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2019.03.04 ~ 2019.06.10
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3-4小时
  • 370人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2019-06-07

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Public Speaking Winston Churchill

By Cooper 老师 2019-03-04 1110次浏览

Chapter 1 of this course brought to light a towering figure in modern history, Winston Churchill. Famed as an orator and leader of wartime Great Britain in World War II, Churchill has much to teach us about the practical aspects of public speaking delivery. In fact, few speakers throughout history matched his skill in consciously using speech performance techniques to fascinate listeners. All of this is to say that Churchill was focused on performing rather than merely delivering content. The lesson for your speeches and presentations? — Consciously think along these lines yourself. Most students are too engrossed in narrating their content structured in a presentation and forgetting that the most impacting speech, is always an art of performance. An influencing performance could actually, alter the course of history as exemplified by Churchill.

Great Britain was in dismay when their ally France was invaded by Nazi German on May 1940. All southern cities of England especially London were bombarded by V-2 rockets launched from German occupied Europe continent, precipitating fear and havoc. German troops landing on the British isles seemed imminent. Allied forces of British and French were defeated in all fronts across Europe. When Churchill came to power on June that year at Prime Minister office, he was presented with a daunting ordeal of evacuating  troops that were cut off and surrounded by German army, then stranded on the beach of Dunkirk France. Churchill's speeches were a great inspiration to the embattled British. His first as prime minister was the famous      "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil,tears and sweat.... we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beach, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

 A flotilla of hundreds of merchant boats, fishing boats, yatchs, and lifeboats owned by civillians from Southern coast of England voluntarily answer to Churchill's summon of rescue. They sailed across the Britsih Channel that was frequented by flagrant Germany submarines U-boat, braving torpedoes for the sole purpose of getting soldiers back home. Nothing short but a miracle, 338,000 Allied Forces were rescued by this array of small boats, of which better part steered by fishermen. The history will know this as The Dunkirk Evacuation. A movie detailing this event named Dunkirk was released couple years ago, commemorating the operation.

9 回复

  • 刘姗姗Lucy 老师 2019-03-05

    Cooper, topic for unit 1 is sporting life.

  • Cooper 老师 2019-03-13

    @刘姗姗 Indeed it is. At the end of the Lead In, Discussion posted a question : How do you think of Churchill ? why ?

    My reply is meant to bring to light the facet of Churchill that fascinated me the most, public speaking. 

  • Lelin 2019-03-15

    This passage is about "sporting life" and  Churchill's life was given as an example.But actually i did not see much about Churchill doing sports,so why called it "Sporting life" as a title?

  • 李萱 2019-03-15

    Cooper, an inspiration speech contains a lot of input before it. At present, I plainly perceive my dearth of knowledge. Could you please recommend some reading or video resources overseas?

  • 李萱 2019-03-15

    @Lelin I deem there is internal relationship between Churchill and the sporting life. As you can see from the content,the spirit conveyed by Churchill's speech is actually the core of the sportsmanship,which is "never give up" and "fight till the last second". Sporting life, for my part, is not just about doing sports in you daily life, what is more important is that, through doing sports, you can enhance your willpower and gain the courage to say "I will never surrender!"

  • 翮恬玉 2019-03-15


    Does listening to TEDtalks improve my skills of speech?

  • Cooper 老师 2019-03-16

    @Lelin The conventional 'sporting' signifies attires or display on one's body. However in this context of Churchill , it means ' taking delight in an energetic and lively way'. It elucidates how Churchill engrossed in an active lifestyle, not sheer sports.

    @ 翮恬玉  It sharpens your wit for sure if you are going after those speakers who are knowledgable. Speech wise, you need to perform public speaking to see genuine progress. Casual chit chat over a cup of coffee with friends and convincing the crowd  is way different. Presentation/speech/debate are more conducive, you need to speak amidst people, simply put.

    @李萱 TedEx is a good way to begin with. For more brain-storming, you may want to listen to some giant figures who shape the world, the likes of Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jack Ma, Theresa May ...etc. Each of them varied in style yet all of them are carving their fields humongously.

  • 短尾矮袋鼠 2019-04-01


    After reading this article, I was absolutely shocked by the power of speech.

      But something confused me a lot. I hope you can do me a favour.

      Firstly,I’m wondering is it possible that the success of speech only depends on wether it’s valuable in historical circumstances or treats of people’s vital interests?

        Secondly,as an ordinary people (I mean not a powerful leader or popular figure)are there any tricks to catch  others’ eyes? Especially when we staying such a century with vast information and most people can’t concentrate on anything for a long time.

         And the last one,how can we convince others so convincingly of our theory?  Is performance enough?
         Thanks again.

  • Cooper 老师 2019-04-02

    My answers as followed :

    1) Success of a speech is gauged by whether you have impacted and convinced your targetted audience, or in a lay man term, whether they follow what you uttered after hearing you.

    2) Personal charisma is your way to catch one's eyes. Some orator may choose hilarious approach, some opted analytical way of delivering. In whatever way choosen, the best way is the one suited your personality most. Mesmerizing body language and posting questions to audience along your speech are essential too, to keep the audience's attention on track.

    3) Of course preferably you need to be an expert in that field before you can say anything confidently. Or to a lesser degree, you need to be 'perceived' as possessing adequate  knowledge on that field. Either approach requires tremendous reading before speaking. The consequence could be rueful, if the crowd turns skeptical of your narratives.

