian'anmen Gate and the Hall of Preserving Harmony in the Outer Court. 具有重檐歇山顶的建筑是外朝的天安门和保和殿。
The most intricate hip-and-gable roof appears in the four watch towers of the Forbidden City. *精巧的歇山顶出现在紫禁城的四个角楼上。
9 beams 九道梁
18 pillars 十八根柱子
three layers of eaves 三层屋檐
72 ridges on the roof 七十二脊
a gilded spire in the centre 一个镀金的塔尖居于中央
Zhudi, the Yongle Emperor 永乐皇帝朱棣
the chief project commander 项目总管
a mission impossible 不可能完成的任务
Lu Ban, the Father of the Builders 木匠的祖师爷鲁班
Two hip-and-gable roofs intersect and constitute a cross ridge.两个歇山顶相交构成了一个十字脊。
a case in point 典型案例
Lu Ban, the Father of the Builders 建筑之父鲁班
The building with double-eaved pyramidal roof is the four wings of the Meridian Gate, the entry to the Forbidden City in the south in the Outer Court. 具有重檐攒尖顶的建筑有午门的四座阙亭。午门是紫禁城在外朝南边的入口处。
The meridian Gate has five openings. 午门有五个门洞。
High-ranking civil and military officials 高级别的文武大臣
royal family members 宗室王公
petty officials 小官员
celebrations of victories 胜利的庆典
ceremonies of “accepting” prisoners of war 接受向皇帝敬献战俘的献俘礼
announcement of the new calendar 颁发次年历书
social hierarchy 社会等级
The buildings with four-sided pyramidal roof are the Hall of Middle Harmony in the Outer Court and the Hall of Union in the Inner Court. 四角攒尖顶的建筑有外朝的中和殿和内廷的交泰殿。
The Hall of Supreme Harmony has double-eaved hop roof. 太和殿有重檐庑殿顶。
The Hall of Middle Harmony has four-sided pyramidal roof. 中和殿有四角攒尖顶
The Hall of Preserving Harmony has double-eaved hip-and-gable roof. 保和殿有重檐歇山顶。
The Palace of Heavenly Purity has double-eaved hip roof. 内廷的乾清宫有着重檐庑殿顶。
T1he Hall of Union has four-sided pyramidal roof. 交泰殿有着四角攒尖顶。
The Palace of Earthly Tranquility in the Inner Court has the double-eaved hip roof, too. 坤宁宫也是重檐庑殿顶。
10.3 Width and Depth
The width and depth of the buildings was measured by bay. 建筑的面阔和进深是用“间”来衡量的。
The Hall of Supreme Harmony is eleven bays wide and five bays deep. 太和殿面阔十一间,进深五间。
The Hall of Preserving Harmony of the Outer Court and the Palace of Heavenly Purity and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility of the Inner Court are nine bays wide and five bays deep. 外朝的保和殿和内廷的乾清宫和坤宁宫均是面阔九间进深五间。
the emperors' official fulfillment 皇帝的公务
the emperors' private life 皇帝的私生活
the emperor's majesty 皇帝的至高无上
the imperial throne 帝王之位
nine-bay-wide-and-five-bay-deep layout面阔九间进深五间的形制
the three-bay-wide and three-bay-deep Hall of Mental Cultivation with single-eaved hip-and-gable roof面阔三间进深三间单檐歇山顶的养心殿
The Empress Dowagers Cixi and Ci'an took charge of the state affairs behind a screen.慈禧太后和慈安太后垂帘听政。
the last emperor, the twelfth Qing emperor, Xuantong, Aisin Gioro Puyi 末代皇帝,也就是第十二位清帝,宣统皇帝,即爱新觉罗•溥仪
the "presence meeting" and 御前会议
give up the throne 退位
the Revolution of 1911 辛亥革命
The Hall of Mental Cultivation experienced the ups and downs of Qing Dynasty. 养心殿经历了清朝的起起落落。
equality with the commoners 与平民百姓一样的平等
great transformation 翻天覆地的巨变
“Without rites, the distinctions between monarch and subject, between senior and junior, between elder and younger cannot be clearly drawn.” Here is a comment from “非礼,无以辨君臣上下长幼之位也”.
The Book of Rites •The Questions of Duke Ai 《礼记•哀公问礼》
10.4 Eight Trigrams
Fengshui 风水
Chinese architectural wisdom 中国建筑智慧
dragon as a cultural symbol 作为文化符号的龙
Eight Trigrams 八卦
Five Elements 五行
yin and yang 阴阳
orient buildings 定位建筑物
in an auspicious manner 以吉祥的方式
from cultural perspective 从文化视角
The Three Rear Palaces are three unbroken lines. 后三宫是三条不断开的线。
Six Eastern Palaces are three broken lines. 而东六宫是三条断开的线。
Six Western Palaces are still broken lines. 西六宫也是三条断开的线。
a shape of Trigrams 卦相的形状
Eight Trigrams are a range of eight interrelated concepts in Taoist theory to represent the basic principles of reality. 八卦是道教里用八个相互关联概念的排列组合来体现现实的基本原则。
Each trigram with three lines, each line either "broken" or "unbroken," representing Yin or Yang, respectively. 每卦由三条线组成每条线或断或连,各自代表阴或者阳。
The broken line represents yin while the unbroken line represents yang. 断开的线代表阴而不断开的线代表阳。
Qian Trigram (☰) stands for heaven, 乾卦(☰)代表天,
Dui Trigram (☱) for lake, 兑卦(☱)代表泽,
Li Trigram (☲) for fire, 离卦(☲)代表火,
Zhen Trigram (☳) for thunder, 震卦(☳)代表雷,
Xun Trigram (☴) for wind, 巽卦(☴)代表风,
Kan Trigram (☵) for water, 坎卦(☵)代表水,
Gen Trigram (☶) for mountain, 艮卦(☶)代表山,
Kun Trigram (☷) for earth. 坤卦(☷)代表地。
Fuxi Eight Trigrams 伏羲八卦
With three unbroken lines, the Three Rear Palaces take the shape of Qian Trigram (☰), representing yang. 后三宫是三条不断开的线, 所以它们是乾卦之形,代表阳。
With three broken lines, the Six Eastern Palaces and the Six Western Palaces take the shape of Kun Trigram (☷), representing yin. 东六宫和西六宫是三条断开的线所以是坤卦之形,代表阴。
in a broader sense 从更广义的角度来看
the three halls of the Outer Court is mirrored by the Three Rear Palaces of the Inner Court. 外朝三大殿被内廷后三宫仿建。
Both the Three Rear Palaces of the Inner Court and the three great halls of the Outer Court are arranged in Qian Trigram (☰), representing yang. 无论是内廷后三宫还是外朝三大殿都是乾卦的卦象,代表阳。
Qian Trigram stands for the heaven and Kun Trigram for the earth. 乾卦代表天而坤卦代表地。
There is a harmony of the heaven, the earth and people, and a harmony of yin and yang. 天地人和谐,并且阴阳和合。
their earthly projection 它们在大地上的投影
The Three Rear Palaces are arranged in Qian Trigram while the Six Eastern Palaces and the Six Western Palaces are arranged in Kun Trigram. 后三宫按照乾卦排列而东六宫和西六宫按照坤卦排列。
10.5 Five Elements
Five Elements are also pertinent to nature. 五行也与自然息息相关。
Five Elements are metal, wood, water, fire and earth. 五行是金,木,水,火和土。
the imperial colours 皇家色彩
The imperial colours in the Forbidden City are yellow, red, green, white and black. 紫禁城的皇家色彩有黄色,红色,绿色,白色和黑色。
the emperors' hope of national stability 皇帝的希望——国泰民安
Metal corresponds with white, wood corresponds with green,and water is related to black, fire is associated with red, and earth is linked to yellow. 金配白色,木配绿色,水配黑色,火配红色,土配黄色。
The three-terraced marble of the three halls are white. 三大殿的三层大理石台基是白色的。
The Crown Prince's residences have green tiles because green was associated with wood, and thus growth. 皇太子的住宅有绿瓦因为绿色对应木,表示成长。
Black is associated with water, so the library at the Pavilion of Literary Profundity had black tiles. 黑色对应水,因此文渊阁里的皇家图书馆有黑瓦。
Red, corresponding with fire, symbolises good fortune and joy. 红色,对应火,象征好运和快乐。
Yellow is the colour of the Emperor, and for the imperial family only. 黄色是皇帝的颜色,只能共皇家使用。
Yellow generates Yin and Yang, which implies that yellow is the center of everything. 黄色产生阴阳,这暗示黄色是万物之中心。
Yellow correspond with earth. 黄色对应土。
As the three halls of the Outer Court symbolised the supreme imperial sovereignty, they erected above a 土-shaped terrace. 由于外朝三大殿象征至高无上的皇权,所以它们被建在一个土字形台基上。
Wood is east, fire is south, metal is west, water is north and earth is centre. 木在东方,火在南方,金在西方,水在北方而土居中央。
10.6 Yin and yang
Actually both Eight trigrams and Five Elements derive from yin and yang. 事实上无论是八卦还是五行都源于阴阳。
Yin and yang is also a part of Fengshui. 阴阳也是风水的一部分。
the supreme ultimate 太极
The odd number is yang while the even number is yin. 奇数为阳而偶数为阴。
The south is yang while the north is yin. 南为阳北为阴。
The Outer Court in the south is yang while the Inner Court in the north is yin.外朝为阳内廷为阴。
Yin and yang can transform into each other. 阴阳可以相互转变。
Mainly there are four forms of yin and yang: great yin, lesser yin, lesser yang and great yang. 阴阳主要有四象:太阴,少阴,少阳和太阳。
great yin 太阴
great yang 太阳
Lesser yin means there is yang in the yin domain. 少阴是阴域里有阳。
lesser yang means there is yin in the yang domain. 少阳是阳域里有阴。
The Palace of Earthly Tranquility can be viewed as great yin. 坤宁宫可以看成太阴。
The palace of Heavenly Purity is lesser yin. 乾清宫是少阴。
The Hall of Preserving Harmony of the Outer Court is lesser yang. 外朝的保和殿是少阳。
The transition between great yin and lesser yin is the Hall of Union while that between great yang and lesser yang is the Hall of Middle Harmony. 太阴和少阴之间的过度是交泰殿而太阳和少阳之间的过度是中和殿。
All these interpretations lead to the icon of Taiji. 这些解释符合太极图形的表述。
Great yang the Hall of Supreme Harmony is at the top of the white area and the black eye in the white area is lesser yin, the Hall of Preserving Harmony. 太阳太和殿在白色区域的顶部而白色区域的黑色鱼眼是少阴,即保和殿。
The white eye in the black area is lesser yang, the Palace of Heavenly Purity and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility is great yin at the end of the black area. 那么黑色区域的白色鱼眼是少阳即乾清宫那么坤宁宫就是太阴,居于黑色区域的底部。
The Limitless (Wuji) produces the delimited,
and this is the supreme ultimate (Taiji)
The Taiji produces two forms, (named yin and yang)
The two forms produce four phenomena, (named lesser yin, great yin, lesser yang, great yang.)
The four phenomena act on the Eight Trigrams (bagua).
两仪生四象, (即少阴,太阴,少阳,太阳。)
10.7 Chinese Architectural Wisdom
the logging and transporting of Nanmu 采伐和运输楠木
the transporting of a 300-ton single marble slab 运输一块重达300吨的整块大理石
the manufacturing of golden bricks 制造金砖
reconstruction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony 重建太和殿
the largest wooden complex in the world世界上*大的木建筑综合体
the monsoon rains 季风雨
weather conditions 天气条件
transformation of the existing soft property of the earth into hard enduring golden bricks 将泥土已有的软性转性成坚硬耐用的金砖
one brick, one liang (50g) of gold. 一块砖头,一两(50克)金子。
manufacturing cycle 制作周期
special maintenance 特殊保养
mops soaked in kerosene 浸在煤油里的抹布
incredible durability 令人难以置信的持久性
the building materials 建筑材料
intricate design 精心的巧思
a commoner from the Department of Construction 一个工部的平民
unlock the secret 解开了秘密
architectural state of the art *高建筑技艺
10.8 Dragon as a cultural symbol
a mythical creature 神兽
divine powers to summon wind and rain 呼风唤雨的神力
the land of dragon 龙的土地
the descendants of dragon 龙的传人
the soul of Chinese Nation 中华民族的灵魂
the dragon's dominant position in Chinese culture 龙在中国文化里的统治地位
Dragons are varied in the Forbidden City. 在紫禁城里龙是千变万化的。
an emblem reserved for the imperial regime 皇室政权的徽章
imperial architecture 皇室建筑
the Palace of Tranquil Longevity 宁寿宫
a glazed-tile Nine Dragons Screen 琉璃九龙壁
screen walls 影壁
the cultural journey to the Forbidden City 紫禁城的文化之旅
Each trigram corresponds to an aspect of life and nature. 每卦对应生命和自然的一个方面。
Five Elements correlate to nature, too. 五行也与自然关联。
All things submit to yin and embrace yang and yin and yang transform each other.万物负阴抱阳而且阴阳之间相互转换。
The three halls of the Outer Court and the Three Rear Palaces can interpret the transformation of yin and yang in four forms –great yin, lesser yin, lesser yang and great yang. 外朝三大殿和后三宫诠释了阴阳四象之间的变换——太阴,少阴,少阳和太阳。