





成绩预发布时间 2023-06-27

期末考试截止时间 2023-06-24 00:00





What do you think is the most important thing for the husband and wife in their marriage? (The Joy Luck Club)

By 姚望 老师 2023-05-23 413次浏览

What do you think is the most important thing for the husband and wife in their marriage? (The Joy Luck Club)

24 回复

  • 05221117赵明 2023-05-23

    From my perspective,it is mutual trust that plays an important role in marriage.In fact in all the healthy relationships ,mutual trust is that most crutial.Because if one doesn't believe in the other ,there will be contradictions,small contradictions will eventually become knots that are difficult to open,finally they may break up.

  • 05221113陈心怡 2023-05-23

    I think the most important thhing in marriage is respect. The husband and wife should respect each other. They should be themselves before they become a husband, wife, father or mother. They are not anyone's possession. Only with respect can they live forever.

  • 05221104卢帆 2023-05-23

    I think the most important thing between couples is to give each other space to remain free. Although we should live together after getting married, we should also respect each other's living habits. Loving someone is not only a feeling, but also a responsibility to give them happiness. If one party is always accommodating the other in a marriage, it is inevitably an unhealthy marriage.

  • 05221120徐嘉泽 2023-05-24

    From my perspective, I think the most important thing in the marriage is sincerity. If husband and wife are honest with each other ,most of quarrels will disappear.Their love will be also stronger and longer.

  • 05221108刘培鑫 2023-05-26

    Many times due to social pressure and secular concepts, we will unconsciously regard marriage as the only destination in the second half of our lives, blindly pay for the family, men and children in marriage, but gradually lose contact with ourselves. How can a woman who has lost her self-direction lead her marriage in a happier direction? Although love requires effort and effort, it also has its own bottom line and principles. Love, I can give, but if you don't cherish it, then turn away and go to the person who knows how to cherish it more. It's really not worth it to take revenge on a bastard after having nothing like Medea and the Warbler.


  • 05221102王子曰 2023-05-26

    From my point of view, marriage is based on mutual love and shared interest, that is to say, marriage cannot be defined to the superficially material level. Because with that, it will be easier for a couple to communicate and understand each other. They can be more open and loyal to the other side. Soulmate is hard to meet. However, we must find the person who suits our taste and values.

  • 27210207吴天圣 2023-05-26

    In a marriage, there are several important aspects that contribute to a strong and fulfilling relationship between husband and wife. However, one of the most crucial elements is effective communication. Open and honest communication allows couples to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs, fostering understanding and empathy. It enables them to resolve conflicts, make important decisions together, and maintain emotional intimacy. Another vital factor is trust. Trust forms the foundation of a healthy marriage, allowing spouses to rely on each other, share vulnerabilities, and support one another. Additionally, mutual respect and appreciation are essential. Respecting each other's individuality, opinions, and boundaries fosters a sense of equality and builds a strong partnership. Lastly, shared values, goals, and a commitment to work through challenges together are vital for a lasting and successful marriage. By prioritizing these aspects, couples can cultivate a deep connection, love, and lasting happiness in their marriage.

  • 05221118赵金秀 2023-05-27

    In my opinion, the most important thing for the husband and wife in their marriage is communication and trust. It's crucial for both partners to be able to openly communicate their thoughts and feelings with each other, as well as being able to trust each other completely. This means being able to listen to each other without judgment, being honest with each other, and being willing to compromise when disagreements arise. Additionally, it's important to show appreciation and affection towards each other, and to prioritize spending quality time together.

  • 05221112汪璇 2023-05-27

    I think husband and wife should understand and tolerate each other and not quarrel with each other because of some less important things. And they should be honest with each other and  not deceive each other. Having common interests and common topics is also important.

  • 05221116周思奕 2023-05-27

    I think the most important thing for the husband and wife in their marriage is independence. We cannot make ourselves subservient to others just because we are married like Rose in this movie. The most important thing for people is their own soul and mind. Before loving others, we have to learn self-love and self-respect. Whenever and wherever we are, we must not lose ourselves.

  • 伍依婷05221107 2023-05-27

    In my opinion, the most importabt thing in marriage is independence,before they are someone's wife or husbund,they are themselves first,and they can not lose themselves in a relationship,while they also need to take some responsibilities,and they need to balance it.

  • 05221123程妍笑 2023-05-28

    I think respect is the most important thing .A good relationship must be based on equality .Many couples divorce because one side doesn't repect another.Humans need respect to gain confidence and they often feel comfortable  in a relationship of equality.Moreover,being respect to others is a good manner in society.

  • 05221121彭融聪 2023-05-28

    I think effective communication is the most important thing in marriage.Effective communication helps couples to be honest with each other, to better understand each other's feelings and needs, and to maintain a harmonious relationship.Through effective communication, couples can make appropriate adjustments and changes to reduce conflicts. 

  • 05221111张瑜 2023-05-29

    I think in the marriage,the most important thing for husband and wife is communication.No matter what happens,a couple should communicate with each other frankly and calmly to declare what they think.Communication is a key part of the couple's bonding.It can promote the couple to make timely reflections and adjustments to various trivial problems and conflicts in life,which in turn makes the couple get along more harmoniously afterwards.If the couple do not communicate with each other,the negative feelings will smother bit by bit in their hearts .Over time,the mutual affection may become colder and colder .

  • 27210220杨欣童 2023-05-30

    From my point of view, the most important thing between husband and wife shall be  mutual understanding as well as mutual respect. This first requires them to be spiritually equal and independent in their relationship. On this basis, they will then be able to face the difficulties in their marriage together and adress the problems effectively. Also, I believe that the more the couple communicate with each other, the more likely it will be for them to build a health connection.

  • 10210401王好 2023-05-30

    I think the most important thing in marriage is respect. Respecting each other for their qualities, sorts and capabilities means that they not only accept, but also admire each other's differences. Respect can also help wife or husband listen to each other's opinions and overcome challenges and disagreements.

  • 05221105叶彤 2023-05-31

    From my point of view, understanding is the most important thing in marriage. When conflicts or problems occur, wife and husband should think more about each other. In other words, they need transpositional consideration, whicn means using each other's perspectives to think about questions. When they understand each other, they can control emotions better and get along better with each other.

  • 05221106冯晶奕 2023-05-31

    First of all,husband and wife should respect each other and get along on an equal footing.Both sides should support and take care of each other,rather than one side's blindly giving.Secondly,husband and wife should understand and tolerate each other.Don't sweat the small stuff.

  • 05221110张奕驰 2023-06-01

    The most important aspect of marriage is mutual love. Humans need love and marriage not just for procreation, but for the feeling of being kissed by someone who likes them, being cared for by someone who values them, being appreciated as a treasure by someone who admires them... Just like setting so many holidays, it’s not about gifts and red envelopes, but about love and being loved.

    In a marriage, both partners need to feel loved and appreciated by each other. It’s not just about one person giving and the other receiving, but about both partners actively showing love and affection towards each other. This includes things like spending quality time together, expressing gratitude and appreciation, being supportive and understanding, and being physically intimate. When both partners feel loved and valued, it creates a strong foundation for a happy and fulfilling marriage.

  • 05220109邢子谦 06-11

    I think the most important thing in marriage is loyalty and trust, especially when dealing with emotions and intimate relationships. Only when your partner is loyal to you and trusts you can your relationship be built on a stable and healthy foundation.

  • 05220122崔盛晞 06-19
    I think the most important thing for a husband and wife is respect and equality. Respect means acknowledging each other's opinions, feelings, and needs without judgment or criticism. Equality goes hand in hand with respect as it ensures that both partners have equality in decision-making processes within the relationship. These two values form the foundation of any healthy relationship, allowing both partners to feel valued and appreciated for who they are.
  • 05220125戴昕 06-20

    In my opinion, one of the most important things for the husband and wife in their marriage is communication. The mothers' stories reveal that a lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, secrets, and even the breakdown of the marriage. Therefore, open and honest communication between husband and wife is essential for a healthy and successful marriage.Couples who communicate openly and honestly, show respect for each other, and support each other’s goals and aspirations are more likely to have a strong and lasting relationship. Additionally, a willingness to compromise, forgive, and work through challenges together can also contribute to a successful marriage.

  • 05220117陈嘉鑫 06-20

    From my point of view, the most important thing for the husband and wife in their marriage is commitment and love. Commitment is more than just wanting to stay together for a long time.It means being dedicated to the relationship and willing to work through any problems that arise. Moreover, while most couples start their relationships being in love, sustaining that feeling for each other takes effort, sacrifice, and generosity.

  • 05220108汤冰冰 06-24

    I think the most important thing in marriage is to understand each other. Husbands and wives should put themselves in their shoes, not be stubborn.They need more communication to face and solve the difficulties in life together.

